Books author - "Cade"

My names Valerick and I'm so not normal. Ever since I turned 13 I've got these powers I can't control. I've put some people in the hospital by accudent. And ever since these new people moved in I've had supernatrual beings trying to kill me. * not done* My names Tyler me my pack and family have to move to California to pertect a girl that has powerful magic. She has her ansesters dark magic and some of her family's good magic. Lots of beings are trying to kill her because not all of her

My Names Vera and so far my life sucks. I'm fifteen years-old and I have a abusive family, everything that happens thats bad I always get blamed for it. Right now I'm not aloude to talk at all, I have to write everything on paper to give it to anyone thats talking to me. And now that I can't talk my sister Sara has me going to alive consurt with One Direction to get there atougraphs for her, and if I talk and my family finds out I'm going to be in so much trouble.