Author's e-books - Mystery. Page - 5

Have you ever wished for a miracle? Come on now. Of course you have. You know you have. For, which of us on this planet, atheists included, has not at one time or another, and with the heart of a beggar, pleaded, entreated, prayed, even bargained for a miracle of one sort or another to be granted, whether for ourselves or someone else? Now, let us never confuse miracles with magic. Magic is just that - hocus-pocus, fake, sham, not real, no matter how impressive and baffling. Again, let us not

Is evil in us? Coded in DNA? Imagine you could uncover exactly what lurks within your DNA, revealing the code that shapes your mind and body and using that knowledge to change yourself. Now imagine someone else making those changes instead. In Human Source Code, the hypothetical becomes reality when one organization attempts to manipulate the human code for its own terrifying purposes. Detective Klapman's attention is brought to a series of seemingly unrelated and accidental deaths after they

Mankind believes he is the greatest intelligence on this Planet, and so do many others on similar Worlds scattered throughout the Universe. But some people know different. They know that every World is overshadowed by a Being of Planetary proportions, whose impeccable intelligence and incredible power far surpass mortals. Called Great Makers, these majestic Beings are the initiators of Life and its Keepers. They do not occupy thrones of grandeur, dictating with a rod of iron the daily