Author's e-books - survival. Page - 1

He was covered in sweat, his eyes bloodshot from tears, and urine dripped down his pants. He was 15ft away from them when he tripped. Something jumped over the boy and landed close to him. The young man reached his hands towards them, crying out. The thing grabed him and dragged him back towards the stairs. The person clawed desperatly at the ground causing his nails to rip up and blood slid over the floor. His terrorized face dissapeared, hidden from view as he was dragged down. The doors shut

Far away in an uncharted island, a dark force is rising. Our hero, Leo Henrique, is the only person who can stop the force. However, he's still young and is pretty much a scaredy cat and he must learn to control his newly earned powers. Can he actually change and rise as a hero? Only time will tell.