American library books ยป Short Story ยป Secrets by Lauren (best e reader for manga .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซSecrets by Lauren (best e reader for manga .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Lauren

My sister Lilith was born special, unlike me, I was born with natural black hair and dark brown eyes.

I will tell you how Lilith was born special, she has sandy yellow hair and colour changing eyes it doesnโ€™t vary much, the only change from black to dark brown to dark blue. She is also extremely talented , I can sense it , she is perfect , she is gifted .

But where we were born it is uncommon to be born like that. Only foreigners have such colouring.
People say things , she gets lots of attention , why canโ€™t I have attention . I envy her but hate her at the same time .
Itโ€™s unfair only because Iโ€™m older by one year , they donโ€™t give me stuff like they do for her .
Lilith diary

I have always admired my sister , she is perfect she fits in and has lots of friends unlike me , all I get are weird stares. I look at my self and wonder why people stare like that , mama says to other people I canโ€™t change the way I look.

People yell foreigner and weird words that I donโ€™t understand .

Iโ€™m not aloud to go out because mama says Itโ€™s too dangerous.
My sister is aloud to go out they also worship the ground she walks on .

I heard mama saying that they are going to send me away because Iโ€™m a problem child . I donโ€™t understand why I donโ€™t cause problems.
My friend wood and fire cause problems but thatโ€™s it .
They make the rocks whisper and the candles dance.
Lilith aged five
Le-Shan P.O.V

I carried on running , I was running away from my samurai teacher , he wanted me to fight an older opponent.
I came to a dead end and panicked, my panic was soothed by faint singing โ€ฆโ€ฆ

Across the moon
And under the bridge
I play with my sisters
Earth and fire
They hold what people desire

The singing stopped and I heard a girls voice say โ€œI know your there , come climb over the wall they will come any second,โ€ her voice was like high ringing bells chiming.
I thought for a second , what if it was a trap anyway how she know about it .

I looked at the wall , it was the high Sukumi family palace .
I grabbed onto the wall and swung my leg over.

Well an invite is an invite , maybe it might be their lovely daughter rowan.

The garden was magnificent , a giant pond was in the middle and by the corner was willow trees and rowan trees .
The grass was bright green , trimmed to perfection , and sat by a massive water fountain was a young girl.
She didnโ€™t look she kept her focus at the fountain.
โ€œwho were you running from?โ€
She turned her head and pulled her hat off her head , I stared her hair was a sandy yellow , it glowed in the sunlight.

โ€œwho arโ€”rre y-o-u ?โ€I stuttered

She stood up and walked to me
โ€œisnโ€™t it obvious , do you know where you are ?โ€her voice was like a running stream.

โ€œIโ€™m the Sukumi daughter โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ

โ€œno your not , she has black hair and you have have have em yellow hair ,โ€

โ€œactually I am , they donโ€™t like to take me out โ€ฆโ€ฆshe began to sob โ€ฆโ€ฆ I heard my mama say she was going to send me away,โ€ she began to cry , her tears were the brightest blue I had ever seen .
I walked closer and comforted her .

โ€œwhy would they send you away , you donโ€™t look bad to me , a bit different sure but not bad,โ€

She looked up at me , her face was filled with rage and tears
โ€œWHO SAID I WAS BAD!โ€ the shout was crossed between a sob and yelp.
Her voice quietened down .
โ€œleave now , they have given up searching for you,โ€

She nudged me to the wall
โ€œwait I donโ€™t know your name,โ€

โ€œmy name is Lilith , you must go now my mama will be home by now,โ€

I climbed over the wall to only find my samurai teacher standing there , he looked calm .
โ€œwhere have you been ? we have been very worried ,โ€

Worried ? master never gets worried , angry yes but worried no .
That girl is seriously unusual , master taught me to sense things and what I sense from her isnโ€™t normal beyond normal .

Lilith diary

I wonder who that boy was , he guarded his thought very securely , maybe he has been trained.

Rown diary

I wonder what my little sister is up to , I am so glad that she is leaving today , ha and she doesn't even know it .

At least when she is gone mama and father will be able to buy me more dresses , Lilith's dresses cost too much , she had to like the english dresses.

I wonder where they are going to send her.


Publication Date: 11-13-2011

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