Author's e-books - religious. Page - 1

Have you ever wished for a miracle? Come on now. Of course you have. You know you have. For, which of us on this planet, atheists included, has not at one time or another, and with the heart of a beggar, pleaded, entreated, prayed, even bargained for a miracle of one sort or another to be granted, whether for ourselves or someone else? Now, let us never confuse miracles with magic. Magic is just that - hocus-pocus, fake, sham, not real, no matter how impressive and baffling. Again, let us not

People don't realize that their culture and background affects the way they perceive their world. It even affects the way they read and understand scripture. The American Church has been so engulfed by its culture that the Way, Truth, and Life of Christ has been misunderstood. What does the Bible really say about how the church should operate and function? What does it really say about you as a follower? This book will help you see the church in a whole new light. It will help you see the Bible

Darris is a boy living with death. Those around him are struggling to find understanding and science stands in the balance. Levion has a new ruler, Nitale Gorgal. With the battle between people who beleive in Terras their God, or sceince and the new world order, Darris could be the key, and when he finds The Book his grandfather leaves behind, a prophesy will change everything. Between science and religion what will win, heart or mind.

This journal-styled treatise is about a spiritual awakening the author experienced in 1969 that led her to research biblical texts to determine their true nature, even learning Biblical Hebrew to aid her in the quest. Her observations and conclusions regarding both physical and mental involuntary nature events are detailed in straight-forward nonfictional prose. A few related events from her growing-up years are included in the 335-page ebook. The book also contains 127 photos and/or other