Books author - "Santosh Jha"

Nature installs happy life, evolution seeks happy creatures, brain makes happy hormones, people always chase happiness and cultures work overtime manufacturing happy consumptions, still; happiness is elusive, ephemeral. Why? It is nature’s trap; a scam people live out, unaware. It breeds all criminality, depravity; kills sanity. The eBook busts the scam; paves way for alternative intentionality.

यह एक बंदिश है, शब्ददारी की अल्हड़ रागदारी है, सात-सुरों के तयशुदा श्रुतियों की ख्याल परंपरा से अल्हदा आवारगी का नाद स्वर है, गढ़े हुए बासबब लफ्जों से इतर स्वतः-स्फूर्तता का बेसबब बहाव है, ठुमरिया ठाठ की लयकारी के सहेजपनें से जुदा सहज-सरल-सुगम आह्लाद है, मूर्त की दहलीज से परे अमूर्त की अनुभूतियों की बेसायदार अभिव्यक्ति है। आप ही से आसनाई को मुंतजिर है यह ‘शब्द-संगीत’, यूं ही बेसबब... चले आइये...

Accept the question of ‘change’ and let the magic and marvel unravel. The question of change is the key, which opens the doors of life-living wellness and personal excellence. The book is about unleashing your potential by simply unlocking the consciousness. Won’t you open the doors, if someone knocks to deliver the Christmas Cake! Innocence of reception is beauty. Be beautiful and bountiful.

An analytical commentary on how energies of ideas for socio-political changes, create a stampede of stupidities, when they are reactive and participants of change fail to observe assimilative perspectives, compromising the sanity of system, which could weed out loads of aggression, chaos and conflicts from the soil of struggle. A global reality, elaborated with India as a case study.

If you feel, honesty is musical, simplicity is sweet, reality is multidimensional and life-living is experiences optimization process; this eBook is for you. However, it is only half a book; remaining half shall happen after you shape up its emergence. Melody, rhythm, verve emerge, as you willfully orchestrate them. Magic awaits you in 2022; beyond. Grammar and poetry have been laid out. Step in.

Avant-Garde expressions on divinity. It internalizes the 3Ms: Mysticism-Marvel-Magic, with a novel & unique perspective of 3Cs: Consciousness-Cognition-Causality. It’s about the Registry & Artistry of a Super-positioned Consciousness, which aligns the cardinal elements within Subjective Self, Milieus (within & outside) and Idea of Divinity in singular linearity. If God is in details, it’s here.