American library books » Fiction » The Uncontrollable Twin by Angel (top romance novels TXT) 📕

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Chapter 1

"Oh Adam wait up." Tiffany called signaling me to slow down; finally she caught up to me gasping. She looked up and smirked at me. "For a werewolf you sure do walk quickly." She placed her hand on my shoulder, but I instantly slapped them off.
"If I don't like you, what makes you think you can touch me?" I snarled while she cowered down.
"Now don't be like that, one day you're going to have to get used to me. After all we are getting marr-"
"Shut up!" I roared and slammed my hand against the tree. She whimpered trying to calm me down, "Get off of me!" I shoved her off of me and slapped her. She shouted at me and ran crying to my parents.
I sighed and continued farther in the forest. I could hear yelling far away, probably my mom or sister. I stopped at a lake admiring the beauty. I went over and sat down staring at my reflection, "Why do I have to marry a slut." I growled and threw a rock skipping ten times before sinking. "Ugh I guess I better go or else I'll have to listen to more constant nagging." I sneered imagining the girls screaming at me. I looked over and saw a reflection of a cat. "Ah, and where did you come from little fella?" I picked it up and noticed it was a girl. "Hiding from your family too?" The kitty meowed and she seemed like she was smiling. "Well you better run along before your owner gets m-" But before I could finish the kitty turned into a beautiful girl. She had black hair and ears, kitty paws, and a tail.
"Meow." She smiled then clinched onto me. I fell backward and started to laugh, rolling around nipping at her. At last she pinned me down triumphantly sitting on me, moving her hands up and down. She giggles as she felt the vibrations of my laughter. I petted her ears and she purred, rubbing her head against my hand. I wondered if she would let me take her home with me.
"Hey if you want you can stay with me, you just have to turn into a cat and stay quiet, ok?" I asked staring deep into her eyes. I never seen purple eyes before, but I never seen a cat girl before either. I was told all of them had gone extinct, and even though I was a wolf I like her a lot. She kept purring for a while then smiled.
“Meow!” She cuddled with me rubbing her head against my chest. I squeezed her and I could feel her transform into a cat. I opened my eyes and saw a purpled-eyed, black cat staring at me. I laughed and grabbed my hiking pack, and zipped it open so she could get inside.
I walked along the trail while the kitty in the back squirmed. I put my hand over my eyes glancing at the two figures ahead, “Oh great.” I mumbled and hit my backpack not too hard, and told the kitty to be still.
After a while the figures became more clearly, it was my mom and dad, of course she had to go tell them. “Where have you been?” My father asked, his name is Daniel the pack leader of the strongest team, Bloodlore.
“And why did you slap Tiffany, you know boys should never hit girls.” She was always nagging on and on about this shit.
“Well I did, didn’t I? And I was at the lake trying to freshen off because I knew I’d have to listen to all this nagging, so fuck it I’m going to my room.” I shouted and pointed onward marching away, and then I felt Kitty go very still. Pour thing she didn’t need to hear all of that, I thought whimpering.
“Don’t ever talk to your mother like that young man?” Then I heard softly, “Are you ok Gwen?” Geez they always stand up for Tiffany but never their own son.
I finally got home ignoring the mean looks from everybody and headed up stairs. If they just knew she’s been cheating on me they would give her dirty looks and not me. I got to my room and locked the door. I sat on my bed and opened my pack. I saw purple eyes tearing up. “Hey don’t be that way, you’ll make me feel bad,” I stuck my bottom lip out and acted like I was going to cry. She transformed and sat on my lap wrapping her legs around my waist, and man did it feel good. I growled in pleasure then she started looking at me curious. I shook my head and told her to forget about it. I laid her on the bed and put my arm around her waist the other threading her hair. “So what’s your name?” I ask softly, and was almost getting lost by her scent but her purring kept me from it.
“Meow.” She looked up at me, but kept purring.
I laughed, “Is that all you can say.” I smiled at her and pressed my lips against her head. I wish I could kiss her on the lips, but that would be wrong I have to finally break up with Tiffany and tell everyone the truth.
“Meow.” This time her smiled turned into a frown. I then realized that I was frowning also.
“Oh don’t worry about me,” I smiled and heard her stomach growl, I snorted, “Hungry? Ok wait here and I’ll get you something to eat.” I tucked her in and she nodded and snuggled under the blankets, “And don’t make a sound.” I put my finger to my lips while I shut the door. I sighed and put my finger through my hair. I never felt this way toward a girl before, could it be that she’s my mate? I started to drool as I thought of her stripping for me, but I shook my head, no time for my fantasies yet I have to give her food, so I went into the kitchen. I saw Debbie cleaning up dancing to her 80s music. I decided to play a joke on her, so I went up and put my hands on her hips. “Mark I’m trying to clean.” She smirked and started swaying her hips. I dragged her close to me and she laughed. I put my head down by her neck then nipped at her ear.
“I didn’t know you worked these hours?” I growled happily dancing with her, trying to act and sound like Mark.
“Yeah well I had to…wait a minute.” She turned around and thumped me with the cutting board she was washing. I fumbled to the floor, and put my goofy I just got owned look on.
“You just had to be washing a cutting board at the time huh?” I whined rubbing the knot on my head, then looked up at her who was finishing cleaning off the board.
“No I was washing a spoon at the time,” I whined even louder I wish she just thumped me with that, “and it serves you right, doing a stunt like that.” She shot me a mean look but couldn’t hold back her smile.
“Pretty good huh, you totally fell for it.” Debbie and her husband Mark are the only ones that I like other than my little sis, Stacy. “So what’s for supper?” I consumed the delicious aroma. She sighed and pointed at the food. There were tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, meat, sauce, and taco shells. I trusted my arm up and down excitingly. Debbie chuckled then gasped. “What?” I turned around and saw the kitty girl staring at Debbie. Then she looked at me and pointed to her stomach that growled very loudly I might add, and then pointed to her mouth biting. I looked over at Debbie who had that well what do we have her look. I looked at her and gave her the oh nothing grin.
She just shook her head, “Don’t worry since you keep all my secrets I’ll keep yours.” She took a deep breath and handed me two bowls of taco salads, she knew that the salads were my favorite, so I hugged her and went up to my room.
“I guess I’ll also cover for you, for the reason you’re gone?”
I shook my head, “No need they already know I’m pissed off at them.” I rolled my eyes and she chuckled.
“What did you do this time?” She put her hands on her hips; she’s almost like a mother to me, I mean I already know I’m like a son to her, and her husband and I are…let’s just say partners, love partners. We always like to joke around like that, but dad and mom doesn’t seem thrilled about it.
“Oh I just slapped Tiffany and yelled at my mom, my second mom.” I bowed my head in shame, and oh I call Deb my mom and mom my second. She just laughed and continued cooking. Kitty and I went back to my room. I locked the door and took her taco salad away from her. “I thought I told you to stay in here, you could’ve gotten caught and gotten both of us in trouble!” I growled but soon regretted it. Her delicate eyes filled up with tears and her plump lips puckered out. She sniffled and jumped on the bed and buried her face in the pillow. I could hear soft wailing through the pillow and a ‘meow’. I sighed and sat on the side of the bed, putting my hand on her back. Good job idiot way to make her like you, my wolf argued with me, but I ignored him and went to comfort her.
I lay next to her putting my arms around her waist, ‘growl’. I paused thinking for a moment then I started to chuckle and then soon my chuckle turned into an uncontrollable laugh causing me to fall onto the floor, but that just made me laugh even harder. The cat girl looked at me angrily so she jumped one me and started whacking a biting me. This lasted for five minutes then she finally stopped laying on me breathing heavily. I lifted her up and set her on the bed and got out the taco salads giving one to her. I took a bite then looked at her who by the way already finished her meal in less than a minute! My jaw hit the floor, damn and I thought I was the pig.
“Geez you ate that like you never eaten before.” I said astonished. She smiled at me and then looked at my food. “Oh no, you’re not getting this,” I got up and took a huge bite, and then she started pouting again. ‘Give her at least one bite.” My wolf growled at me so I took a little piece, ‘bigger!’ now turning into a bigger piece, and shoved it in her mouth. She looked up at me and smiled thankfully; I slanted my eyes and ate all my food before she could want another. After I was done I peeked outside seeing the dark clouds coming. I sighed as I got out a small mattress, blanket, and a pillow and put it by my bed, there. I looked at her and pointed to the bed, “enjoy.” She agreed and got under the covers. She looked up at me with the covers still on her head, man she’s so adorable! ‘Mark her!’ Yes, wait what no I have a girlfriend; I have to break up with her first. ‘Well hurry up I

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