The heroes of Vertlock by Hannah W, Hannah W, Hannah W, Hannah W (reading an ebook TXT) π

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Read book online Β«The heroes of Vertlock by Hannah W, Hannah W, Hannah W, Hannah W (reading an ebook TXT) πΒ». Author - Hannah W, Hannah W, Hannah W, Hannah W
Shade's p.o.v
"Hehehehe. They'll never figure out it was us who 'broke' their 'precious' robot." I told my partner in crime, Brodey. "Why were we doing this in the first place?" Brodey asked me "Because they kicked us out of the Destiny Legion now they'll know what it means when I get kicked out of something." "Oooooooh that makes sense." "Ya. Now let's get out of here, they're..... right outside." "How did you know that?!?!?! Because I have supersight duh!! Just because I-we- got kicked out, doesn't mean I lost my powers." I told him. "Oh yeah I forgot about that. "Now let's get out of here. Before they catch us." I told him.
how it happenedKaitlyn's P.O.V
I was practically running trying to show the rest of the Destiny Legion my new robot that was supposed to help the world pick stuff up. When all of a sudden, I saw it! The robot was attacking Vertlock! (BTW I can see the future. Along with super smarts.) "Guys block the doors! NOW!! DON'T ASK QUESTIONS JUST GO GO MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!!!!" I yelled. "What's-" "I SAID GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled. As the rest ran to block off the rest of the doors, I ran to check on my robot. "Oh no! The government won't be happy about this." I told myself.
I couldn't think what else to do so I ran back to the main port and ran to find where the two douchebags who broke my robot went. I scanned every room to see if they were invisible with a little part of me knowing they weren't here but still I felt that I should check. As I looked up, I saw little dents. They were small but just barely visible. I got you now i whispered. I started to follow the dents but just as I thought I was getting somewhere, they stopped. But the wierd thing is that they stopped right in the middle directly in the middle. I knew that they couldn't get out through the top because we didn't have anything to get us out. At that exact moment, it dawned on me that the idiot what was his name? Brock? Brodey? Ya ya Brodey, has eye lasers.
I sprinted back to where Elena was guarding. "I-need you to- to- open-the-the-vent" I panted "Where?" She asked suddenly worried. "In the middle of the hexagon." I explained. "On my way." She told me before she started to stretch out and run with the longest she's made her legs stretch out. "No don't stretch that far!" I warned her right before she hit the doorway. "How did I not see that?" She groaned. "Because you were too worried and occupied in your thoughts." I replied smart-assily. "I wasn't exactly loolking for an answer you know." "I know." "Welp gotta run." She told me before she sprinted up dust and dirt. And that was the last time I remebered seeing her for the rest of the day.
When He Caught MeElena's pov
I ran to the center of the hexagon about to open it when one of Shade's minion peoples grabbed my arm. "What's going on? Where are you taking me?" I screamed. No answer "I saaid where are you taking me?!" I screamed again but louder. Still nothing. "Are you dweebs just going to staaaa-." That's the last thing I remember saying before they knocked me out with some type of serum. When I woke up, I was tied to a chair. A really really comfy chair.
And it smells good! But none the less it was a chair. "Wakey wakey eggs and bakey." Brodey snickered. "What the hell do you want with me?" I snarled at him. "Oh I don't want anything with you. Shade does." He sneered. "What would Shade-" I asked but as I asked, Out came Shade. And just for a second-a split second- I thought I saw love and jealousy in his eyes. Was he jealous that he couldn't have me? It couldn't be. But it might be. No he doesn't like me or else why would he do this to me?
In fact why would he do all of this? "Are you going to answer me?" He cut into my thoughts. "Huh? What?" I answered stupidly. "Hm I thought so. But anyways I said do you know why I brought you here?" Wow the irony of this. "Haha woow that was weird." I laughed. "What's so funny?" "Haha I was just thinking of why you would bring me here." I replied. "Woah is it just me or can you guys feel the love in here too?" Brodey chimed in out of the blue. "What are you talking about? We hate each other." We answered at the same time. "Yup I knew it. You both like each other. Elena and Shade sittin' in a tree K-I-" SHUT UP!!!" We yelled at him. "Ya OK I'm done here." I said as I got up and walked out.
HerShade's p.o.v
How can it be? That this beautiful, amazing woman right in front of me used to be my best friend? Even before the world knew our destinies? I knew it. I knew I shouldn't have tried to convince her to come with me. But I had to do it. I had to try to get her to come with me and to leave, to just forget all about this good and bad. But now she's 15 and i'm 17. But that was when I heard her wake up. Wait why did they knock her out? Whatever. Anything to get her here.
"So I bet you're wondering why I brought you here." I asked. "Huh? What?" She asked. I couldn't help but show a little bit of love for her. I mean she's exactly like me. Just as I was going to explain, Brodey started making fun of us. I hate him for being able to tell somebody's feelings for somebody else. But I couldn't blame him. The feelings were so strong here that it was obvious. I was going to explain after that but just as i figured out how to tell her, she just stood up and walked out.
She just stood up and the chains holding her to my chair just fell as if hopeless-hopeless and under her power. And it made me stop and stare at her perfect flawless self. "Just looking at her won't help you. Go and talk to her! Explain to her everything that you did!" Brodey told me. "You know, for an idiot, you're pretty smart." I told him as I ran off to find her.
Time to go save herChristianna's P.O.V
Oh crap. She's gone! What are her parents going to think of this? No! I can't go to her parents she won't ever forgive me if I went to them. I also have to go and stop the robot from destroying the Earth. But I know that if I don't go and save Elena, she'll be dead before tomorrow. I'll just go and help Elena instead. Everybody else is worrying about the robot. There we go! I'll go and help Elena and seem like the hero and then maybe Marc will see how brave I am.
That's how I'll get him to go out with me! But I guess i better go now if I don't want anybody following me. I started running towards the car when I heard somebody behind me. "Where are you going?" My little siser, Emma asked. "I have to go somewhere but I'll be right back." "Take me with on the next mission and I won't tell anybody." She said serious. I looked deep into her eyes with my famous stare that gets anybody to do what i want without having to ask them.
The only reason why I haven't done this on Marc is because I want him to ask me for real. Emma looked back with the same stare but I could tell she was straining to keep it. "Stay here! And don't tell anyone!" I told her with intensity in my voice. "Make me." She challenged me. She's getting stronger. I could tell since she almost beat me. "Don't make me do it!" "Do it I DARE you to." She sneered. I gasped which she saw as a weak spot only to lose concentration. "Fine I'll stay and not tell anybody." She said in defeat. "Good." I replied. And started the car.
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