Guilt by Langelaan . (famous ebook reader TXT) đź“•

It is useless to admonish about things that are in progress.
It is pointless to blame what is past.
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- Author: Langelaan .
Read book online «Guilt by Langelaan . (famous ebook reader TXT) 📕». Author - Langelaan .
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author"s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Dies ist ein Werk der Fiktion. Namen, Charaktere, Orte und Ereignisse entweder sind Produkte der Phantasie des Autors oder sind fiktiv verwendet. Jede Ähnlichkeit mit tatsächlichen Ereignisse oder Schauplätze oder Personen, lebend oder tot, sind rein zufällig.
Alle personen, hun namen, hun aantal, hun rol en hun belevenissen zijn geheel ontsproten uit de fantasie van de schrijver en hebben daarom geen gelijknis met werkelijke levende of dode personen.
Henry was upset about what happened to his car. He parked it therefore closer to the garage as usually. He got in the house and actually wanted to talk with his wife about it, about what had happened to him today. »High Honey,« he said, as he walked in. »Good thing that you’re finally here, something terrible had happened.« Shocked Henry leaned against the wall. »How, how could she already know and that fast and from whom?« »Grandma died, and I have to go and take care off grandpa. I already brought the children to Jane. I’m so sorry but I have to go.« She gave him a note. A car honked outside and Judith grab the suitcase, which was standing next to the door. She gave Henry as kiss and opened the door. Outside a cab was waiting. Henry saw how his wife got in and drove away. He walked it to the kitchen and check the fridge. He didn't found anything to eat. Than he looked in the freezer, here he found some pizzas. He took one and read the prescription. He placed on in the microwave and pushed some buttons, hoping he did the right thing, he had no clue how to use it. He sat him self down at a table, where he laid his head on his arms and cried. A bell woke him up. The pizza didn’t look at al like the one on the picture, and it tasted horrible. Shortly before eleven, the phone rang. Where they it? Carefully he grabbed it and softly spoke into it. »High dear, everything all right with you. I arrived safely here and everything seems to be all right with granddad, oh, I have to go now. Granddad needs something. Talk to you tomorrow.« a hum appeared now and Henry kept the phone to his ear. Finally, he hanged up.
The alarm clock rang as usually and Henry automatically got up. He looked around, searching for his wife, but he couldn’t find her. Then he remembered what happened yesterday. This awful from yesterday, his wife, who is now at her granddad. Henry made himself ready for work. He got there in time, even he shortly change his transport and decided to take the public transfer. However, he wasn’t there all day. His colleagues didn’t notice it. In the evening he drove back with the bus. At home he made him self another pizza, The second try, however wasn't much better. Henry had taken place in the living room. He had left the television off. After he had tried some off the burned pizza, he made up his mind. Yes, he had to do it. Self convinced he got up, grabbed his jacket and walked to the bus stop. He had to wait quit a long time, this because the bus drove only one’s an hour, in the evening. He just had missed one. Finally, he arrived at the police station shortly before nine.
He walked straight to the counter and asked the attention of the officer who was sitting there with a telephone receiver in his hand. The officer held his hand up, as sign, to show Henry that he was busy. Another phone rang. The officer took the receiver and placed it to his other ear, and spoke short into it. »Hello I would like to make a statement,« Henry said. »Hold on, Don’t you see I’m busy. If you please would you take a seat ... no, no, I’m not talking to you. There is some one here. Yes it’s very busy today. Sorry, I’ll be right with you, Sir.« The officer pointed to a bench, at the opposite side of the counter. Henry sat down and waited patiently for the officer. he, however was already busy again, answering the phone calls. As it looked like he was ready. he grabbed again to one of the receiver and answered it. this went on and on. It seemed to Henry that he was the only Police officer here, who was working. Henry hadn’t seen any police officer int he time he was sitting there. He thought about his mission, and doubt came up. He decide to stay and waited patiently.
Shortly after ten, a drunken person walked in. The officer looked up and started straight away to hassle with him. »Please Otto, not today, go home!« The man, which name seemed to be Otto grabbed hold on the counter. »You know that I haven’t got a home,« he nags »Out, with you or be quit.« Otto seemed to take his second option and be quit. He set down next to Henry. Henry wanted to get up, but as he saw the officer was busy again answering the phones he sat down again. Otto seemed to make himself cosy and placed his stuff on the right side of the bench, So he could lay his head down and take a nap. He seemed to know what he was doing then in no time he laid on the bench, his feet not touching Henry. Henry notice the evil smell. It smelled like old socks and Sweat, ... and something he couldn’t guesses. First he wasn’t sure but then. It smelled like urine. The man smelled like urine. Henry looked away and didn’t dare to look again. »Hey, Otto,« the office yelled. »Sir, shake him. Hey Otto no sleeping here.« Henry did as the officer asked him. He carefully shake the man. He nauseated nearly. The man mumbled something, but was still laying. »Sir, Hello, the officer asked him again. Henry wanted to get up »Shake him, not that sissy kind, shake him hard.« Henry tried to keep his stomach under control. He shakes him a bit harder and the man now woke up »What?« »The officer doesn’t want you to sleep here,« Henry said. Otto straighten him self and sat again. He looked pitiful at the officer, who neglected him and continued answering the phones.
The Detective's
Otto sat, ore maybe he was hanging on the bench, as shortly after nine, two Detectives entered through the rear entrance. »Bloody hell, you think we will find her?« The second detective didn’t answer, but sat straight down at a desk. He looked a monitor which was in front of him. Henry saw his opportunity and stood up. He walked over to the two. »Hello, excuse me. I would like to make a statement.« The detective who spoke before, turned to him and pointed to the police officer sitting there the whole time. »The colleague will take your statement, sir.« and turned away. »Yes ... but?« At that moment a phone rang on the desk from the two detectives. One of them took the receiver and listened. »Yes we’ll be there.« He hanged up and looked at his colleague. »They found her, in the Park dead, half naked.« »You think she’s been sexually abused?« »Don’t know, but we’ll get the son of a bastard.« The made then self ready and wanted to leave. »Hello, sorry to interrupt you, sir, but ... I have to make a statement,« Henry tried again. »The officer over there will take your statement, Sir, haven’t you heard what I said before?« He pointed again to the officer and the two of the left the police station through the rear door.
A giant.
Henry sat down again. He lifted his one’s in a while. He thought about the slogan to let grass grow over it. Maybe he should barring the idea. But he had made up his mind. What had to be done had to be done. But no one seemed to be interested in what he had to say. Henry thought and took a deep breath. He stood up and ... in the same period, to front door smacked open and three police officers with a giant person rolled in. Or was it the other way. A giant person with three police officers hanging around his neck came in. He was screaming and swearing loud. Shocked, Henry sat down again, just in time to not collide with a police officer who passed by him and laid down on his back. Two more police officer came in and jumped on the giant. Henry hadn’t seen it, but somehow the officer from behind the desk, must have jumped over it and was also hanging on to the giant. They hit and kicked him. It took them quit a while, but then he seemed to calm down and got down on his knees. Six of them where hammering on him. »Slowly boy, just slowly. Now get up slowly.« The giant seemed to be calm now and slowly he got back on his feet and did as the police officer told him. Now Henry could see that he wear handcuffs. They took him to the back and the police officer went around his desk and continued his work. The phones kept ringing. Henry sat there and looked amazed.
Shortly before twelve, Henry couldn’t hold it any more and stood up. He walked over to the desk and placed his hands on it. He soughed deeply before he spoke. »I need to make a statement. NOW and not tomorrow. I’ve been waiting long enough.« The officer just glimpsed at Henry. »Hold on.« »No, I won’t hold on. I can’t wait any more.« »Right, what statement would you like to make, sir?« »Henry pressed his knuckles on the counter. »I killed her.« The officer now placed his attention complete at Henry. »You have done what?« »I killed her.« »Who?« »That girl.« Henry relaxed, he finally had made his confession. »Which girl,« the officer asked curious. »The one in the park.« The eyes from the officer nearly popped out and his chin seemed to fall on the counter. »Who ... When ...« Henry’s answer had throw him completely out of his normal concentration. He looked disturb. The whole evening he masters one thing after another, without any complication, and now. He took the receiver and called someone.»Please Sir, have a seat. No ... Please seat yourself over there at the desk.« He pointed to the desk where the two detective’s have been seated before. Henry walked behind the counter and took a seat. The police officer kept calling some more people.
It took nearly half an hour, but then the two detectives came back in at the police-station. More and more police officer appeared. They where gossiping and whispering. Questions where made and the officer of duty got asked from his colleagues. Henry was still sitting, this time at the desk. »You would like to have a lawyer,« asked one of the officers. Henry had no clue. He had never been in such a situation and was therefore not familiar with these kind of things. This was the first time he had to think about such things. »I’ll ask, if we have to get you an attorney before we start with
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