My Crazy Obsessed Stalker by SDayPink (ebook audio reader .TXT) đź“•

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- Author: SDayPink
Read book online «My Crazy Obsessed Stalker by SDayPink (ebook audio reader .TXT) 📕». Author - SDayPink
She was awakened from a deep slumber by a noise outside her window. There was an ear-shattering blood-curdling scratching sound scraping the window. She shot up out of the bed, flinging the sheets off her bed and across the room as if they were made out of tissue paper. She slowly crept toward the sound and carefully pulled back the curtains. The window revealed nothing but an old oak tree; its branches convoluted and twisted, leaning towards the window as if it were a sunflower reaching for the sun. But attached to the tree was a small pink Post-It. It read “You’re Next” with scrawny angry letters in black marker.
What could the note possible mean? Was someone out to get me? She thought, and darted to the kitchen, attempting to the lights on. Maybe my neighbors have a phone I can use. She grabbed her coat, and an ounce of courage. She opened the front door and ran halfway across the street. Before she could make it, a car blinded her, its lights distracted her as she stood like a deer in headlights, then everything went blank…
Chapter One: Teenage Nightmare
“It’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove.”
Denzel Washington Training Day
High school. It’s the place where enemies are made, and friendships are destroyed. Everyone dreams of meeting the love of their life in high school. Liliana Leigh and her sister Charisse walked down the hallway of River View High School. The freshly painted salmon pink walls reminded them of prison. The icy cold stares of the students melted away their freshly tanned skin. With a school population of 3,000, it seemed that every inmate at River View High was there to watch the entrance of the two new students from Hampshire, Illinois. Liliana was a junior, and her sister Charisse was a senior. They both inherited fiery red hair and emerald eyes from their mother. Even dressed in uniforms, you could tell the two apart. Charisse, the older one, always wore clothes a little tighter, a little brighter and a little lighter. Liliana’s style was a little more toned down. She always wore pink or black. She never wore make-up and people always complimented her natural red cheeks and lips, ultra thick eyelashes, and child-like large eyes.
“What a great day this is turning out to be.” Isadora stated, referring to three girls now approaching them.
“Hi, I’m Bibiane Adams.” Said a perky blonde with blue eyes. “This is Avian Clark and Malory Lee.”
Avian was very tall, almost Isadora’s height. She had puffy brown hair and dark eyes. Malory was short and had a birdlike appearance. Her brown eyes pour into Liliana’s like a vulture, and her pointed nose was pointed up. She looked at Liliana with disdain and ignored her.
Charisse began a conversation with the girls and Liliana looked around at the students in the hallway. The students had to wear uniforms and were a blur of white polos, and black pants. But one boy stood out to Liliana. He had frightening ice blue eyes and jet black hair. He continued to look at Liliana and a smiled played on his face. It looked as if he was about to walk up to Liliana, but he turned around and bolted off, in the other direction.
Malory noticed the boy and whispered something to Bibiane.
“Ew, that was Jamanj Reklats.” Avian stated. “Stay away from him.”
“Why?” questioned a curious Charisse.
“He’s crazy. Always having meltdowns in class and yelling at teachers.” Bibiane told her, rolling her eyes as the bell for the first period class rang.
Liliana’s first class was Chemistry. Her sister Charisse followed Bibiane, Avian, and Malory down the hallway. Most of the students continued to stare at her and Charisse as if the both wore a sign labeled “New Student”. The strange boy, Jamanj was there. He continued to stare at her and then turn away. Liliana took a closer look at him and he appeared to be less creepy than she once thought. The scowl he had on his face now appeared to be a frown.
The Chemistry teacher introduced her to the class and explained the assignment to her. They were doing an experiment today and she somehow got paired with him.
“I’m Reklats-Jamanj Reklats” He stammered, shaking her hand.
“I’m Liliana.” She said, pulled away from his handshake, after an awkwardly long time.
“Your hair…. It’s so beautiful.” He began to touch her curly red hair.
“Thanks.” Liliana turned away and walked over to the experiment set up.
The assignment was to mix together two chemicals to see if there was a reaction. Liliana read the instructions as Jamanj stood very close by, the smell of his cologne conquering her senses.
“Here.” Jamanj Reklats handed her a test tube, his rough hands brushing against hers.
They mixed together the two chemicals. One had a strong and overpowering smell and was black, the other was weak and a red fuchsia color. Jamanj Reklats stole glances of Liliana whenever she wasn’t paying attention. She was recording the observations, and Jamanj continued to stare at her emerald green eyes.
“Ok Reklats, so the result is that when the two are mixed, the icky black liquid takes over the reddish one, even when there is more of the red.” Liliana observed.
“Yeah.” He responded, his husky voice giving Liliana goose bumps.
The bell rang, and they both headed off to their next class. Liliana sped off ahead and looked around fanatically, hoping to see her sister. When she turned around she ran right into Jamanj. Her books fell out of her hands, and so did her schedule.
“Sorry.” Jamanj Reklats scurried to pick up her books.
“Um… thanks.” Liliana received her books, and hurried off again. She couldn’t find her schedule, but she remembered all of her classes.
The next few classes Liliana had, were with Jamanj. He was always there, like an ominous rain cloud. Liliana began to feel weird sitting by him in almost three classes in a row. She sat in front of him in English Language and Composition. She was almost sure that his ice blue eyes were staring at the back of her neck the entire time. She never said one word to him, because she wanted to be nice. Jamanj would occasional ask for a pencil or a piece of paper, and she complied. When the bell for the last class rang, she leapt up out of her seat and absconded to her car. Her sister Charisse was walking and talking to Avian, Bibiane and Malory.
“Hey Liliana, what’s up?” Her sister walked over to the driver side of the car and opened the window. “You’re here pretty early.”
Liliana shook her head. “I just had to get away from that creepy guy.”
“What guy?” Charisse started to laugh.
“I’m serious. Jamanj Reklats. All of my classes are with him.” Liliana looked around to see if he was nearby. “And he’s always staring at me.”
“Maybe he just likes you or something.”
Charisse began to drive toward their new house. Liliana was pretty sure someone was following them. Behind them was a black BMW, with tinted windows. The car veered every time they turn left or right, and sped up whenever they went through a yellow light.
“Actually Charisse. Let’s go out to eat. I’m starving.” Liliana stated, in hopes that the car would not follow them there.
“Where do you want to go?”
“Let’s go to the Flat Top Downtown.” Liliana knew that there were like millions of cars in downtown Chicago.
Charisse now drove to Lake Shore Drive. There were hundreds of cars there, but Liliana could easily pick out the black BMW. When they exited at Randolph, the car faded back into obscurity, and she could not see it anymore.
“Let’s go.” Charisse opened Liliana’s door and they entered the restaurant.
Flat Top was pretty empty, except for a half dozen people there. The tables were spotless and the windows had shades over them. If the black car had followed them here, she would not be able to see it. The waiter came over to them and offered them drinks. Liliana looked around frantically, hoping to spot someone that looked like they would drive a black BMW.
“Come on Liliana. Let’s go get our food.” Charisse grabbed Liliana’s arm.
Liliana walked with her sister and spotted a guy that just walked in. He had on all black and a hood pulled over his head. She couldn’t make out his face because he had large aviator glasses on his face. Liliana could tell that he was asking the waiter something about them because the waiter glanced at her, and then back to the guy.
“On second thought, let’s go.” Liliana told her sister, as she looked back at the guy who was now seat at a table adjacent to theirs.
“Why?” Charisse went back to the table and grabbed her purse. “Well let me get some dessert to go.”
Liliana sat down on one of the benches near a sign that read “Take Out”. She noticed her surroundings. There was a big creepy plant by the doorway that someone could easily stand behind. Liliana moved further away from it and looked for her sister. Charisse was talking to the waiter and the guy that was sitting at the table next to theirs, was gone.
She decided to check her phone. Liliana had one text message. It was from her mom.
“Where are you?” It read.
Liliana quickly texted back, and her sister was now ready to go.
They hopped into their car and started driving back home.
“Guess what?” Charisse asked.
“What?” Liliana was hoping that Charisse would say that she noticed someone following them and they were going to stop, or go to the police.
“I think your acting a little crazy today Maybe it’s because of the move.”
“I’m not crazy!” Liliana huffed and turned her back to her sister.
“You keep looking around like someone is following you!” Charisse shook her head. “That sounds very crazy to me.”
Liliana didn’t say a word to her sister on her way home. She noticed the black car was absent on the roadway. Maybe she was crazy and she was seeing things. Maybe that’s what kind of effect Chicago had on small town people.
The house that the Leighs were currently residing in was a large mansion. It was painted a light blue on the outside, with titanium white fixtures, and greenery graced the garden. There was a front and back yard, both currently covered with furniture, boxes, and moving supplies. A week before the move, Liliana’s mother had an interior designer decorate the rooms. Charisse and Liliana were expecting a fully furnished house, but when they entered the house there were a lot of moving men reorganizing the furniture.
“Liliana! Charisse! Good thing you’re here.” Their mother ran over to them with a paint bucket in one hand and a roller in another. “Sorry about the mess! I thought we would be done by now.”
Mrs. Leigh handed Charisse the roller and Liliana the paint bucket.
“We’re just finish up the living room.” Their mother began to fix her messy red hair into a ponytail. “You two have visitors by the way.” She turned around and pointed to the kitchen.
Charisse’s face lit up, as if she was expecting someone. Liliana followed her sister into the kitchen, not sure if she should be scared or worried.
“OMG! Gage!” Charisse ran over to a tall guy and gave him a hug. “Liliana this is Gage Parker! He’s in my homeroom class.”
Liliana took in the sight of Gage. He
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