American library books Β» Science Fiction Β» The Terran Ranger Saga - The Preliminaries Volume One by Heather Ray (free romance novels txt) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«The Terran Ranger Saga - The Preliminaries Volume One by Heather Ray (free romance novels txt) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Heather Ray

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not fly for even longer. The Red Dragonzord has severe damages from both the power drainage and the crash. Only the White Tigerzord is in operable condition, thought I doubt it shall prove effective against the Mudman."

"Affirmative," said Billy, "The zords proved unable to inflict any substantial damage upon Mudman with our conventional weapons."

"He's just too fast, Zordon," said Zack.

"And our missiles didn't help," siad Kimberly. "We need a new plan of attack."

"We could try the Power Blaster," said Tommy, pacing around the Command Center with his arms crossed. "At least it generates a concentrated heat blast."

"I doubt the Power Blaster provides enough power to dry out Mudman," said Zordon, "but there is another solution."

"What?" asked Trini.

"Me," said Alexis, stepping out from the shadows. She was holding a Power Morpher in her hand. "It's Morphin Time!" yelled Alexis, holding her morpher at arm's length. "PURPLE RANGER POWER!!"

The Power Coin in the morpher began to glow a blinding purple, enveloping Alexis in its glory. When the light faded, the six Power Rangers behold their newest Ranger. She was wearing a purple Power Rangers uniform, with white and purple opera gloves, a golden chest plate and belt, thigh high white boots with purple bands at the knee, and golden wings at her ankles.

"Alexis," said Tommy, "are you sure you're up to this?"

"You bet! Zordon made me a morpher, which serves as a medium for the power of the purple coin. Now, instead of its consciousness overpowering my mind, I call upon its power when I morph, like you guys. I'm the Purple Ranger!"

"Is she back to normal?" Kim asked Zordon, "I mean, before she was like all-knowing."

"She is back to her usual self, although when the need arises she can tap into the knowledge and wisdom her power coin has made available to her, just as you can tap into your coins for aid in times of trial."

"Are those wings functional?" asked Billy examining Alexis' suit with peaked curiosity and fascination.

"Absolutely! Zordon says I can fly so long as there are curents of air for the wings to beat against. I can probably do about 200 miles per hour if I really push myself. Not bad, but my zord will do better."

"What zord?" asked Zack.

"Alexis' zord is the Purple Eagle," said Alpha, "a swift flying zord. Or at least, it will be, once we finish making it."

"In the meantime, her concentration of ultraviolet light will prove helpful in your defeating the Mudman. You must hurry, Mudman has just cut off all communication lines leading into Angle Grove."

"He's cutting off Angel Grove," said Trini.

"BACK TO ACTION, GUYS!" yelled Tommy, and the seven Mighty Morphin Power Rangers teleported.

Chapter Sixteen

The Power Rangers returned to the battlefield. The Purple Ranger immediately took to the air. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" asked Tommy.

"Will you relax already!" called Alexis. "After all, I did save you guys from the Omega Dimension!"

"That wasn't you, that was the knowledge and experience of the coin! You still have the coin, but now you're in control!" warned Trini.

"I admit my abilities aren't entirely familiar yet, but Zordon told me everything he could, and the coin and I have bonded. I'm the Purple Ranger, and now is as good a time as any to learn what my limits are!" Alexis flies up towards Mudman.


laughed Mudman, "first Zordon sends in a huge robot, then a group of smaller ones, and now, just one little girl?!"

Mudman fired a stream of mud at the Purple Ranger. She tried to avoid it, then blocked the oncoming mud with her ultraviolet rays. She managed to burn out some, but there was simply to much mud for her to block.

"How long do you think you can hold out against me?" said Mudman, increasing the force of the mud stream.

Alexis tried her best, but she was unable to withstand Mudman's onslaught. She fell into the puddle of mud at Mudman's feet.

"Now to finish you off,"

said Mudman, preparing to step on her.

"Not today," yelled Tommy, "FIRE!!"

While Alexis had battled Mudman one-on-one, the other Power Rangers assembled the Power Cannon. The force of the blast startled Mudman, who melted into the mud puddle.

"We did it!" cheered Kimberly, "Swamp Thing's history."

Trini and Billy ran to the puddle, and pulled Alexis out. "Are you okay?" asked Trini.

"I'm fine," she mumbled,"but I can't believe he beat me so easily. I just don't have the raw power to cook his goose."

"He's taken care of," said Billy.

Suddenly, Mudman rose from the puddle, this time even larger. "Now I'm REALLY mad!"

he yelled, throwing balls of mud all over the area, "I'll destroy you, and your precious city, all at once!"

"We have to do something!" said Tommy, as his communicator sounded. "Yes Zordon?"

"White Ranger, in order to defeat the Mudman, you must combine and focus your power."

said Zordon's voice over the communciator.

"We already tried the Power Cannon."

"No. With your new ally comes a new combined ability. You must "charge" the Purple Ranger's Bomb Attack."

"Excuse me?"

"Hold up your coin, concentrate, and call upon your power. You can all infuse your powers into one Ranger, you've done it before. In this case, the power strengthens her ultraviolet energy, causing a beam of immense power."

"We'll give it a try, Zordon," Tommy said, turning to the other Power Rangers. "It's time for the Bomb Attack!"


?" asked the other Rangers in unison.

"We'll infuse Alexis with our powers to strengthen her energy beam. Follow my lead."

The six original Power Rangers stood in line. Following Tommy's lead, they each removed his/her power coin from the morpher and held it in Alexis' direction.

"I infuse you with the power of the Tigerzord!" yelled Tommy.

"I infuse you with the power of the Mastodon!"

"I infuse you with the power of the Pterodactyl!"

"I infuse you with the power of the Triceratops!"

"I infuse you with the power of the Sabre-Toothed Tiger!"

"I infuse you with the power of the Tyrannosaurus!"

As each Power Ranger called on his/her power source, a colored bolt of light formed in the coin and leapt to Alexis. Soon, she had embodied the combined energies of the Power Rangers.

"Now it's my turn," she said, bracing herself against a rock. She released a single energy beam, striped with the colors of all seven Power Rangers. The force of the beam threw her back, and once it hit Mudman, he exploded, and the mud that composed his remains disintegrated.

Chapter Seventeen

The next morning, Trini and Billy talked to Ernie while waiting for the others at the Juice Bar. "So, how was your science convention, Billy?"

"Most informative. It's inspiring to see so many young Americans so devoted to the betterment of the ecology and society in general."

"What time did you get home? Los Angeles is kinda far."

"Actually, Ernie, I arrived home sooner than expected."

Just then, Tommy walked into the Juice Bar with a broad smile on his face. "Hey guys," he said, sitting down beside Billy.

"Can I get ya something, Tommy?" asked Ernie.

"Grapefruit juice, please."

Ernie left, and Trini turned to Tommy. "Well," she said, "You look like you're in a pretty good mood this morning."

"I should be! After all, Angle Grove just won the basketball State Championships!"

"That's fantastic!" said Trini, smiling.

"Indeed, an outstanding achievement. I was led to assume that you competetor was a formidable team."

"Formidable doesn't do them justice, Billy. They really are excellent. Tose guys play amazing defense. If Zack didn't hit that three-pointer at the buzzer, we would have lost."

"Where are Zack and Jason anyway?" asked Ernie, setting Tommy's juice on the counter.

"The last time I saw Zack, he was busy telling Angela he was MVP!"

"What about Jason?" asked Trini.

"I don't know where he--here he comes now."

Jason walked into the juice bar and sat with his friends. "Hi, guys! Hey Ernie, could I have a lemonade?"

"You got it, Jason."

"So, where were you?" asked Tommy.

"I was helping Coach Rizzo put the trophey in the display case by the gym."

Ernie brought Jason his drink. "So, guys, tell me, how was the game?"

"It was rough," recalled Jason, sipping his lemonade. "We were losing for the first three quarters, and at one point we were down by twelve!"

"Were you guys asleep, or what?" asked Ernie, surprised.

"I guess you could say we didn't get much sleep yesterday," said Tommy, "but we did win the game in the last play."

"Yeah!" interrupted Jason. "We had four seconds in the last quarter. I inbounded the ball to Tommy, who tossed one of his patented no-look passes to Zack."

"I was right under the hoop," said Tommy, "and they triple-teamed me. I passed the ball to Zack, who was wide-open. He made the shot easily."

"So, I take it you guys won?" asked Kimberly, walking over from the gym mat. She had been practicing a balance beam routine. Alexis was with her.

"Hi, Kim," greeted Ernie. "Can I get you ladies anything?"

"I'll have some water," said Kimberly, taking a seat beside Tommy.

"I'd like some apple juice, please," said Alexis. Ernie once again disappeared behind the counter.

"So," whispered Trini, "how do you feel, Lex?"

"I feel fine! I admit that this has been a very taxing experience. one minute, I'm an average teenager, trying to get around a new city. The next, I'm taken prisoner by some alien lunatic bent on universal domination! And after all this, I'm chosen to join the famous Power Rangers and help defend the planet from the forces of evil. What a day!"

"It certainly is something," said Jason. "The day

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