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- Author: John Love
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White Magick
White Magick
Copyright 2018
John Love
Ceremonial Ritual Magick
Magickal Child
The Archangels
The Elysium is the City of Lights
Evolveing the human races
Holy Weapon
Heavenβs Wrath
The Pearl Soul
The Soul and Entity
Pan In the Void
The Void
Evolveing the Milky Way Galaxy while In a Dimension and In the Void
Evolveing the universe
Liberation of the Soul
Ceremonial Ritual Magick
Ceremonial Ritual Magick is the Occult Tool and Weapon too Use Sorcery with.
Opposites Attract the Resolution is the Occult Knowledge of Signs with nature and the essence of nature and Reality.
Ceremonial Ritual Magick Allows the Creation and Formation All that is Possible In the Black Hole of Natural Reality Formation and Causation hopefully for good in the mode of goodness.
Sorcery was Caused Up from the Mind a long time ago, maybe 116,000 at the earliest too evade a feudal world and get away Somehow from Terrorism and Totalitarianism.
Everything IS Possible with Sorcery Standing at the Center In the Void, Microcosm, and Macrocosm.
Magickal Child
Humanityβs Oversoul is what is termed a Magickal Child from the Father Sorcerer 9,036 years ago now approx.
Standing at the Center In the Void the Child was Caused, and his Father Saw the boy Alive, and Programmed Cells in the boyβs favor to help him in life.
Necromancy Happens after 42 million years all Life on Earth Depending Upon you the Zombie Lays with the Brain Waves Until Resurrected from the dead.
The Necromancy is of the Immortals.
The Archangels
Angels, and Archangels, Raphael, Michael, Uriel, and Gabriel, also Ratziel, are as always Programmed with the Help a Angel, or Archangel, with the Sunlight, with a Yellow Shield of Energy which can make Visible the Archangel but should Remain Shut Permanantly in this feudal World today.
Yellow Eyes are the Ones who Summon Angels and Archangels.
The Elysium is the City of Lights
Centuries ago, Opposite Demons and Absolute no temperature just the coldest space and fires of Rage, God In the Empyrean Caused also the City of Lights Through Ratziel.
The purpose was to evade a feudal and warlike society where people as worthy Angels and Archangels may evade capture, torture, and death.
The Elysium is vast and Positioned so is Visible too all Sorcery on Earth.
Evolveing the human races
9,036 years ago, my Father, wanted his Magickal Child too Evolve the human races, with White Light Sustained Over the human body, and Detailed, with the Blast Power of the Imagination, too Clamp Down and Evolve the human races for the betterment of all humankind.
Holy Weapon
Holy Weapon is Programmed too Reincarnate warcriminals as Innocence.
Heavenβs Wrath
Heavenβs Wrath is like Bombastra of Krishna, but Reincarnates war criminals Innocence.
The Pearl Soul
The very first Soul, too 5 Souls, 1 In the Void, and now every human has a Soul, or can Again being Plucked from the air, or even Caused and Plucked from the air, so that the Guf Remains Full, Happened as a Pearl too Heal the wounds of the human head and mind too Health.
The Soul and Entity
The White Transparent Spherical Soul has a natural Mind termed the Entity which Manifests as Nuances Arise and are Stage by Stage Experienced Separated from the human totem host body of the human face is the totem the Entity Recollects and Understands is Itβs Own too Possess and Animate.
Pan In the Void
Pan his Parents Cused centuries ago.
Pan Entered the Void as scripted with Thought, Shape, and Detail, too Evolve In the Void.
The Void
All melted away too Me.
Suddenly I Experienced Me as a Soul and Mind, of All Souls and All Minds, ARE A SINGLE SOUL AND MIND which Experiences nature and Realities like Looking Through a kaleidoscope of many fragmented parts which though I Experienced as a Whole UNITY, UNITED MINDS IS A SINGLE MIND.
Evolveing the Milky Way Galaxy while In a Dimension and In the Void
Standing at the Center all life of the Earth was Caused by Death to end all life.
However In the Void Life can be Evolved for the better worldwide.
In a Dimension and In the Void all Life can be Perfected and Manifests in Earth also.
Evolveing the universe
While In the Void and Microcosm nature, Reality, Earth, Life, and Galaxy and Universe, eventually universes, ca be Evolved for the better.
Innocence is the Perfect human condition free from Rage and sense gratifications.
Liberation of the Soul
Royal Blue In the Soul means accuracy and perfectionism have been Achieved with the workings of the Mind that Perfect Inclination.
The Hari Krishna Maha Mantra: Hari Krishna Hari Krishna Krishna Krishna Hari Hari Hari Rama Hari Rama Rama Rama Hari Hari Rises the spinal column, then from body heat coiled at base spine heat Rises up the spinal column until stalls at heart, Push Through they say too Samadhi with the Brain.
Enlightenment after Samadhi is Achieved, clearest judgement is Enlightenment in essence perhaps.
Text: John Love
Publication Date: 01-18-2019
All Rights Reserved
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