Author's e-books - photography. Page - 1

In The Gilded Butterfly Tyler photographs customers and tourists at restaurants in Honolulu. Life is pretty straight-forward for him; take a good photo and hope someone will pay to take home a personalized souvenir of the islands. One day, he meets a pretty girl named Megan while working. Megan's charming and mysterious personality has won Tyler over - but Megan has a problem; she must leave to go back home in a week. Her emotions are unpredictable - volatile, even - but that doesn't stop Tyler

Kimberly had known since she was in the fifth grade that Chad was the one that she wanted to share her life with; and was thrilled when finally in the eleventh grade he asked her out. Before long they were inseparble. However, after graduation Chad went off to college and she moved to New York to pursue her dream. After not hearing from him for 3 years, Kimberly is devastated when she goes home for Christmas and finds Chad there with another woman. This is a short story about young love during