American library books ยป Thriller ยป The Beginnings by Ian Emery (reading books for 6 year olds txt) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซThe Beginnings by Ian Emery (reading books for 6 year olds txt) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Ian Emery

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โ€œWhat is your name?โ€ a man yells at me. This man has a really deep voice and seems too confident in himself.
โ€œI ask again! What is your name?โ€ the man yelling even louder.
I shake my head. He comes up and slaps me across the face.
Whispering into my ear, โ€œI will say this one more time. What is your name?โ€
I try to move my hands and a guy behind notices.
โ€œHey Boss, he is moving his hands in a weird way.โ€
โ€œWhat? Are you trying to break free?โ€ he spits in my face.
I shake my head. He looks at me and goes behind me and cuts my hands free. I sign with my hands, โ€œI am mute.โ€
โ€œOh my god, this kid is a mute!โ€ The boss says, and they all start laughing.
โ€œStop moving your hands boy, here.โ€ He hands me a piece of paper and a pencil.
โ€œNow whatโ€™s your name?โ€
I write down Ernie.
โ€œWhat is your last name?โ€
I write Gallows. Everyone in the room suddenly steps back in horror. I look at everyone in the room and I see a guy get down and start to bow to me. I step back and hear a yelp. I turn and see my dog Lacy laying there on the floor. She has been lying there the entire time and I havenโ€™t even noticed. I go to pick her up and her leg is chained to the floor. I grab for the pencil and paper and write, โ€œLet her go!โ€
A guy obediently comes over and unlocks her chain while everyone else is hiding in the corners of the room trying to stay as far away from me as possible. I pick up Lacy and start to head for the door and one of the guys standing by it opens it for me. I walk through the door and the door quickly shuts behind me, and locks.
I put my ear up against the door to try to hear what they are talking about.
โ€œIโ€™m glad he is out of here.โ€ Says the boss. โ€œYou know what could have happened if he were to use his power against us?โ€
Everyone in the room starts to murmur. Power, what power are they talking about? I think this to myself all the way to this empty parking lot where my car is sitting. I get over to it and sit in the front seat and lock the doors. I start the car and notice that the inside isnโ€™t the way it was before, but newer. It looked exactly what I wanted it to look like. I pull out of this parking lot and look down this road Iโ€™m driving on and see nothing but empty grass plains.
I drive for a while and come to this gas station to fill up for gas and hopefully find a map to find my way home. I walk inside the store and there is a guy standing at the counter. I go over and grab for a pen and a napkin and write down, โ€œWhere am I?โ€
โ€œNew Amsterdam, Indiana.โ€
The Beginning

Chapter 5
I am in Indiana, in a town with only one person in it. The clerk at the gas station was the only person in the entire town; well I wouldnโ€™t call it a town more like a settlement. The clerkโ€™s name was Jason, Jason Wire. Jason was the only person in this place because he had the bright idea after reading online about so many cars dying on the road he lived on so he decided to put a gas station in the most convenient spot. This โ€œtownโ€ is practically right on the state line of Indiana and Kentucky. Now being from Washington, the state not the city, this is a far drive for me.
I grabbed a couple of snacks and drinks for the drive ahead. I even got Lacy some dog biscuits as well. I start to drive and I try to stay near big cities, but the drive from Indiana to Washington is nothing but corn and more corn, then some wheat. I decide to get on road 206. It is a very curvy road through the mountains with not a lot of people around the Idaho and Washington state border. I was hoping that I could get into the state without people trying to capture me.
The entire time I was driving I was thinking about what they meant by โ€œpowerโ€. I believed this to be something involving my dad. I couldnโ€™t think of any reason for anyone anywhere to kidnap my parents and try to kidnap me. I thought on the possibility of me having super powers. I would really like super speed so I would be able to run away from all of these weird people after me and I could spend less time looking for my parents.
I get up to the state line and suddenly my car stops out of nowhere. Food and drinks go everywhere and my dog Lacy ends up on the floor. The airbag didnโ€™t go off so my head hit my steering wheel and my forehead is starting to bleed. I try to unbuckle my seatbelt but it isnโ€™t letting me. I start to grab for my pocket knife I keep in the side of my door and find my knife gone. I start to panic and suddenly all these black cars like back when I was seven. I turn around and grab for Lacy and I hold her in my lap. A helicopter is now flying above me and a bright light is shining down on my car. A couple of big guys get out of the car and open my door I punch one of them in the face and he hits me back even harder. They unbuckle my seat-belt and take Lacy and pull me out of the car. They throw Lacy in the back of one of their cars and start beating me up. I start to cry, but not from the pain of them hitting on me and kicking me while Iโ€™m down, but by the fact that I donโ€™t want to lose Lacy as well. I feel this anger build up inside me and suddenly I yelled.
A big flash of light showed up and I passed out from exhaustion.

The Awakening

Chapter 6
I awake to the sound of a machine beeping every time my heart beats. I look over at the machine and at every beep of the machine and every beat of my heart, my forehead starts to throb. My forehead is still bleeding and it starts to bleed down my face. I try to reach to wipe off the blood but my hands are tied to the back of the chair I am sitting in. I try to bring my focus together to look around the room and I see nothing. The pain in my head and from all over my body is too exhausting for me to even try to move. I let my head hang there. Blood starts dripping onto my lap. I start to fall asleep.
โ€œWAKE UP!โ€
I lift my head to the sound of a very deep voice yelling at me. I look around the room and see no one. Then I see a speaker and a camera in the corner of the room. They are obviously watching me. I try to look for a door but I canโ€™t see one from how I am positioned. I try to turn my head enough to look behind me but I get a headache and my entire head this time starts throbbing. I sit there and listen to the machine beep, listen to my heart beat, and listen to the emptiness of the room.
โ€œWAKE UP!โ€ the voice says again.
I stare at the wall in front of me trying to think what happened. Then a door behind me opens. I can hear footsteps coming in and then the door closing. A very tall man walks in front of me and grabs the little light bulb hanging from the ceiling and swings it back and forth. I stare at the man with one eye open and one closed from the pain and swelling in my face.
โ€œDo you know what happened today, Mr. Gallows?โ€ the man says in a soft voice.
I didnโ€™t reply. I couldnโ€™t reply. I just shook my head a bit.
โ€œTalk to him!โ€ the deep voice screams at me and now I know that the man and the voice are not the same.
โ€œDonโ€™t yell at him. He canโ€™t talk.โ€
I nod my head. I try to get a better look at the guy but my head is throbbing so much it is hard to keep my head up.
โ€œSo you donโ€™t know what happened, and twenty of my men are dead, because of you.โ€
Twenty men? I killed twenty men? I try to think back to what happened but my head starts throbbing.
โ€œDonโ€™t worry. I will get someone in here to clean up the blood off you face, so I can look you straight in the face.โ€
The door behind me opens and a man shorter than me that looks to be about thirty starts wiping the blood off of my face. I can feel the cold water in the wound on my forehead. It feels refreshing.
โ€œNow does that feel better?โ€
I nod my head.
โ€œOkay, now down to business.โ€
The same little man brings him a chair. The man sits.
โ€œOkay now how did you focus that much power?โ€
I shake my head.
โ€œWell then you are no use to me.โ€
I shake my head as hard as I can and I start bleeding again.
โ€œOkay, can someone clean him up and close that wound on his head?โ€
The little man comes back over and he begins to clean my wound and then puts a bandage over it and wraps my head.
โ€œDo you feel better?โ€ The little man asks.
I nod my head.
โ€œThank you. Now where were we? Oh, yes how did you do that?โ€
The little man then comes up unties my hands and places a small table with a pen and paper in front of me. I start to write โ€œI donโ€™t know.โ€

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