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Read book online ยซOnce I fell asleep,and never woke up by Ellie Smith (e book reader pdf .txt) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Ellie Smith

Dear Amy baby,
Why did you leave us so soon? Didnโ€™t we love you? Why would God take you away so soon.I was looking at your baby pictures and baby foot prints. I cried when I realized I will never see you lose you first baby tooth or see you got to your first dance, see you get your first love. I will never see you have your first kiss, you first real love. I will never see you get married. I will never see you grow up. I miss you baby. Mommy loves you. I promise never to forget you. I love you, and Iโ€™m sorry we couldnโ€™t save you in time. Iโ€™m so sorry.

Dear baby girl,
Remember the times we had catching fireflies and when I would play the knight when you and Anne would play princess? I miss those times. I was looking at a picture of you. It was the picture of you in your Easter dress that we took 3 months before the acident. I miss you sweetie all I have is your memory but I promise to never forget you. I will always love you. Iโ€™m sorry I didnโ€™t see that man soon enough. If only I looked. Iโ€™m sorry.

Dear amy,
Member me?? I used to play with you a lot. Member? I saw a butterfly today.. my grammy always said that if you saw a butterfly it was actually angles that loved ones sent from heaven. So I guess you could say I got your present. It was pretty; it was black and blue and it had a flower that looked like a flame on it. It kinda looked like a fairy. I miss you. Send me a puppy cloud from heaven and tell God I say hi.

My name is Amy...I died when I was 6 yrs. old. Now I suppose your wondering how I can tell you this. Iโ€™m using Godโ€™s pen and paper(Donโ€™t worry Mommy I asked first). Iโ€™m telling you this because I feel I need to explain to my Mommy and Daddy how I died.Also I left my friend all alone with no one to play with.So Iโ€™m writing this mainly for you, my friend. God says hi by the way. For you Anne I love you and miss you to. And Daddy it wasnโ€™t your fault that man pulled out before you.Mommy I wasnโ€™t supposed to be saved.God saved me from the bad people in the world and brought me to a better place,I promise.

Itโ€™s so hard to remember everything it happened so fast ...but maybe if i ask God heโ€™ll help me remember....OH! I remember now! It was a Sunday afternoon,when Mommy and Daddy were going to take me to my favorite place,the park. Little did we know that it was going to be our last trip to my favorite place,the last time I would be able to run on the beautiful green meadow like grass,and the last time Mommy,Daddy, and I would be able to feed the fish and ducks.The last time for everything.

I was born in Reno,Nevada at a small hospital next to where my grandma lived. I was and only child, but was never lonely. There was Mommy and Daddy who played with me and there was Chloe the next door neighborโ€™s dog. And there was Anne she was my best friend, who was 10 years old when I was 5. We would have so much fun playing dress up and drawing together. She taught me how to read and draw butterflies.She would take me outside on warm summer days and we would watch the clouds and pretend they were animals and would make up silly stories with no end.

As much as I loved playing dress up and looking at clouds what I loved more than anything was nap time when she would tell my stories about fairies and princesses and princes.Of how lady bugs were lucky if you found one with 3 or more spots. But my most favortest story of all was her stories of when she was little. She used to be just like me! I loved her more than ice cream,but I loved Mommy and Daddy even more.

I had just turned 6 two days before the accident.Mommy and Daddy were taking me to the park for a picnic. I hugged Anne tight not knowing it would be the last time i ever hugged her,Mommy or Daddy ever again. We then left for the park, and as we were nearing the park a man suddenly pulled out in front of Daddy.I think Mommy and Daddy were scared because Daddy swerved out of the way and Mommy screamed, suddenly it went black. When I woke up Mommy was crying and Daddy was holding my little hand. Oh! and Anne was there to.She was holding a fairy doll and a ladybug ballon and she was smiling but there were tears in her eyes. Mommy and Daddy kissed me for the last time and I told them I love them.Then I looked at Anne and she gave me the doll and tied the ballon to the chair and she took my hand and hugged me for the last time.I cried,and it was dark again.

The next time I woke up I wasnโ€™t in the hospital anymore I was all alone in a forest.As I walked thru the tall scary oak trees I saw a fairy. She was sooo pretty,even more pretty than Tinkerbell. She was blue and black with a flower that looked like flames.Suddenly her whole head unhinged like a door and she ate up the flower! I then knew she was going to eat me because she looked back at me with evil hungry eyes.Only I was faster and I ran and ran away from her. Only she ran and ran after me. The more she ran the bigger she got with scary teeth. I remembered Anneโ€™s stories and I thought to myself โ€œArenโ€™t fairies supposed to be tiny?โ€And as quickly as she came she was gone and all that was left was my dream forest and I was scared.Even more scared than I was with the fairy. I sat down and cried and wished Mommy would sing me my favorite song,I wished Daddy would hold my hand I wished Anne would give me my favorite bear hugs.I looked up and saw a light. It was warm and happy looking.It reminded me of those warm summers with Anne.I stood up and wiped the tears away and started towards the light.โ€For Anne,Mommy and Daddyโ€ I said.

I made it to the light and discovered it was the gates of heaven.I walked up to the pearl covered gates and a man with a white robe and loving eyes and brown hair walked up to me and smiled the most comforting smile.Mommy, I wish you could have seen him you and Daddy would like him heโ€™s nice. He picked me up and said โ€œIโ€™ve been waiting for you little one.โ€ And then I cried.

So you see,thats how I died. To put it simply once I fell asleep and never woke up. My name is Amy and I died when I was 6 yr. old.


Publication Date: 04-14-2011

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