American library books Β» Science Fiction Β» And Atlantis had existed tomorrow by Justin Mader (electronic reader txt) πŸ“•

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a determining role. There were of course constantly commercial wars between the single titan's states. Of course, no open ones! The attack strategies and defensive strategies were much subtler and ran off with such, various confidential dodges which did not get the middle ruling class at all. But absolutely the effects were fatal, nevertheless, often more fatal than an open conflict maybe would bring. And absolutely the general mood was also the feeling, 'that just a little bit was not right', 'that everything ran like at a skew level down', coresponsible that the economy and also the political barometer registered negative rashes. But all the same what was the reason, in this way the conflicts cannot be solved and, yes, really the situation tapered to a point more and more, also power-political. So there had not been made such many weapon-technical achievements like during the last both years, compared to the last 500 years in the empire. And also, the issues in the military budgets rose in huge dimensions. Indeed, the 'small people' got of it of course nothing. They became merely with phrases as 'Only if we act collectively, then there are no conflicts! But we need to redevelop the money supplies around the economy of the outside colonies! Then it will be better to all!' immobilized. Only he, as a lord's protector of the Atlantissektors, so a middle thing between foreign minister and defense minister, knew about these areas and knew where these finances flowed.

"Now, although we are not always with the approach of the high politics completely of an opinion, I must agree to you that it ferments in all areas and everything stands shortly before the big eruption. Also, here in the Atlantic System one can ascertain the effects of the high politics in the little one. How you know, are from ten kings of Atlantis, seven on our side, so on the part of the Kronos, while three followers of the Iapetos are. Well, and with it we come to your freighter. Are the ordered aggregates have come along?"

"Which aggregates, you believe, the 3000 special-mining machines with integrated shielding technology?"

"Exactly them!", smiled Mikaal, "and it depends not on the mining machines, but the shielding technology integrated into it!"

"Then this was, this was...", Snofu, stuttered ...,"of course a concealed operation.", Mikaal continued.

"This shielding technology is the newest hit in the weapon technology and I am proud to be able to build in something similar now in our battleships and cruisers. The present magnetic fields have shielded merely the Tachyonen, the supra luminary particles which release the gravitation radiation. The new circuits generate, are not only rotary magnetic fields like the Biefeld Brown effect which achieves, as everybody knows, a coupling of the electromagnetic field to the gravity. These new circuits generate additional whirl fields which can deflect not only the Tachyons, but also each Tardyon, so every slower-than-light particle, and also all electromagnetic waves! Speak, we receive thereby, if it comes now to a conflict, a huge projection towards our potential opponent, because he can fire on us with all possible weapons, without being able to damage us in the least!"

"And you really believe that the conflict is unavoidable?"

"All signs point to it! Humph, therefore, we have removed you from your freighter, so that the withdrawal of these components leaves no flaw in your reputation and you can still serve as a contact for the political opponent. Now, after this incident even around so rather! Officially you will get a huge administrative punishment which walks along with the seizure of the Nostremu. At the moment, several troops are on the Nostremu which guarantee the doubtful components are unleashed. What the action is concluded with. No fear, the ship still belongs to you, it is redeveloped even at the public expense and armed to the auxiliary cruiser. Only officially the ship will have belonged now to the empire and you are subordinated to a state commissioner commander. Another reason, which is why we have limited the entry in the Atlantic system, is natural that we try to prevent unlawful supply of arms of our opponents on our part. And, finally, the last reason. We have lately located also ships of the Klakrrraks. What for a role in this little play do, however, is still mysterious to us. So, now you are informed extensively about the situation and can also act with it afterwards!"

Then he smiled and kissed her passionately. She let it happen, because she had always searched his nearness and was fascinated by his logical, male radiation.

"For the old times and what we have already experienced everything with each other!", she raised smiling the glass and... spent a stormy night aboard the Posseidinoy.

The next day, after an extensive breakfast, she meant: "So now I must still make myself fresh and then return on the Nostremu."

"I would not advise this you, nevertheless, a few tracks of the night in a prison cell should remain in you!"

All at once three men of the security entered the bedchamber. And right befor she had noticed it, they had packed her and hit like mad on her.

When she woke afterwards completely collapsed, tear-swollen and how a small heap of misery beside the bed and looked at him questioningly, Mikaal spoke to her: "I am no friend of such methods and I must turn away every time if I order such a thing, but it is necessary. Moreover, you should pretend nothing on it, only because you have an affair with me!"

He spoke quite essentially and unemotional: "Now quite officially! Protect-Commander Snofu, I appoint you here to a Colonel-Protect-Commander and order to you as the Lord Protector of the sector of Atlantis to do everything only conceivably possible to get in touch with the rebel's groups of the Iapetos group and try to undermine this to hold damage from our empire!"

On it he saluted on and disappeared, while she was dragged in the half-dressed state by the security to the connecting discus, which set down her finally in the Nostremu. Nevertheless, she would never forget what happened to her! This swore her!


Cheyenne Mountain Complex four

The Haunebu II turned out to be a bell-shaped object that I had seen so often already scurrying through the newspapers of newspapers. It looked exactly like you imagine a classic UFO. Above a cylindrical body with portholes, down surrounded by an inverted soup plate, lay the box on the floor. I had seen many such photos and I always thought, oh, again a faking image. Because you could think, if you looked at these pictures certainly, well, who here just once take an old lampshade from the Art Nouveau period, spiced up a bit, then simply thrown into the air and photographed. That such a thing really existed, I had never really believed, therefore, the direct sight was a real shock to me.

"So, Smith, a question, there were numerous reports in the 50s about George Adamski. But the photos he shot showed exactly such a thing that we are standing before now! What should we think of the reports, as far as I remember, that there were reports of tall humanoid strangers and not by representatives of your species! " Smith looked skeptical and dismissive, saying he tried to distribute kiss again, and after a time he gave an answer: "That were Artusians!", But more was not get out of him.

"To some others, such as how the drive works now?" At that point, he grew cheerful again "The principle of the scalar gravitation is now known to you. If you are more interested in this principle, I have here a simplified paper of the physical principle of what we call the TachyonenDruckTheorie (TDT)

Gravity does not arise out of the mass, but by the external effective pressure of tachyons. This tachyon pressure, which is a type of ether, can also be called gravitational radiation. If you can shield this gravitational radiation and that works with certain counter-rotating magnetic fields, then you be almost isolated from the rest of the universe. Then you are weightless inside this field and you can move almost with a simple pulse in each direction, because no other forces act on. The Haunebus also use this shielding magnetic fields for movement. That means, the rear shielding field, was switch off and were partially open there. That means that from this direction now acts the original gravitational pressure radiation and thus transmits the ship a pulse in the direction of travel. The problem with the german-artusian Haunebus is, that you can steer the ship only into one direction by turning off one of the existing eight magnetic fields or not. What does not allow continuous motion of the ship, but only a jerky acceleration and deceleration."

"But then the passengers would be simply crushed by surging traction forces the so-called 'Inertial mass'!" "Basically, they're right, the acceleration would be huge, but you have not quite paying attention. I said, the magnetic fields shield the spacecraft out from the rest of the universe. A separate universe now is created by the spaceship. Thus, no inertial forces can penetrate into the spacecraft. Even the inertial force is only the resistor that opposes the mass of the Tachyonen radiation. According to your doctrine 'inertial mass' and 'heavy weight' are only equivalent, but according to our imagination they are identical!"

"OK, this may apply for accelerated masses, although that would have to slow down then over time due to this pressure. But why should the principle have effects for the delay then, saying for the braking force? Again, the mass inertia affects, isn't it? Because there is nothing that pushes in reality, or not?"

"Oh, yes, but you have not considered that the tachyons, that mean particles with negative mass, inherent a higher energy after pulsing than before. And this energy creates turbulence or consolidations of tachyons behind the mass, which now exert repulsive pressure on the body because of the negative mass. In other words, for your physical understanding, the inertial mass takes parts of the space-time."

"Everything is a bit confusing because I have previously assumed of other prerequisite and now your postulations include negative masses and their interaction on regular masses!" I interjected, "but what the heck, if you say that it works the way ..."

"Besides," he continued, "you can distract the ship only at angles of 22.5% of main course with these eight magnetic fields." Again, he pursed his lips in disapproval.

"But when the ship is so bad, why we use it then?"

"For two reasons. First, because it has no shields, which would make the enemy pay attention to us by the specific energy signature. And second, what I have already mentioned, because the ship has KsK's. And that can interfere massive with the drive systems of the Quorx."

In the meantime, the Commando troop who was to accompany us, had arrived with us. We have to attracted the bulky battledress suits too. With the exception of Smith, who was naked. Actually, he was always naked, because I had never seen a garment on him. Nevertheless, he aroused no moral decency, because you could recognize neither primary nor secondary sexual characteristics with him. And to ask him about it, I did not want, because I had moral objections to this.

The overall reinforcement of the Commandos was compiled to the FCS (Future Combat System), that means, that the soldiers were all equipped with an electronic camouflage, a kind of chameleon uniform that worked on the basis of micro cameras and micro scales-screens. The armament consisted of the much more robust and easier XM8 and the XM25 and XM307. And that, although the program was officially canceled by Defense Secretary Robert Gatesin in 2009. From all of us merely Tamara grabbed one equipment, as she was the only subjected to of an extensive military training. I, as a civilian would more than myself shoot it, so I politely declined. Smith also made only the thin lips.

When we finally boarded the ship, I was fascinated of the strangeness, but at the same by the simplicity of the device. I could discover a pillar in the middle of the room that reached from floor to ceiling. And around this room I could recognize several consoles. Most of the controls were situated where Smith now moved towards. And therefore, I interpreted this direction as the 'front'. That

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