American library books ยป Short Story ยป Nightmares by Alecia M. Hunter (best novels to read in english .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซNightmares by Alecia M. Hunter (best novels to read in english .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Alecia M. Hunter

My nightmares were getting increasingly worse. Every night it started the same. And every night the ending would be more ghastly than the last.
It began like this: The two of us alone. Sometimes we were in a room, other times we were on the beach. But regardless where we were, we would always be doing the same thing. I was in his strong arms, my head on his chest. I felt completely safe. He would kiss my forehead and tell me he loved me.
Then suddenly, he was gone. I was left alone. The room would go dark, almost pitch black. I would hear a low growl and see piercing yellow eyes. And thatโ€™s when the dream would start to veer off. Sometimes the animal would kill me, slowly and painfully and other times, I would have to witness his death. It was worse than my own. Those retched nights seemed to last forever.
I would wake up eventually though. And when I did I immediately reached for my phone. Dialing the number I knew by heart. Knowing it was me, he picked up on the first ring.
โ€œWhich one this time?โ€ he would ask. I would describe the ending, because he already knew how each began.
โ€œDo you want me to come over, Kat?โ€
โ€œPlease.โ€ I whisper.
Twenty minutes later, a knock on my window makes me move from where I lay curled up in bed. I open the curtains and the blinds. Then I unlock the window. He climbs in and immediately wraps me in his warm arms.
โ€œItโ€™s ok, youโ€™re safe.โ€
โ€œOh, Sean, it was so horrible.โ€
โ€œI know. But youโ€™re ok. It was just a dream. It wonโ€™t happen.โ€ He leads me to the bed and makes me lie down. I pull him close. Just being in his arms makes me feel safe. He reaches up to tilt my head towards his. His lips gently brush against mine and I shiver despite the fact that Iโ€™m in his arms under at least three blankets. I move closer. He chuckles and kisses my neck.
I wake up to a screech. I sit straight up in bed and look around. Sean isnโ€™t here. I get up and walk into the hall where I find the source of the scream. My mother, not expecting anyone else to be home but the two of us, had walked into the bathroom and found Sean. Although he was only brushing his teeth just seeing a man in her daughterโ€™s bathroom had probably scared my mother to death.
โ€œMaddy, calm down. Itโ€™s just me.โ€ I walk over and put a hand on my motherโ€™s arm.
โ€œIโ€™m sorry, Mom. I had a nightmare and called Sean. It was late and I didnโ€™t want to wake u.โ€
โ€œBut you called him.โ€ It surprised me that my mother sounds hurt. She doesnโ€™t wait for my answer, but turns and walks away. I stare after her.
โ€œKat,โ€ Sean runs his hand from my shoulder down my arm to my hand. I turn to look at him. When I see his eyes I turn away.
โ€œNo. I donโ€™t want to talk about it.โ€ Pulling my hand out of his I go to my room. I quickly grab a pair of jeans and tee-shirt at random. Sean walks in as Iโ€™m before I get my shirt on. I turn so that my back is to him. He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.
โ€œMy momโ€™s in the house.โ€ I say stating the obvious. He chuckles and kisses my neck. I only lean away slightly. His lips move down to my shoulder.
โ€œMy parents are out of town. They went to see my aunt in South Carolina.โ€
โ€œWe canโ€™t.โ€ I hold up my hand showing him my promise ring.
โ€œHmmmโ€ฆ you know I think I might have a ring that youโ€™ll like just a bit better than that one.โ€ He steps back and I quickly put my shirt on before turning around. He made me sit on the bed then reached into his pocket.
โ€œWhatโ€ฆ?โ€ I start to ask, and then he gets down on one knee.
โ€œKat, I love you. And I want to be with you forever. Will you marry me?โ€


Publication Date: 03-09-2010

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