American library books Β» Short Story Β» The $30,000 Bequest by Mark Twain (best e reader for manga TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«The $30,000 Bequest by Mark Twain (best e reader for manga TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Mark Twain

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of things, but they are not so.


It is not on account of his chivalry that I love himβ€”no, it is not that.

He told on me, but I do not blame him; it is a peculiarity of sex,

I think, and he did not make his sex. Of course I would not have

told on him, I would have perished first; but that is a peculiarity

of sex, too, and I do not take credit for it, for I did not make

my sex.


Then why is it that I love him? MERELY BECAUSE HE IS MASCULINE,

I think.


At bottom he is good, and I love him for that, but I could love

him without it. If he should beat me and abuse me, I should go

on loving him. I know it. It is a matter of sex, I think.


He is strong and handsome, and I love him for that, and I admire him

and am proud of him, but I could love him without those qualities.

He he were plain, I should love him; if he were a wreck, I should

love him; and I would work for him, and slave over him, and pray

for him, and watch by his bedside until I died.


Yes, I think I love him merely because he is MINE and is MASCULINE.

There is no other reason, I suppose. And so I think it is as I

first said: that this kind of love is not a product of reasonings

and statistics. It just COMESβ€”none knows whenceβ€”and cannot

explain itself. And doesn’t need to.


It is what I think. But I am only a girl, the first that has

examined this matter, and it may turn out that in my ignorance

and inexperience I have not got it right.


Forty Years Later


It is my prayer, it is my longing, that we may pass from this

life togetherβ€”a longing which shall never perish from the earth,

but shall have place in the heart of every wife that loves,

until the end of time; and it shall be called by my name.


But if one of us must go first, it is my prayer that it shall be I;

for he is strong, I am weak, I am not so necessary to him as he is

to meβ€”life without him would not be life; now could I endure it?

This prayer is also immortal, and will not cease from being offered up

while my race continues. I am the first wife; and in the last wife I

shall be repeated.


At Eve’s Grave


ADAM: Wheresoever she was, THERE was Eden.


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