Author's e-books - sam. Page - 1

sam and rex are bf and gf they are so in love that they dont notice the world around them.but that ended soon when sam moved away.they both started to fail in school.then they started to video chat and have a long distance relationship.they still wanted to see each other in person.when they beg there moms they still say your to one night they snuck out of the house and decided to meet each other at a gas station.they didnt know that they were being followed the next morningsam was the

2 rival gangs, 2 ex lovers and 1 murder. When one of the brawlers was murdered on the Chixx territory, the 2 rival gangs are on the verge of war. Can old love stop more bloodshed or will it be the spark setting off the war?! This is going to be a short story and will continue to get updated until its finished :D

Sam is a Collector, sent on a mission to collect Lily, who is charged for murder, but along the way, gets marked with a Nymph Bite. Lily is a fairy/nymph who is accused of a murder she didn't commit. Sam is sent to collect her, but bites him on accident. Can they find who is trying to frame Lily or will she executed for a murder that was a set up?