Books author - "Bridget Kathleen"

Anna Sophia Leaves her uncles home in New Orleans with her Older brother Tommy and head to New York City for a better life. They meet the one and only, Spot Conlon, leader of the Brooklyn Newises. Is the newsie life best for Sophia and her brother? Or will they have to leave and return to their uncel's home? Or perhaps the cunning Spot Conlon will help them out, especially Sophia.

Evelyn & her best friend, Bianca get taken back to 1899 in Brooklyn NY. The last thing they remember is the car tumbling. It was just an accedent, but Evelyn feels guilty for everything that happened. Evelyn and Bianca become close to those around them, especially Evelyn who has her eyes set on someone who reminds her of somebody very special to her. Will she be able to stay in that time or be forced to go back and say goodbye a second time to a man she loves? This story is finished! (this