American library books ยป Thriller ยป Timeless by Medusa Epoch (best fiction novels of all time txt) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซTimeless by Medusa Epoch (best fiction novels of all time txt) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Medusa Epoch



โ€œTo do or not to do. To say or not to speak. To stay or to leave. To be or not to be.


Every single decision, every single choice has the potential to alter your whole future. But what will it be? What will it lead to? What is the right choice?


Well, here we are. The worldโ€™s first futuristic organisation โ€˜INFINITYโ€™. With our breakthrough technology, this is no longer a doubt. Our technology allows you to see the outcome of the choices you make before actually making them. Today, we present to the whole world the first of its kind device, the device that lets you peek into the future. โ€˜THE OMEGAโ€™. A device that looks just like a regular watch but is so many light-years ahead.


Your future is now within your hands (literally).โ€



โ€œGood job James. The press conference today was a success. There are many investors lined up wanting to have a part of the action.โ€


โ€œThank you, sir. However, are you sure of it? Canโ€™t the release wait a bit more.โ€


โ€œJames. You did a good job. But this is not your call. The Board does not want to wait any longerโ€


โ€œBut sir we have not received the results from Test Laboratory 7. We have been unable to contact them. It might be nothing, but donโ€™t you think that a little wait would be better.


As we speak, a team is already heading towards Alaska to check on the Lab 7. We would be able to receive the results within a week. Canโ€™t we postpone the release to next Monday? A delay of just a week would be fi..โ€


โ€œClose the door while leaving. And tell Ana that I will not be attending any more meetings today.โ€


โ€œYes sir.โ€



[Lab 7]


โ€œHuh. I can finally take a break. The program will take an hour to analyze the device. Letโ€™s head out Elenaโ€


โ€œYeah. Just hold on a second. Let me grab my bag.โ€


โ€œHey, do you want to try out that new restaurant Jenny was telling about? Itโ€™s just a fifteen minutes drive from here.โ€


โ€œOkay. Letโ€™s take Matt along too.โ€


โ€œHey, Elena. What are you guys up to?โ€


โ€œHi, Matt. Kyle and I were just heading out for a break. Why donโ€™t you join us as wellโ€


โ€œNah. Iโ€™ll pass. I still have some cleaning up to do. Have fun.โ€




Publication Date: 03-02-2018

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