American library books ยป Short Story ยป Milky Cotton by R.M.C. (interesting novels to read .txt) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซMilky Cotton by R.M.C. (interesting novels to read .txt) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   R.M.C.

Once upon a time there was a special little girl named Lisa.

Because Lisa was a very sick girl, her mother never let her leave the house in the winter. "Mommy, let me go out, life isnโ€™t worthy living if you canโ€™t enjoy it " โ€“ Lisa used to say; But her mother always said: "My darling little girl, if you get sick one more time it will be all my fault, I canโ€™t let you go out when it is so cold outside ".

And Lisaโ€™s life went on like this; during the summer and spring she would go to school, play with her friends and do all the normal things a child would do. When fall and winter approached, she would have classes at home and all the windows would remain closed until the weather warmed up.

During the entire cold spell, Lisa would try to hear what was going on outside, and always heard a strange sound, like rain falling, but much softer.

On her eleventh Christmas she devised a plan. She would leave the house to find out what it was that fell so much; she couldnโ€™t contain her curiosity any longer. So, while her mother was making dinner and her father was taking a bath, Lisa opened the door to her house. When she opened it, her eyes met a scene that was completely different from anything she had ever seen before, it was all white.

Standing at the doorway, she thought that the light had blinded her eyes, which always happened whenever she left the house when winter was over, but after a while she noticed that her eyes werenโ€™t getting used to the light and then realized that the world must be all white like this at this time of the year.

Awestruck by the vast whiteness, she thought: โ€œI have to find out what is falling so much on my window.โ€ Then she finally saw it: Thousand of tiny white balls slowly falling from the sky. Lisa was so excited that she ran toward them and began throwing the balls in the air, jumping and running around.

Anyone who saw Lisa that day wouldnโ€™t know whether she was laughing or crying, but would certainly say that it was one of the most emotional and entertaining moments in her life.

Then Lisa remembered her mother, and how angry she would be if she saw her there. She decided to go back into the house, but not before grabbing some of the little balls and putting them in her pocket.

Once she was back in her room, Lisa took out the little ball from her pocket and noticed that it was made of some watery substance, then she realized that sooner or later it would melt. But until that time, Lisa would keep the little ball inside her drawer, so that her mother wouldnโ€™t see what she had found on her little adventure.

Every day for several days, Lisa would check on her little ball at least three times a day, which stayed exactly the same way in her drawer. Lisa then decided that the little ball wasnโ€™t made of water, but must be made of some slightly thicker substance and she started calling it milky cotton.

Things couldnโ€™t have been better. Lisa got a lot of presents for Christmas and the festivities were wonderful, she no longer had to ask what was so exciting outside, and even better: she had her milky cotton all for herself.

Fifteen days after she had sneaked out to get her cotton ball, Lisa began coughing. She had gotten a cold and had a fever. Her mother couldnโ€™t believe it. How had Lisa gotten sick? She had been so careful and followed all the rules to the letter, how could this happen?

Seeing the desperation in her motherโ€™s face Lisa decided to tell her mother what she had done. Much to her surprise, her mother didnโ€™t get angry or yell at her, nor did she punish her. Unbelievably, her mother began crying because she realized that it was indeed her fault. If she had let her leave the house wearing warm clothing to protect her, or if she had at least left the window open, this wouldnโ€™t have happened and Lisa wouldnโ€™t be sick.

Lisaโ€™s mother felt terrible and apologized to her daughter and confessed that she should never have done what she did. Lisa looked at her and smiled innocently and told her: โ€œIt is OK mommy, I know you are only trying to protect me. If I had told you how curious I was about what was going on outside maybe you would have let me go out and this wouldnโ€™t have happened. But I was so afraid to ask you that I ended up making myself sick, please forgive meโ€.

That day both decided to agree that it didnโ€™t matter who was to blame, and that the two of them were deeply sorry because they hadnโ€™t resolved this problem before.

That night Lisa died. And even so, we could still see a smile on her face, thanks to the little snow flake that had started to melt inside her drawer.


Publication Date: 01-28-2010

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