Sway by Meadow Carpenter (free children's online books TXT) 📕

500 years later 15 year old Carmeline knows there is something in her room, something mystical and loving and yet she doesnt know what it is.
Know Lucas has finally got Carmeline he needs his body so he can always be with her.
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- Author: Meadow Carpenter
Read book online «Sway by Meadow Carpenter (free children's online books TXT) 📕». Author - Meadow Carpenter
Transylvania, 1500.
“The girl is no importance to you!” My voice was loud, at least a couple hundred decibels and yet there faces showed no emotion. Like they didn’t hear anything I said and though my voice was loud, it was shaky and worried. “You can’t toy with peoples lives.”
Elias stood, his six foot seven inch frame taller than my six foot 2. His appearance looked liked his fathers, Short curly strawberry blonde ringlets and wide blue eyes.
But unlike his father Elias was of importance and an undead. Somebody who died a long time ago.
“Are you standing against me Lucas? Do you love the girl, you humans are so obsessed with you love and honesty,” Elias was dressed in elegant clothes, he moved from one side of the room a pace so fast my eyes couldn’t catch up with the images they where receiving. Elias stopped in front of me and I jumped backwards, “Do you love Eveline? You have been living for five-hundred years and your time as an essence is nearly up and yet after all this time of never finding a true love, you have fallen for the girl. A girl of no importance, a daughter of a carpenter who sleeps with men to bring in money, She would be hanged for a crime like that. Im just giving her a different punishment, you cant blame me for wanting her. Her life and her blood.” Elias’s Romanian accent was thick and clear, he is the definition of deadly.
Eveline was my love, a girl who I had fallen I love with after I helped her pick up her shopping, which had fell off a horse and carriage. Eveline was an angel with long red hair and wide green eyes, any man was lucky to have her and to my disappointment nearly every man had. Though Eveline was a young age of sixteen she had to sleep with men to pay her father lodging and get food every day and a bed every night.
“Oh I see Lucas, you have already had her haven’t you?” Elias raised his eyebrows his voice filled with sarcasm and enjoyment “How did it feel to be inside her?”
I stared at Elias; I would never take advantage of Eveline. Not even if I wanted to which usually I did, I could never hurt her that way. I wanted her to love me for me and not feel like she was compelled to be with me for everything I could offer, “I am not taking this from you, you and your council. I have fallen in love with Eveline and it is not fair you take her life for a simple thing like blood. Have my blood but not hers, never hers, never touch her.” I tried to make my words threatening and I stared hard into his eyes, showing him I meant everything I said and sharing images of me cutting off his head with my golden sword. None of this had happened but I could make others see, visualize it in my own head and then put it in others.
Elias gasped and for a moment his eyes grew wide in fear.
“Your messing with something good Lucas, I let you live without becoming undead five hundred years ago. I could make you a bloodsucker like me, I know you would hate that,” Elias circled around me, each step only taking half a second to reach “Or do you prefer I end your life permanently?”
I steeped back from Elias, from his council sitting behind him, I never asked to live forever in the first place. And I thanked him for it, if I had died five hundred years ago I would never of met Eveline. Never felt the true joy of love, “You wouldn’t kill me, I thought I was of importance.”
“Ahh,” Elias chuckled loudly, the others behind him joined in “Your importance ran out two hundred years ago Lucas. I have no need for you any more, I just enjoy watching your suffering. I like your pleading for forgiveness and I cant wait to see your pain when I make you watch me kill the girl. Kill your Eveline.”
I cried out, it was an embarrassing moment, but he couldn’t kill Eveline! I would never allow it, “No!” I said the word quickly, loudly, abruptly “Take my life before you take hers.”
“Is this a deal Lucas?” Elias’s voice was full of questions, his eyes full of ideas of ways to make me suffer, “You want me to take your life instead of hers? To make you suffer instead of her?”
I looked at him for a moment, seeing if he would pass on his promise if I agreed, seeing if he would kill or not kill Eveline if he killed me.
“Yes,” I said, one simple world and yet it could change everything completely, my life could end by that yes word, “Promise you will never kill her.”
Elias laughed, his eyes going from muddy brown to ruby red and then a deep scarlet, a thousand colors every second “You are so innocent, you have no idea what is to happen, yet I know everything and what will come in time,” Elias touched my forearm gently, then his gentle gripped turned hard and painful, I held in a cry of pain “You will be drawn to Eveline forever, but you will be invisible, dead. You will always be there with her, next to her and loving her but she will never be able to see you. This is your curse Lucas, from now on you will be gone.”
I looked at him, thinking he is crazy until I am overwhelmed with a bewildering pain that I have no choice but to fall to the floor and curl up in an agonizing ball, “What is happening?”
“You are dieing Lucas, you shall forever haunt this world,” He smiled as he leaned down towards me “You shall forever be a spirit until the girl can save you, you are a ghost Lucas. No body anymore, you are trapped forever with no end and now your fate lies in Eveline”
I closed my eyes and let the pain spread through me, making me jump with every little flicker. And then it vanished, all the pain was gone.
“You are gone now,” Elias said he touched my arm but his hand went straight through me leaving in its place a tingling sensation “Only I will be able to see or hear you.”
I got up from the floor, Elias eyes following every single movement of mine and then he finally turned and returned to his large chair, “Go now, live your life with Eveline and appreciate everything I have given to you.”
The walls around me disappeared, everything went black for one single second and then I was in the outside world.
I looked around, I was at the market and I saw Eveline buying her apples. She looked right at me and yet saw nothing, I smiled but yet her perfect face was still emotionless. She paid the old bald man and made her way towards me, I braced myself for the oncoming conversation that was going to happen.
Eveline’s body moved through mine and for one little moment we where one, one body, one soul, one heart and it was a feeling I would never forget.
I realised who I was, what I had become and I realised Eveline would never be able to see, feel or touch me, I was a spirit now and I needed to find a way to be with her.
It cost me my life to save hers, but it was the best deal I ever had.
Chapter 1. Carmeline.
I pulled my sweater on over my vest top, it was summer outside and maybe 80 ° and yet something still sent shivers down my spine.
It was 4pm and no where near to time to be getting dark outside and yet I shut my curtains in my bedroom and slumped down on my bed.
Something was missing and something was here, in my room and it felt like it was coming from near the window. And yet this sensation felt so new, so scary and hypnotizing but it wasn’t a feeling I had never had before, I had felt it all my life, which is only fifteen years but felt like I had been for infinity. Like something was following me, belonging to me and yet I couldn’t quite figure out what it was, what was here.
This feeling wasn’t particularly scary, usually it was comforting, but sometimes it was cold. Ice cold and soulless, sometimes it would be loving. Hot as lava and as comforting as a bed made of feathers or a fluffy toy to snuggle up to.
This feeling was a natural part of me and yet it wasn’t exactly mine, it wasn’t my emotion or my touch. It was something that would hold me when I was sick or cool me when I was hot, something that was always there and never really existed.
Maybe a psychological thing? Maybe it was somebody invisible, like Harry Potter and his clock of invisibility.
I held out my hand, palm faced forwards and waited to feel it, him or her, but nothing came, only coldness from my new ceiling fan that cooled me on these hot summer days in Colorado.
The feeling would never come to me in the daylight, only during nighttime when it was dark outside and the sky would be lit with a million shining stars.
“Maybe I should be writing this stuff down,” I was talking to myself, I sat up and lay back down again “My mind is pretty could with imaginary objects.”
I waited for an answer, for a call or a touch and yet nothing came. I closed my eyes and opened them again and nothing was there.
I waited and waited, breath after breath, beat after beat and nothing came. Before I knew it the sun was setting and the sky was getting dark.
It was night time, my sense of belonging would return.
“Carm!” My moms booming voice travelled up the stairs and to my room with in seconds of it leaving her mouth, I got up off of my bed so fast I could see black dots and had to grip the wall to become stable, “Carmeline its tea!”
I made my way down the stairs, making my feet hit the each step hard warning them I was coming, I was moody as they had interrupted me in my waiting and yet I forgave them as I felt my stomach growl with hunger.
I smelled pizza and yet when I sat down at the table I was met a plate of pasta and spaghetti sauce, I could garlic bread in the distance and smiled. I hadn’t had garlic for a while and garlic bread was simply delicious, dad must of made dinner tonight. Mom only knew how to make simple meals which you put in the microwave and usually they where burned by the time she had finished.
My mom and dad sat down with there plates and my mom passed me
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