A Change of Heart by Whitney Shaw (phonics books .txt) π

Flash from the past, to the Indigenous people who owned the woods, and hated and feared by many White Americans and lies. They were lied to when going on the ship and brought to England.
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- Author: Whitney Shaw
Read book online Β«A Change of Heart by Whitney Shaw (phonics books .txt) πΒ». Author - Whitney Shaw
In an Indian village, there were two young men, brothers, hunting game in the forest. When they came to the edge of the forest they saw white clouds floating on the sea, so they ran back to their village and pointed to the edge of their village.
Then they saw the white clouds pull up on shore, and men started to get off, and started walking towards the indigenous people. One man named Carter was very pleased to see them, and Carter can translate, he can speak their language, even though they already know English. They brought goods to trade, so they started trading.
Some of the men gave the women jewelry, beads, mirrors, brushes, and gave the men hats and clothes. They young women and men thought the grown ups looked funny in the hats and coats. Except one young man, he stood in the back with his arms crossed watching the pale faces. His name is Grey Wolf, he didn't like the man they call Cortez, there was hatred and evil in Cortez's eyes and that fake smile. Grey Wolf knew he was trouble but did not say anything, or do anything, because there were to many pale faces.
"Watch out for that one," pointed Cortez towards Grey Wolf.
When they were done trading, Cortez asked if a couple of strong men would help carry some of their things to the ship. Grey Wolf knew something was not right, so his brother, and himself, and four other Indians carried things to the ship.
When they were on he ship, they looked around and saw how big it was, and all the men on the ship were ugly, and mean looking. One of the crew members told them to go down and put the stuff down. They went down and looked around. Black Bear looked in the corner and saw another Indian tied up.
Chapter 2
The ship started moving, they dropped everything and ran back up the ship, and started fighting, the Indians started yelling and screaming from shore, the rest of the warriors on shore grabbed there canoes and went out to help there young warriors, some of the warriors started shooting there arrows, and throwing there tomahawks, some of the warriors on this ship got loose and jumped off the ship and swam towards the canoes to help, but the ship was moving to fast, and they stopped. Grey Wolf and Black Bear were still fighting to get off the ship, but there were to many strong men and only two of them.
Finally two men grabbed Black Bear and pushed him to down to the ground and made him stay down. Grey Wolf was still fighting to get free, then Cortez quickly grabbed a gun with a knife on the end of it, and stabbed Grey Wolf in the leg, he went down. The crew quickly grabbed Grey Wolf and threw him down in the docks, also Black Bear.
Black Bear helped Grey Wolf up and sat him down against the wall of he ship, and wrapped his leg with a cloth that was already down there.
"They tricked you also," asked Kicking Bear?
"Yes, you also," asked Black Bear?
"Yes, they came to my village, the Mohawks and traded with us, then tricked me, my men escaped," said Kicking Bear.
"What do they want," asked Grey Wolf trying not to show any pain?
"I don't know," said Kicking Bear.
Then Carter came down with food and sat it down next to them and walked away. Then they felt the ship stopped, the started to open. The crew went down and tied them up and brought them up on deck. They were in England, in an unfamiliar place, standing there was thousands of people and buildings, and these things they called horses.
Then a carriage pulled up, a man with white and gold clothing came out of the carriage. They brought a ladder down and he walked up the ladder and onto the ship. When he reached the top he saw the indigenous men, he circled around them, then he looked at Carter.
"There naked?" asked Sir Austin.
"Yes, sir, there Indians, they do not dress like we do sir," said Carter.
Sir Austin tried to touch the feather on Grey Wolfs head and Grey Wolf tried to bite his fingers, Cortez quickly kicked Grey Wolf in his leg and made him almost go down but he didn't.
"Bring them down and into my office," asked Sir Austin?
So Cortez walked all three of them to his office. When they arrived they threw them in a cell and closed the door.
"Fascinating, aren't they," asked Sir Austin.
"Yes they are sir, but they should be united, they are not animals sir," said Carter.
"Follow me," said Sir Austin.
"Look down there, that is an animal," Sir Austin pointing at a Grizzly Bear.
Sir Austin went down to the arena and said,
"People of England, I have a show for you, savages, in a new world of England, come bring them," demanded Sir Austin to Cortez.
So Cortez smiled, and brought all three of them out, Cortez untied them, and shoved them off the ledge and into the pit with the Grizzly Bear. When they landed into the arena, all the women gasped, they were frightened, and then silence.
"Here a new species, the savages," said Sir Austin.
The Grizzly bear was chained up to a post, and stood up on his two legs. All three men looked at the Grizzly bear and back at each other.
Black Bear started singing, and it got real quiet. The Grizzly bear got back down on all fours, and laid down and was calm. Grey Wolf slowly went and pulled the post out as Black Bear was still singing. Then Black Bear stopped singing, and all three of them ran and jumped into the stands. The bear woke up and started running towards the stands, but could not get up there, he was not tall enough. Everybody was screaming, and running, and grabbing there children.
"Get them now," shouted Sir Austin!
All three of them were running on top of roof tops. Carter was running and jumped in a boat and waiting on them. All three of them saw boats and quickly ran and jumped off the roof tops and onto the ground, and ran towards the boats, they jumped in, and paddled away quickly from the city.
Grey Wolf was in pain, but was not showing it, from all that running and jumping, he was still bleeding from his leg.
"Here, brother, get into the water and hand on to the side of the boat," said Black Bear.
"Why," said Carter.
"Because the water has salt in it, its salt water," said Black Bear.
So Grey Wolf got out of the boat and into the salty water, he hung onto the boat as they paddled up stream and the salt water started to burn.
Chapter 3They were still traveling on the sea, Black Bear helped Grey Wolf back in. His leg was kind of numb from the salt, but it still was bleeding, not as bad. Kicking Bear spotted a familiar place on the shore.
"This is my village," said Kicking Bird
"Farewell, good journey," said Black Bear.
"You also my friend," said Kicking Bird.
"I'll leave this boat with you, and I'll ride with them," said Black Bear.
So they left and went on their way, they finally saw land and more forests, so they paddled up stream and went to shore. They got out and started walking. As they were walking, Black Bear told Grey Wolf to stop and he did. Black Bear bent down and grabbed some sand it also had salt in it. And it put it inside the wound, and it started soaking up the blood and it stopped bleeding for now.
Then they came to an opened field in the middle of the forest and saw a cabin house.
"Carter, what if they shoot at us," asked Black Bear.
"Stand behind me," said Carter slowly walking towards the cabin.
Then a girl came out and looked up.
"Pa, Ma, someone's coming," said Carrie.
So Carries parents came out.
"Hello ma'am, we were wandering if you have a spare bed room we could stay in, and this boy need medical attention," said Carter.
"Yes, hurry come inside," said the woman in kind gentle voice.
They brought Grey Wolf into the bed room, and she doctored Grey Wolf's leg and handed him a plate of foo, and they all went into the kitchen and they ate also.
"Mother may I go eat with the Indian boy, he is probably lonely," asked Carrie.
"Alright, but when you both are finished, take his plate and let him rest," said the woman.
"Yes momma," said Carrie.
"Thank you ma'am for your hospitality," said Carter.
"Your welcome," said the woman.
"So how old are you? What's your name," asked Carrie.
"I don't know, my name is Grey Wolf."
"My name is Carrie, I'm seventeen years of age," said Carrie.
"Honey, take his plate, he needs to rest," said Carrie's mother.
"Alright mother," said Carrie grabbing his plate and taking it to the kitchen and she washed the dishes. Black Bear and Carter were very tired, so they walked into Grey Wolfs room and went to bed.
Chapter 4Next morning everybody woke up and ate breakfast. Grey Wolf woke up and got out of bed and walked to the kitchen.
"Brother you should still be in bed," said Black Bear.
"I okay, it doesn't hurt," said Grey Wolf.
"That's good, join us please," said the man.
So Grey Wolf sat down and started eating. When they were finished the woman took the plates and washed them.
"Mother can I show Grey Wolf around the farm," asked Carrie.
"Yes, but don't walk to much, his leg still needs time to heal proper," said the woman.
"Yes mother," said Carrie.
So they went outside and Carrie started to show Grey Wolf around her farm. Then when they went around to the front they saw men
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