American library books Β» Science Fiction Β» And Atlantis had existed tomorrow by Justin Mader (electronic reader txt) πŸ“•

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Artusians were obviously larger than Smith, I could see because, in the 'front' a apparently subsequently mounted potest was present and on the back a chair was mounted on which Smith now took place. The other members of our team were able to settle in more or less comfortable chairs.

Suddenly you could hear a rising, piercing whine when Smith apparently booted up the machine. However, the whine was getting higher and apparently went into the inaudible ultrasonic range. From this point on it was completely quiet in the cockpit. The soldiers made a few quips and we did not notice how the disc hurried up a long shaft with a high acceleration, turned away to the right angle without appreciable acceleration forces, and finally when it reached the top, then stormed just above the trees. Now up to Denver, there were only 70 air miles and we made the distance in less than two minutes. Last the discus hovered slowly over my house.

Strangers or residents I could not recognize. "Out, out, out, left, right in protection, bring XM307 in position!", Staff sergeant barked at his men. They jumped out of the ship and take positions between the rows of bushes which detached the land apart for cover.

"Dr. Turner, if I may request now ..." Smith was heard, and turned his head slightly oblique.

"Of course," I replied, somewhat overwhelmed by events and fumbled my house keys from his uniform jacket. And I could see that the chameleon uniforms of the soldiers took effect. The GI's really merged with the environment. Only if I looked exactly, I could now see only their outlines. The spacecraft, however, was not to be recognized. Only while Smith climbed out of the ship I could see a dark hole in mid-air, where Smith stepped out and then he rose down at an invisible ladder. But when he had reached the bottom, however, nothing more was to see. The protection field of the ship was thus something more perfect than the uniforms of the GI's. After all, it was alien technology.

I unlocked the door of my house and entered the anteroom. As far as I could remember, I had put the six gray boxes in the attic, but I was not sure to me. Once at the top, I had to clear pretty much junk that had accumulated there now. Two of the GI's and Tamara had followed me and secured on all sides. Then I finally spotted the location of the boxes. One by one, I pushed out of the chaos and stacked them up in two towers.

The GI's had already worn them down to the door, when suddenly there came a warning cry from Tamara, "Watch out, we got visitors!" Ten seconds later, I saw at once as the wall in the hall struck apparently concentric waves in one place and then in the center of the shaft a thing materialized that I had never seen in my life before. It looked like a cross between a two-meter-long purple sea cucumber and a yellow coral colony. Everything moved and peculiar hairs on the upper surface directed toward me.

"Fire in the hole!", Tamara yelled at me, but I was fascinated by this species and also did not know what she meant by these words. I was pulled aside and just over my head twitched yellowish flame toward the strange creature. A terrible squeak came from the direction of this being, which were downright halved by the projectiles of the XM8. I was still staring at the remains of this creature that was still moving and secreted a peculiar mucous fluid, which slowly spread on the floor. Three GIs rushed in at the door and looked just as shocked as me at the twitching and writhing body.

"That was not all," I heard Tamara shouting, when suddenly the air around us is made waves. All around us suddenly materialized now these strange creatures. But now something was different. The projectiles were no longer forced their way into the bodies of beings, but simply disappeared outside in sudden forming black dots. From its numerous hair, or rather from within their bodys, I could not see so exactly, at once there was pulling out something sharp, long and curved and that thing was directed to us. Suddenly from these tools broke out red rays and met the three GI's, who then simply burst apart. I turned around quickly frightened and disgusted, which obviously saved my life. However, I felt a terrible blow on my left shoulder which threw me towards the opposite wall. A terrible pain shot through me, a grazing shot had hit me obviously.

Suddenly I saw the whole scenario in slow motion. Another beam missed me by a few meters, Tamara lunged over kitchen table towards the window, another GI rushed to the front door in and outside my house I could see Smith, who pulled out a about two meters long gun out of a small, barely 10 cm bag, which he wore in a peculiar band round his hips. I began wildly laughing, how it could be all there in reality.

"Ha, ha, ha, the little 1.5 m big guy has an almost two-meter gun conjured up from a ten-centimeter large bag, that's not hilarious, ..."

My voice was strange to me, it sounded terrible and showed only to me how unrealistic all was.

"… ha, ha, ha ... and at least there run 20 purple sea cucumber with yellow hair around and firing from curved daggers at us, ha, ha, ha, that it may indeed not even exist !!"

It seemed to me, I had a good time, no pain, no doubt, only happiness. Itself as well as the fourth GI was finally gunned down, I did not mind, and I could get up and look around without any problems. I saw at once how 20 red beams were focused onto me.... and went right through me.

"Grapeshot, yah, yah," I cried, amused, "you can lick me, you cannot touch me, I'm invincible ..." and hopped from one foot to the other. When I looked around, I could see Tamara, who had taken cover behind the kitchen table. As these things find that they had no success with me, they focused their guns to Tamara and at once I realized that such a kitchen table could not offer the least resistance against these red rays. "Evil sea cucumbers you evil, evil sea cucumbers, you will not shoot down my Tamara!" I screamed wildly, raised my right hand and threw all my anger and hatred to those things.

All of a sudden, I could see how of a wave spread in the direction of this things from my flat hand.

And wherever the wave impacted, the squeaky sea cucumbers now deformed until they were once with the wave and disappeared into her. Again, and again I let run up the waves to these things until no more of this sea cucumber was present. Then I dropped my hand, noticing how Tamara looked at me incredulously and then past me and looked to the opposite wall. I followed her gaze and saw a figure lying there ... me!

"How can this be? How ...?"

I suddenly felt a strong pull, which withdrew me to my body, and suddenly there was again the terrible pain in my left shoulder and a groan came out of my mouth. The remaining GIs including Smith rushed in now and looked incredulously at the space that had been a battlefield a few seconds before. And if there would not be the dead GI's, I could see all this as a spook. So, they could only take care about their fallen comrades, Tamara picked me up and bring quickly to the ship.

"Are the boxes inside," I asked weakly, but Smith nodded, apparently quite human with his head: "Yes, mission accomplished."

Inside the ship, he started the engine, as Tamara cried out: "Here come something more ..."

"Do not worry," Smith said, "the Antitachyonen-shield they cannot penetrate."

However, I could see 10 to 15 flashes on one of the monitors at once, and through the portholes I could see many of their black fighters, which attacked our ship like hornets. Smith started maverick defense maneuvers, that the Haunebu jerked wildly and numerous rays come to nothing. Several times he operated with a silvery gleaming switch that looked like a joystick, which caused that the fighters pretty messed fell and several of them even clashed together and finally exploded. But all the luck once had his end and when the ship was hit by three beams at the same time and heavy explosions were heard in the hull, the sound of machinery fell under the ultrasound border and suddenly the engines gave up whining. We come down. Smith stared at me and said, "Mr. Turner, now there would be a good opportunity for you..." But I did not understand what he meant and did not know what and how I should do my "opportunity" now.

Closer and closer the disc staggered towards the ground and now the inertial forces got stoned. Game was over. So, close success and the death was interwoven ...

... Suddenly we saw how the eight remaining black fighters began to totter in turn, began to vibrate in an ever-faster pace and finally exploded. Also, our discus changed course, was collected and passed slowly to the ground. When we were able to get out safely, materialized at once about 10 absolutely smooth and shapely disks over our heads.

A discus slid down to us. A tall, blonde man with blue eyes got out and said, "On behalf of the Artusianischen Federation we hereby grant you asylum".


New York 1912 AD

Edition from 20. October 1912

How I found Atlantis (The Origin of all Cultures)

Chief Editor: William Randolph Hearst

Co-Author : Paul Schliemann (Grandson of the famous archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann)

In less than one month, it's the 22nd anniversary of the death of one of the greatest archaeologists of humanity, namely, the archaeologist and the founder of modern archeology, Heinrich Julius Schliemann.

We were sent from a safe source, a few days before his death, Heinrich Schliemann handed a sealed envelope " open only by a confidant member of my family, that swears seriously, to dedicated his life there in the outlined research dedicated in the document." ... Then on his deathbed he wrote another message, which read as follows:

"Confidential Communication to be connect to the sealed envelope. Break the owl headed vase ... beware of the content ... it related to Atlantis ... explore the east of the temple ruins of SaΓ―s and the cemetery in Chacuna Valley... important, it proves the system ... the night comes ... goodbye.... "

Furthermore, Heinrich Schliemann made a will, inter alia, with the following contents:

I have come to the conclusion that the lost Atlantis was not only a large territory beyond the Pillars of Hercules, but the cradle of our civilization. Among the scientists there were many discussions about it. A group claimed that the tradition of Atlantis is pure fiction, based on the sketchy reports of a flood several thousand years before the Christian era. Other explain the tradition for entirely historically when no absolute proof can provide.

When the applied material reports can be found for which there are evidence in my mind. Whoever takes up this mission, is only obliged to continue my research and submit a final report use of the material that I hereby leave behind, but I admit I can assume the part of these discoveries. In the Bank of France, a special deposit account is established. The sum payable to the bearer of the accompanying receipt and they would have to cover the cost of research. May the Almighty assist him in his efforts.

1875, I dug out of the ruins of Troy at Hissarlik and discovered in the second city of the famous treasure of Priam. Among these treasures, I found a strange bronze vase of considerable size. In them were some piece’s pottery, various small images of a strange metal coins of the same metal and articles which were made of fossilized bones. Some of these items and the bronze vase were engraved with a sentence in Phoenician hieroglyphics. He says: 'From Kronos king of Atlantis'.

You, who can read this, imagine my excitement! Here was the first, the very first tangible proof

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