American library books ยป Short Story ยป The Unforgiving Demi-Goddess by Bookworm Beauty (free biff chip and kipper ebooks TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซThe Unforgiving Demi-Goddess by Bookworm Beauty (free biff chip and kipper ebooks TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Bookworm Beauty

The Incident

Anticipation built among the sea side revellers, with the closer the mighty ship neared. For who could own such a ship? Royalty or a rich duke? The only odd thing was a lack of markings. No way to identify the vessel, other than its shear grandness. The ship is docking. The revellers rush to see who it might be. The gang plank is lowered and secured to the jetty. Guards are the first to disembark, in metal suits.
All falls silent as a lone figure approaches the rail. The figure bellows out in a loud, roaring voice โ€œAll kneel before His Majesty the King of the seas.โ€ The folk were quick to kneel or curtsy deeply. All bar one defiant young maiden. Her father tried to get her to kneel or curtsy but she blatantly refused. โ€œI kneel before no one.โ€ She decreed. All gasped in shock.
His Majesty heard the collective gasp as he made his way across the deck and into sight of the folk. At first he thought it was in awe of him then he saw that they were staring at the defiant maiden. He summoned the announcer and demanded to know what the meaning of this. The announcer stuttered his reply as he himself knew not. A guard was sent to bring her forward for questioning.
โ€œWhy do you not kneel before His Majesty?โ€
โ€œI kneel for no man or woman regardless of rank, title or power. Unless I see that they deserve such honour, for I shall not debase myself for one undeserving.โ€
โ€œYou think His Majesty undeserving?โ€
โ€œI have no knowledge of a king of the sea and therefore he is neither undeserving nor deserving. He is an unknown and must therefore be treated with respect. He has yet to earn the honour of my submission.โ€

โ€œHow dare you speak thusly! Throw her in the brink.โ€
The guards moved to comply with this demand. However the maiden was no longer upon the ship but back in her original position. All were stunned. There were cries of โ€œShe is a witch. Burn herโ€ and โ€œKill the witchโ€. None could lay a hand on her and she stood resolutely.
Once everyone had tired from endless attempts on her life and were feebly still trying she spoke. โ€œENOUGH!โ€ All froze or desisted from their attacks. โ€œLeaders of your people step forwardโ€ His Majesty and the Duke and his council stepped forward. โ€œKneelโ€ They knelt. They all looked shocked at having done so. โ€œI shall give each of you a chance to plead a case for your actions. If I find them sufficient you shall receive a mild punishment for your actions, if not punishment shall be quite sever.โ€
One of the non-kneeling townsโ€™ folk spoke up. โ€œWho are you to have such authority?โ€
โ€œI am no mere mortal. Though my dear father is one, I am more as was my mother. She is a goddess and I a demi goddess. So they universe hath given me my authority not these self-appointed persons. Council members plead your case.โ€
โ€œYou behaviour was quiet unexpected and magical, we thought you a witch and all witches must be killed as you knowโ€
โ€œNot all witches are bad and therefore not all must die. Due to your ignorance and fear of the unknown, I condemn you to live as nomads forever walking into the unknown. However if you find true love on your travels you shall live forever by her side. You families here shall be provided for. Now go.โ€ The council men roses and left without a word. โ€œDuke lets here you excuse.โ€
The Duke having heard the councilโ€™s fates was not too worried. โ€œYour actions where disrespectful and trickery and I stand for neitherโ€ โ€œAs your seat as Duke has misguided you on what is respect and your over reaction to trickery, you shall lead the life of a pauper and respect all folk and make your living performing magic tricks. You estate shall be settled on your Heir. Leave now.โ€ The Duke left with a bowed head. โ€œNow, You Majesty, how do you plead?โ€
โ€œYou are disrespectful witch and an out spoken tart to whom I have donโ€™t have to explain myself to.โ€
โ€œAre that is where you are wrong. Have you heard nothing of what has just transpired?โ€
โ€œI have heard. I believe not that you are a demi goddess.โ€
โ€œPray tell me then, why you kneel at my feet and none could harm me?โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re a witch and I fear no witch.โ€
โ€œFor your conceited views and disbelief and no sound reasoning I sentence to you a life of no peace and no rest until you yourself learn respect. You will obey every order or request given to you by anyone and everyone. Your title shall revert to your heir. If you treat anyone with disrespect you shall be stripped of an item of clothing and when no cloths remain a shred of flesh shall be torn from you. Now leave my sight.โ€ He hurried to obey.
The rest of the townโ€™s folk stood frozen waiting to see what would happen next.
โ€œThe rest of you shall never be able to attack another again. You will be able to defend yourself and others but never land a blow on your opponent. Now continue about your day.โ€
Everyone scrambled to be on their way. The maiden then went to her stunned fatherโ€™s side and led him home. โ€œMy dear I had no idea.โ€ โ€œI know papa. Mother made me keep it a secret. But I could not bow before an unworthy soul and so as you saw my secret was revealedโ€ โ€œHowever am I to find you a good husband now?โ€ โ€œIn time he will come, papa. Of this I have no doubt.โ€
The townโ€™s folk eventually forgot the truth and told it as a tail to their children. Curiously no one ever thought anything of the resident pauper who entertained them all with magic tricks and the missing husbands of the councilโ€™s wives or the mighty ship that to this day remains docked at the pier.


Publication Date: 11-11-2012

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