American library books Β» Science Fiction Β» The Terran Ranger Saga - The Preliminaries Volume One by Heather Ray (free romance novels txt) πŸ“•

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she is exhibiting such vast knowledge about these powers is because she is wearing the coin without a morpher, so her real personality is masked by that of the coin."

"Zordon," said Jason, "you're talking like the coin is conscious."

"It is, to a certain extent. All of your coins are," said Alpha.

"Is that possible?" asked Billy.

"Let me explain,"

said Zordon. "Each power coin has an innate quality that is specializes in, and you were all chosen to wield your particular coin because you also excell in that particular quality. It had nothing to do with the color clothing you like to wear. Zack, the black coin is the coin of joy, and your exuberance is truly worthy of that coin. Trini, your coin is the coin of peace, and your inner peace and tranquility are unmatched. Kimberly, you exhibit the kindness and compassion embodied in the pink power coin. You are self giving and empathetic. Billy, your gentle demeanor has earned you the right to wield the blue coin, the coin of mildness. Jason, your strength of character is unmatched, and since you are always willing to fight for righteousness, you hold the red coin of courage. Tommy, you never let anger cloud your judgement. Your ability to keep a cool head has helped you become an excellent leader for the Power Rangers. You also battled your darker side, namely the Evil Green Ranger. Therefore, you are the White Ranger, possessing the coin of self-control. All these coins are the virtues found among the best of mankind. You should all be proud of yourselves, and the example you set for the world, both in and out of uniform."

"What about Alexis' coin?" asked Zack.

"The purple coin is the coin of knowledge. However, this knowledge is very dangerous without a power coin. Alexis, do you want to join the ranks of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers?"

"Definitely," she answered proudly.

"Excellent. Your power and wisdom will be a great asset. Now, you already know who I am through the knowledge of the coin. As a Power Ranger, you must trust me completely."

"You got it."

"Please, Alpha, escort Alexis into the Light Dimension, where we created the White Ranger. We must make a morpher to help her regain control."

Alpha led Alexis to the Light Dimension. "Now, we shall turn our attention to the crisis at hand. Please, observe the viewing globe. Lord Zedd's Mud Putties are on the rampage!"

The Power Rangers saw the Putties destroying everything in sight. "They'll destroy the park!" said Jason. "How do we defeat them?"

"At this point, all I know is that their composed of shock-absorbing mud. Therefore, they are exceptionally durable. They are also much quicker and more intelligent than the Putties you usually fight. You must keep them from combining."

"What do you mean?" asked Kim.

"I shall show you in the viewing globe. The monster that you see is called Mudman. He is a fierce and indominable creature. Your best chance is to defeat the Putties before they have a chance to combine. They can only combine at Lord Zedd's instruction."

"Okay, Rangers," said Tommy. "It's MORPHIN TIME!"

Chapter Thirteen

In Angel Grove Park, innocent civillians were being attacked by Mud Putties. The Power Rangers morphed into the chaotic scene, preparing for battle.

"Blue Ranger!" yelled Tommy, wary of the crowd of onlookers. "Escort the people out of harm's way! The rest of us will handle the Putties."

"Will do!" acknowledged Billy.

The Rangers battled the Mud Putties, managing to inflict more harm then earlier. Still, the Mud Putties seemed to keep coming, no matter how hard the Rangers fought. Zack, however, tripped upon the answer.

"Rangers!" he yelled after slicing a Putty in half with his Power Axe. "Use your Power Weapons! They can't withstand the weapons!"

Trini unsheathed her Power Daggers and pierced a Mud Putty. The Putty could not hold its form and melted into a puddle of mud.

"Zack's right, guys!" she cried to the others. Tommy pulled out Saba.

"Saba," he cried, "it's time turn these Putties into pancake batter!"

"Easier done than said," said Saba, diving at the Putties.

Chapter Fourteen

"No!" cried Lord Zedd, watching the battle from his moon palace, "those teenagers will not destroy my beautiful Mud Putties! It's time for Mudman!"

Zedd pointed his staff to Earth, and a magical beam struck the battle scene. All the puddles of Mud Putties bonded like water into one large puddle.

"What's going on?" asked Kim as the ground began to shake.

"Apparently, we failed to prevent the Mud Putties from metamorphing," observed Billy.

"Tommy!" yelled Trini. "We have to do something, before he destroys all of Angel Grove!"

Mudman climbed out of the puddle of ooze and yawned. "Aaah!"

he exclaimed. "It's been thousands of years since I've been able to stretch my legs!"

He looked down at the Power Rangers, who watched him cautiously, "Ah, ha! If it isn't the next generation of Power Rangers! How interesting! I thought that Zordon would have learned his lesson--human teenagers are no match for Mudman!"

"Oh, yeah?" yelled Jason. "Well, we're undefeated, Slimey, and you're history!"

"Oh REALLY? Suck my mud, Red Ranger!"

Mudman's arms converted into wet mud, and he shot a stream of mud at the Power Rangers. The Rangers tried desperately to avoid the mud.

"Okay, Rangers," yelled Tommy, "it's time for the Mega Thunderzord!" The Power Rangers summoned their various battle zords: the Red Dragon, the Black Lion, the Yellow Griffin, the Blue Unicorn, the Pink Firebird, and the White Tigerzord. The first five zords immediately joined to form the Mega Thunderzord, and the White Tigerzord morphed into Battlemode.

"Ha, ha!"

laughed Mudman. "Do you think you can intimidate me with your puny zord? Let's see you dodge my adhesive mud!"

The Megazord tried, but it was too slow and large to successfully avoid the stream of mud.

"Jason!" yelled Billy, monitoring the status of all vital systems in the Megazord. "The mud is hardening quickly! We are unable to move!"

Tommy watched in horror as the Megazord fell helplessly to the ground.

"Jason!" he cried into his communicator, "disengage Megazord NOW!! It's ineffective against the Mudman! Can anyone hear me! God, I hope the communications systems are operating."

"Jason," said Kimberly, "Tommy is trying to hail us. Switching into shipwide!"

"Jason," said Tommy's voice through the communicator, "disengage Megazord NOW!! It's ineffective against the Mudman...."

"He's right," said Jason. "We're too big and slow to deal with Mudman. We need speed and agility more than size and strength. Prepare to disengage Megazord."

The Mega Thunderzord dettached, and the Rangers piloted their individual zords.

"I hope you have a plan, Tommy!" said Zack.

"As a matter of fact, I do. We can't fight Mudman close up on the ground, because my scanners read that the puddle of mud surrounding him drains energy. Kim and Jason have to fly in close while the rest of us fire from a distance. I hope the zords have enough power to dry him out with heat."

"I'm not sure we do," said Billy. "The mud that encased Megazord is also energy-siphoning. Our zords are not up to full strength, and any further contact with the mud can prove critical."

"We'll keep that in mind," said Jason, "Let's move in close, Kim!"

"Right behind you!" called Kimberly.

The Power Rangers launched their attack in fluid motion. The Firebird and the Red Dragon fly in for the close attack while the other zords covered their approach with barage of missiles, making sure not to hit the flying zords. Unfortunately, the flying zords aren't faster than Mudman, who fires a stream of mud directly at Jason and Kimberly.

"Jason, Kim! Do you read me?" called Tommy, watching the mud completely cover the zords.

"I'm okay, but the Firebird's had it!" answered Kimberly, "Jason took the brunt of the attack! He was flying in front of me."

"He is still is the mud stream!" yelled Trini. Suddenly, the Red Dragon flew out of the mud and plummeted to the ground.

"Tommy!" yelled Jason. "The mud has completely drained my zord! I can't control it. We're going down!"

"Bail out Jay!" yelled Zack, watching helplessly as the Red Dragon slammed into the Angel Grove countryside.

"Jason, are you okay?" asked Tommy, "Answer me!"

Just then, Zordon hailed all the Power Rangers. "Everyone, report to the Command Center immediately. Alpha shall teleport your zords to the hangar, and Jason is here with me. I have a surprise for you."

Chapter Fifteen

The Power Rangers retreated to the Command Center, where Alpha V and the Red Ranger were waiting for them. Alpha was busy scanning Jason for any injuries inflicted during the battle.

"So, what's the verdict, Alpha?" asked Jason, holding his helmet under his arm.

"You aren't severely injured. Your uniform protected you from any injuries you would have sustained from the circuits exploding in the Red Dragon."

"So, how are the zords?" asked Trini, "Will we be able to use them to stop Mudman?"


said Zordon, "the Griffin, Lion and Unicorn have only a fraction of power left. It shall take days to replenish them in full. The Firebird is completely drained, so that ship will

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