American library books ยป Short Story ยป It's a new world... by Lauren (little readers txt) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซIt's a new world... by Lauren (little readers txt) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Lauren

Life use to be normal, I didnโ€™t hate to cope with three kids, people trying to use me or kill me. That was before the bang, the flash, the pop what ever itโ€™s known as but what happened everyone over and sixteen disappeared.

Things changed animals mutated and got special powers, even some kids did but not many where Iโ€™m from, Bridlington.

I was alone with my family of โ€˜freaksโ€™, I was one too but thatโ€™s what were known as.
No one I knew at that moment apart from my family was a โ€˜freakโ€™. I have the pleasure of turning sixteen soon as well. Lucky me.
Let me start at the beginning โ€ฆ

The dreams were getting worse and weirder. I was constantly dreaming of being chased and meeting people I didnโ€™t know. In the dream I was worried that people would know my secret, but what secret?

I began to wake up, it was Monday, it was the end of the holidays and it was time for school. I wriggled , I was so comfy I didnโ€™t want to move , I thought I will sleep for five minutes , just five minutes .
And I snuggled back into darkness.
I woke up again and groaned, ugh its too cold maybe the heating went off.
I pulled my eye mask off and walked over to my table and looked at my phone.
It was 9:00, I had missed the first school lesson by half an hour oh well, and I guess Iโ€™ll just stay off school.
I went to my wardrobe and opened the doors. Mmmm what shall I wear?
I looked, but finally decided. I quickly grabbed my white skinny jeans, a black and white striped top and some other things.

I walked quietly down the stairs, hoping to not wake my mum up but I ended up tripping down the stairs and making a racket.
1, 2, 3 โ€ฆ where is my mum she would be awake by now. I picked myself up and limped to my mumโ€™s room. I peered inside and saw no evidence of the bed ever being slept in. I was curious now, maybe she was in the living room. I slowly walked, the floorboards creaked with each step.
Eeeeeeeeekkkk the door made a terrible squeak when it was opened, there was no one there.
Maybe my mum and her partner left for work and left a note.


I decided to check if the car was there, so I unlocked the door and looked, the car was still there.

Oh my god, where are they, what shall I do, I began to panic.
What if itโ€™s like those books I read the gone series, what if everyone over fifteen had gone?
I walked to Jones door and knocked loudly, she is quite old so she never goes out, and I waited and waited. Nobody answered, the silence was eerie, it was so quiet and creepy. I began to panic, maybe I should ask Lillie, my younger friend who lives across the street if her parents are gone. I hurried and ran across the street , their car was still there it would be gone by now. I knocked at the front door and waited.
I looked at my watch I had been waiting ten minutes . I went to the front door and knocked again but louder . This time her younger brother answered , Sam.
โ€œUm hiha sam are your parents in ?โ€

Sam stared and his eyes began to water , โ€œno , Lillie went about an hour ago to find them but she hasnโ€™t called me , she said she would call me,โ€ his voice wobbled at the end .

โ€œSam , I read this book where something like this happened and I have made a few plans , do you want to help me?โ€
Sam thought for a minute but answered โ€œit was nice to offer but I better wait for my sister,โ€
As he said the last word โ€˜sisterโ€™ , I was pulled into a vision .

โ€œHiha Lillie what ya doing ,โ€ the girls voice has a southern twang .

โ€œEm hi imagin Iโ€™m looking for my parents,โ€

โ€œThere is no point , they are gone , and do you want to stay at mine?โ€

Lillie looked lost in thought , โ€œwhat shall I do about my brother sam?โ€

โ€œHe will be fine , I bet he is happily playing with his trains or what ever he does,โ€
Lillie smiled and nodded in agreement

The vision faded , I looked at Sam and said โ€œ I think she might be coming later , to pick up her clothes but I think she is staying with a friend so if I was you I would stay here for a while and leave a note then go to a friends house.โ€

โ€œAnyway I have to go I have things to do,โ€

โ€œEm, Lauren can I come with you?โ€

โ€œYeah but you will have to leave a note for your sister and Iโ€™m going to only let you stay with me until you sister rings, ok,โ€

Sam went inside and fetched a pen and paper.
I got out my phone and looked for my phone number and wrote.

To Lillie
Sam has gone out, please ring when you get this note.
He will not be out longer than four hours, he set off at 9:30
And here is the phone number
09345 3739

P.S I am not going to be looking after him so if I were you I would ring after all he needs you , you are his sister .

I stuck it on the front door, and said โ€œcome on we have lots to do,โ€
I smiled at him and he managed a small grin.
โ€œEm sam can I borrow your dadโ€™s van? Because I have a lot of stuff to move,โ€

He looked nervous โ€œerm yes as long as you donโ€™t damage it.โ€
โ€œfirst weโ€™ll have to empty it ,โ€I opened the door and saw that it was empty. At least we don't have to do much work.

"Do you have they keys?" sam passed me the keys.
"come on lets get going, we have lots to do,"

"so what are we doing, lauren,"he looked confused

"we are going food shopping and then we are stopping at my nans house and em,sorting the house out because I will be looking after my little cousins,because I think they were at my nans when this happened,"

Sam smiled and said "ok"


Text: This book is my own and my own only
Publication Date: 03-02-2011

All Rights Reserved

To anyone with a story

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