Shadow-Land by Heather Parsons (best books to read for teens .txt) π

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- Author: Heather Parsons
Read book online Β«Shadow-Land by Heather Parsons (best books to read for teens .txt) πΒ». Author - Heather Parsons
SIERRA woke to a bright and beautiful morning, in an excellent mood not only because it was Friday but also there was only two weeks left of school until graduation. Excitement shot through her body as this thought processed in her brain. Soon there will be no more school and that made her smile appear wider. No more having to suffer through hours upon hours of boring subjects, she smiled even more. She has passed all her classes with honors and now it's just passing the time, waiting for the end.
While climbing out of bed, one leg at a time, until they were both firmly on the ground then slipping on her house slippers Sierra made her way over to the closet to pick out the outfit of the day. Looking through about a hundred different sets of clothes, she's finally able to pick out the one that suited her best. A pair of tight blue jeans with a signature label, a light red shirt and a white sweater. After grabbing everything she needed and laying them neatly on the bed she headed to the bathroom.
Down the hall she went nonchalantly and without a care in the world that is until she reached her brother's door. Now she picked up her feet as she normally would drag herself there and tip toed past, not wanting him to know she's awake.
Simon has been on edge lately and Sierra didn't want to make things worse. Of course she's tried helping him get through whatever it is that's on his mind but it only made matters worse. So now she tries her hardest to not be seen or heard by him. And so far it's worked.
In the bathroom with her back against the door, pushing it closed until it latched. As quickly as her fingers would allow she locked the door. Simon has been known on more than one occasion to walk in on her. And the most embarrassing time was when she was in the shower and her best friend, which happens to be a guy, dropped by to visit. Simon walked into the bathroom without knocking to tell her that he was here and waiting. Tapping his foot against the tile floor and looking at her naked body through the glass door. Then for no course or cause screaming at her for the way she looked and slamming the door behind him. With nowhere to hide from his prying eyes, she covered herself the best she knew how to. And even though he's her brother the look he gave her that day still haunts her to this day.
But now with the door securely locked she was able to use the restroom and brush her teeth before unlocking it again. Opening the door, she peeked her head out and looked for any signs of him. Feeling at peace because he wasn't in sight she slipped out and ran back to her room.
After getting dressed she was on my way down the stairs to grab a quick bite to eat before going to school. And this time passing in front of his room again, she let out a sigh but didn't bother tip toeing around just quickly climbed down the stairs and walked swiftly into the kitchen. Catching her breath when she saw that there was no one in there with her.
"Morning Mother, Father." She said when passing them as they sat at the table. Smiling her favorite fake smile until they were out of view. In the kitchen she went and straight for the fridge, opening it and looking around for something quick and easy to make. But nothing seemed quick and easy this morning and with thinking this way she settled on a banana and a glass of juice instead.
"Morning Sierra." Her father, Charles, said after entering the kitchen behind her. A smile appeared on his face and then he his eyebrows in a questioning manner. "Don't you look beautiful this morning. Is there something going on that I don't know about?" With that in mind she to raised her own eyebrows and thought. What could he mean by that?
"Thank you, father. Oh, no nothing is happening other than it's Friday." She said while finishing off the rest of her breakfast.
Her heart began to flutter when the door bell rang. Knowing who it was and why he were here. She felt the heat rising in her cheeks just thinking about him. She's been in love with her best friend for years and always when she thinks about telling him, something happens. There are other reasons such as he always has a girl on his arm but she knows one day she'll confess to him and maybe just maybe when she does tell him, he'll feel the same way.
"Sierra. Travis is here to pick you up for school. Honey are you ready to go or should I tell him to wait a little longer?" Her mother, Joyce, asked.
She stole a glance at her father in hopes that he would say something to delay the events just a little longer. She thought he had to know how she feels about Travis but he doesn't utter a word. Just smiles his favorite smile and leaves her standing in shock with no where to hide.
"I'll be right there." She said while trying to suck in a deep breath of air. Exiting the kitchen in a way to not attract attention to herself and seeing him standing in the living room made her limbs shake with anticipation. Just the sight of him took her breath away. Travis is six foot two inches tall with dark brown hair, cut short, and a very muscular build. His eyes are the most beautiful shade of blue that she's ever seen. Something between the color of the sky on a clear day and the color of the ocean in some parts of the world. She feels a little bit intimidated by him.
Sierra herself is only five foot five, with medium length auburn hair and eyes that change colors. They give off what mood she's in and if anyone knew what color to associate them with then they would know just about everything there is to know about her. But that's something she'll never tell anyone. Some secrets are worth keeping to one's self.
"Good morning Travis." She manages in a whisper. Her breath hasn't quite caught up with her yet. And just when she thinks she can breathe again he turns her way, smiling the smile that steals it away again.
"Good morning Sierra. Are you ready to go?" His handsome voice envelopes her. She can't blink or look away. Watching his every move to only shying away when he reached out and wrapped his strong muscular arms around her tiny waist, squeezing her tight.
Sierra's only able to nod yes, to answer his question and quickly unwraps herself from him. Making her feet move swiftly to the front door and not bothering to look behind her to see if he's following but knowing that he was. She reached out to open the door only to find his hand already there. When she touched his, her heart starts to flutter faster. While a current electricity flows through her fingers. The sensation was overwhelmingly pleasurable. Tilting her head slowly to the left to see if possibly he felt the same thing and being surprised when she did see a small sparkle in his eye. She believed for a moment that he did feel something. But as quickly as the sparkle appeared, it disappeared as well. Leaving her questioning her own sanity.
Pulling her hand off of his in a jerking motion, she let him open the door. Stepping outside she realized that his car was occupied by someone else. While she looked closer she saw Jennifer, one of Travis' girlfriends siting in the front seat, waiting patiently for his to return. She had the mirror on the visor down and was reapplying her lip stick. Seeing her doing this made Sierra want to gag. Girls like her try to hard to fit in and girls like Sierra don't seem to try hard enough. Sierra can already see herself hating this girl and she doesn't even know her that well.
Taking another step outside when Sierra stops. Thinking to herself that maybe today she'll drive herself. Remembering all the times she let Travis take her to school with one of his girlfriends in the car. The minute they would get to school, she'd be trapped in the back while the two love birds sat up front and made out. She could definitely see this all happening again today and was in too much of a good mood to want to suffer through that again. "I see that you have company in the car so, maybe I'll drive myself today." Sierra said while still looking at Jennifer.
"I'm already here so, come on. Or we'll be late." He said walking around her and smiling his devilish smile. She stood frozen where she was, making no attempt of moving. "Are you coming or not?" He stopped when he noticed she wasn't walking with him. "Earth to Sierra."
"I don't want to be stuck in the back seat again while the two of you make out. Every time you bring someone with you, that's what happens. I'm sorry you had to drive all the way here but I'm going drive from now." She said shying away from his stare and started to back up. Her eyes started watering while she watched out the corner of her eye, him standing there. The amount of disappointment on his face nearly broke her. She hated seeing him this way and tried hard to always make him smile. Thinking now was a good a time as any for him to understand some things. How it destroys her whole being when he always has someone else with him. Why can't he ever come alone?
"Why are you being like this? I'm here now and the car's warm so let's just go. Monday I won't come by and pick you up so you can drive yourself. Okay?" He asked while smirking. Sierra shook her head no. Feeling the tears starting to fall from her eyes. This was one thing she hated having anyone else see; the pain.
"I'm sorry." She whispered. Placing her hand on the door knob and pushing it open. Her eyes were still focused on the ground until he spoke again.
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