American library books Β» Fiction Β» Serve and Protect by John Reeves (grave mercy .TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«Serve and Protect by John Reeves (grave mercy .TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   John Reeves

Serve and Protect

"Where in the hell are we?" Becky asked, for what seemed like the hundredth time. I did not feel the need to explain myself to her again.
"I have already told you that we're not lost." I tried to tell her, but unsure if it was the truth or not.
"Like hell we aren't lost. The goddamn road isn't even on the map." The level of anger in her voice had increased. "Alan, don't be a damn fool. Stop at the next available spot and ask for directions." She had surprisingly taken her tone back down.
"OK, if I can find a service station or rest area I'll stop." I told her, and hoped that she would shut up. That was our seventh year of marriage, and I knew better than to not stop, but I also didn't think there was a place to stop between that back road and the cabins. We were no longer around civilization, we'd driven off into the complete wilderness. No the road wasn't on the map, but I felt like we had to be close to the mountains.
The trip up to the mountains had not began well, and then an unmarked police car was pulling us over. It didn't look like the patrol cars in the city. It was an older car, but I just figured the budget in the small town didn't allow for a nice cruiser. When he stepped out of the car he was a uniformed police officer. He was a big man, or at least his belly was. He looked hot in the summer heat. He wiped his face with a rag, then stuffed it back into his pocket. It seemed like an eternity as he walked to the car.
"Do you know why I pulled you over?"
"No sir, I do not know." Which I didn't, because I didn't think I'd done anything.
"You were speeding. Y'all ain't up here running meth are you?"
"No. We were headed up to the cabins." I told him as plain as I could.
"Well, then you shouldn't mind if I check things out. Could you get out of the car?" I didn't know why he asked me to get out, but we were not running drugs, and I wasn't doing anything wrong.
"I'm going to need you to come back here with me to my car." His tone was accusing. Still I did what he said. "I'm going to detain you in the back while I run your information." He explained, and that part I didn't like one bit. There was no reason I should have been put in the back of the police car, which looked like a police car on the inside.
"I need to go over here an check your car for drugs." He said, after putting me in the back of his old police car. I was angry and pissed, or at least I thought I was. I know now that I didn't know true anger then.
The officer pulled something from his pocket, I couldn't tell what it was at first, but he pulled it from his right pants pocket. When he walked back to his car I saw a zip-lock bag in his hand.
"So y'all are up here smoking this bag of pot here?" He said, as he dangled the bag he'd pulled from his own pocket.
"You dirty son of a bitch." I shouted at him. He laughed at me, then walked back to my car. He was asking Becky to get out of the car. He took her around to the back and searched her. His hands were touching my wife, and I was sure a female officer was suppose to search other females.

His hands slid under the back of Becky's flower pattern sun-dress. His thick hands were palming my wife's ass. When he shoved her head into the trunk of my car, it was in that moment that I discovered true anger. Because that was right before he pulled his cock out and raped my wife. He pulled her dress over her head, then he unzipped his pants. Right there on the side of the highway he forced himself into my wife. I watched from the back of his car defenseless. I kicked the windows, just like I'd seen on television, but I couldn't break the glass.
He either finished quickly, or just wanted to get into her for a moment, because I watched him pull away, then handcuff Becky before shoving her to the ground. When he walked back toward me, I'd already decided that I was going to assault an officer. I didn't know there could be that much anger in a man, but I can honestly say I wasn't thinking straight. When he opened the door I took a kick at him, but when I missed he pulled me out by my leg.
He pulled me outside of the car, and began hitting me with his nightstick. He hit me several times in the head, but most of the blows hit me in the body. Somehow I managed to get up to my feet, and he pulled out his handgun. In a fit of rage I almost went at him, while he stood there holding a gun on me. He had it aimed right at my face, and for a moment I thought he was going to shoot me, so I froze. He pulled the gun to the side of my head before pulling the trigger, and inches from my ear the weapon fired.
The next thing I remember was a modern patrol car, and it was another officer. I thought he'd called a buddy to finish us off, and almost attacked him, but soon we'd come to understand that he was there to help us. There was no officer who drove an older model car. I realized while talking to the officer, that he'd just missed catching a rapist.


Text: Copyright Β© 2011
Publication Date: 07-06-2011

All Rights Reserved

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