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I heard a knock on the door so I went to see who it was and "SURPRISE" it's my mom. "mom" it have been like two years since I've seen her. she's finally back from

"CPI" were my brother and I were born, I have no idea how it even look like. I went when I was about 1 yr of age. Well I’m glad she's back, "mommy I miss you so much"

well I did miss her but since I’m little I never know how to express my feelings it’s like I can say it but not show it.
"happy early b-day" she say
"thanks! or should i say early thanks!"
well I was going to talk to her about the e-mail she sent me a day ago about moving to the "CPI". But my brother already here, they take the whole afternoon to talk

like I didn’t’ exist, I didn’t mind because I knew that she has to talk to me sooner or later. The same afternoon around six (6:00) I was in my room reading,
“Withy” she call. That’s short for WITHBERLINE my name by the way.
“here” I say
“sweetheart we need to talk”
“yeah! I was hoping we could right know”
“I wanted to talk with your brother first”
“about the e-mail” I cut her off, I know that’s wrong but I could not help myself.
“why so fast, and mom how I’m going to leave there ?” it sounded more like I was wondering, it sounded more like I was asking myself that question.
“sweetheart I though everything through, and here in the ‘TCI’ isn’t no good for us, you can move to the ‘CPI’ and your cousins will take care of you” I can see that

she mean it and she’s not too happy ‘bout it either. I mean what kind of mom would be happy if their sweet little girl leaving, going somewhere where they can not

control you/ spy.
“ok I’ll go. But you said Thursday it’s already Wednesday, what about if I go Saturday”
“ well you’re the one going I guess you can”
“really” it’s not like I didn’t know she was going to say yes but it’s fun to pretend. After all I wanted to go, of course to end this suffering. Well let me say since

I was little I always wanted my name to be recognize or in other way popular. The next day my friends and I had fun. On Friday we past the whole day out having a

family day. When we reach home I went to my room to fix my bags when
“Withy” my brother call
“Chris” that’s the nickname I end up calling him until everyone start calling him it too, it’s short for Christopher. “Come in” he open the door with a sad face I see

him coming close to me. I want to laugh but even if I’m not that emotional I don’t like messing with people feelings.
“sis you’re going to leave me “
“ Chris I’m not dying, I’ll see you or you’ll see me again it’s just that it’s going to be a long time. That’s all”
“that’s exactly what I mean you’re my big sis I supposed to take care of you, even if you give me like a good three years. I mean now I wont be able to know who you

talking to or who you’re friends are, and I have no boy to mess with when they’re asking to check them, you was my best friend”
“HELLO! I’m still here, that mean I’m still you’re best friend”
“how we going to talk every time I got news or need help with my home works”
“well, I though about that and remember I asked my cousins for a laptop well they bought it for me so I’m leaving you my laptop”
‘stop playing, I know you have so many pictures on that thing you are not going to give it to me”
“That’s why I send everything to my e-mail so cleaned it for you, you only have to make two users one personal administrator one and a guest one”
“will you help me do it”
“ok, but if mom come you know what to do”
“sis, it’s me Chris’
So we start he put a password and I write it somewhere just in case he forget it. And right about when we was closing the cp mom call out our names and open the door.
“my dear sister I’m going to miss you sooooo much” my brother started to say.
“me too” I answer, well I was serious about that. I hug him, and mom tell us to go sleep. In the morning by five me and my brother said our special bye , when mom

think she’s waking me up, I wake up go to the bathroom and take a bath, my brother was still playing sleeping. So I did not wake him up, I go inside the car we drive

to the airport. When we reach my mom put me inside and there was a woman that my mom knew, she tell me to come so I say my final bye to mom and take my bags it was not

that much of clothes. So we reach to the “CPI” after about 1:45 minutes. Once we reach I saw my cousins in line waiting for me, they take my bags and we go home. When

we reach o thought that I would be hungry but no I wasn’t. So they took my bags, they tell me to go take a bath, I was thinking about the traveling baths I don’t

understand, I took a bath right before I go to the airport once I reach my destination they tell me to go take another bath, the flight was not even for one hour .

They must have water to waste. So anyways I still like the warmth of the water, so I go take a bath , when done I put my clothes on in the bathroom, I get out of the

bathroom once they heard the noise they call me to eat, I couldn’t say that I wasn’t hungry after they done cooking all my favorites. So I go to the kitchen and take a

seat. They put the foods and I take some in each of the different foods, I was trying my best to eat when suddenly Sherley one of my cousins ask,
“how you doing?”
“I’m ok” I answered
“how is everybody?”
“there all fine or should I say crying and missing me right now”
“what about you?”
“what about me?” what is she even talking ’bout.
“aren’t you going to cry too?”
“why?, cry for what?”
“you’re still so careless”
It sounded more like she was asking me a question.
“ok, what do you want me to do” “cry but they’re not dead I’ll see them sooner or later anyways, or I can skype with them.”
“ she’s right you know” Frito add my other cousin.
“ok, once you’ll start I know what’s waiting for me, you’ll win” Sherley say giving up
“ girl are you training for USA’s next top model?” oh no she did not just give me a question compliment. All compliments from her have something waiting for me.
“ ok, spill”
“ I mean you’re not getting no bigger, you walk like a super model on the runway.”
“ oh, thank you, thank you, thank you I’ll be here for as long as you want”
“ now I’m serious, I do not like the sound of that” I sure like the compliments.
“ what I’m trying to say is in the school that we sign you in, they’ s have modeling competitions so I told them to sign you in” with a smile.
I mean I knew it no compliments without a plan, now I’m stuck with it she’s even going to buy every thing I need just so I have no excuse.
“ ok, when is it?”
“when you go school Monday you’ll find out”
“Monday?, I did not bring nothing for school”
“come” Frito take my arm to go to a room.
“that’s you’re room” he say “open the closet” both of them stand behind me giggling.
“OMG” “that’s my room and that’s my closet?” there is clothes, shoes everything I extremely need for school ’cause school here is in pretty much what you feel like

wearing. And “Happy B-day” they hand me a gift box so I open it. It’s a ipad laptop and a smart phone. “THANK YOU”.
“you’re welcome” they say closing the door behind them. they already set the internet up , so I go to the bags I brought and start fixing them, when I’m done I just

put on my pajama on and just sleep. In the morning, I wake up early take a bath well I have my own bathroom, that mean they probably didn’t hear me, while going

through my clothes sherley come to my door and knock while saying “withy, withy, wake up we going to the school it’s already 9:00 am.”
“I’m awake”
So I find a pair of skinny jeans so I put them on with a nice looking shirt sleeveless because it’s very hot here, I take a pair of flats and a cross bag put my things

in it and go downstairs. She already made breakfast so we eat and Frito come for us so we drive to the school. Well it’s beautiful big and there’s pretty much a lot of

children with their parents.


Publication Date: 11-06-2012

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