American library books Β» Adventure Β» The Girl Next Door by Samwise Cool, Ted Cool, Will Cool, Harry Cool (comprehension books .txt) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«The Girl Next Door by Samwise Cool, Ted Cool, Will Cool, Harry Cool (comprehension books .txt) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Samwise Cool, Ted Cool, Will Cool, Harry Cool

Before The Disaster

Before The Disaster 


Talk of the coronavirus was escalating quickly, starting in wuhan from a bloke who ate a bat then making its away across Asia. Everyone thought nothing of it. There was talk of a lockdown. No, that would never happen all the lads said. (Why do Chinese people not play cricket?because they eat all the bats) Then we were told to sanitize and keep 2 metres from everyone. Not a single person stuck to that rule (except for the try hards ) No one believed that it would come to little old England, were too hard for a larl Chinese virus.


Then there was talk of a nationwide lockdown, no way hosea would that happen though. Not in a million years would anyone of dreamed of having to stay at home without being aloud out.


But then on Wednesday the 15th of March the unexpected happened. It was 5th period of the day and we were informed that school would be shutting due to the coronavirus pandemic. The week after schools shutting the government announced that the country would be put in a nationwide lockdown. What follows is the stories of these 1 normal boy and what happened to him during those odd times. It is a tale of love, love, sex, dogs and gardens. Brace yourself for you are about hear the tale of :








The Girl Next Door








Written By Samwise

Unfortunately A True Story



Harry started off lockdown like any other person, bored shitless.So one sunny day he decided to take a stroll into his garden and have a tidy. One of these days he heard a subtle voice saying hello. He turned around to notice his neighbour sitting on her wall. Rather surprised that a female was paying attention to him he started a conversation. Daily he would go to his garden to exchange facts with Jambon (the girl next door, Jambon is not her real name but as requested person information will not be released.). He could not invite her over because of the tight lockdown.


When the lockdown restrictions were reduced Jambon and harry moved from the garden to the garage as the nights were getting colder, the lovebirds would stay up talking all night until one of their parents would tell them to go to bed. One day he was talking to her about the sheer width of will Nielson breasts when she told him to guess what size her bussoms were. This was when the spark really started.


Time passed and the lovebirds were getting more and more comfortable, they were talking more and spending all their time together. Rather stupidly Harry had no clue that anything was happening between them.


On a calm Saturday night they were yet again spending much enjoyed time together. Jambon was acting off and not letting harry see her phone, as a retard would harry didn’t see the signs that she deeply wanted to make love to him, but he thought nothing of it. Later on in the evening Jambon went to check on her dad and saw his arm over Harry’s mum. Her little heart broke, she ran home crying. She could not cope with her dad and Harry’s mum getting together. Harry consulted her and she came back to cuddle and snuggle, even at this point harry had no clue they were any more than friends. And he said, as he quoted, β€œwhatever happens between our parents, we should not let it become between us . The next day Harry wrote on his phone do you like me? She replied with a tick. Harry (the retard he is) wrote alright and called It a night.


Weeks went by and the love kept being multiplied. Jambon was round at Harry’s and his mum and her dad were getting very drunk and very friendly towards each other throughout the evening. Harry kept trying to ask her out but consistently choked on his words. Every time she went to check her dad was okay harry hit himself as he was very cross that he could not do it. Harry finally told her. She said alright, same as Harry’s reply.No more was said on the matter and they carried on watching the film.


At about 11pm there was no sign of their parents. Jambon went to check one her dad but he had disappeared. Fairly worried she asked harry to go try to find them, as she was scared of the dark. Being a simp harry agreed. He would later come to regret accepting to do this great act of kindness.


Harry strolled through his house, checking all the doors, no sign of his mum. Down the corridor he could hear some banging, maybe his mum was mashing some potatoes for mash potatoes. Eagerly he went to his mums room and opened the door. She was not making mashed potatoes. No. It can’t be. No way. Harry was nearly sick. He could not believe his eyes. His mum and Jambon’s dad were doing it in the corner of her bedroom. Harry’s body froze. Okayyyyyy he said and closed the door. He tried to make his body move but the pain and scarring of what he just saw would never leave his mind.


Harry made the long journey back to his living room to find Jambon sitting there quietly watching the film. Harry could not bring himself to tell her what he had just seen. β€œI have too” he thought. So he said bluntly ,” Your dad and my mum were making love” She froze. White as a sheet. Like she had seen a ghost.


The Lovebirds never spoke again after this horrendous incident.





Publication Date: 11-28-2020

All Rights Reserved

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