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Where am I?



I woke with a start clutching my aching head. I was unsure of where exactly I was. I could only remember walking out to my car and then getting grabbed from behind. My head hurts really badly. They must have hit me over the head with something.

“SHANE! Get in here she’s waking up.” I hear a woman shout.

I groan and clutch the blanket I’m under to my head. I hear footsteps coming from somewhere and towards my room. I also hear some people laughing and what sounds like moans?

I feel somebody next to me. They reach out a hand and stroke my cheek softly. I whimper softly in fear.

“Hurry up Shane get on with it.” I hear a voice of what sounds like a younger man.

“Shut up stupid. You almost gave her a concussion.” A deep voice rumbles next to her.

“Boys stop it. Just get to it.” The woman says angrily.

“Come on Mary, you know how Shane is. He likes to take his time.” Another voice of a male says.

Shane looks down at the girl on the floor. She was the prettiest he had ever seen. He didn’t exactly approve of his family’s business, but money was money. Her family had paid them quite a bit to “knock her off of her pedestal.” He didn’t necessarily like his brother’s idea of things but if he didn’t do it, he knew his brother would.

She groans and her eyes flutter open. She looks at her bound hands before meeting his eyes. She gives him a look of pure hatred before looking around the room. She looks at his brother in the corner with some girl before tugging herself into a sitting position and backing against the wall. Strong, he liked it. He steps closer to her and she scoots further along the wall. He hears his brother finish with his chick and turns to look at his parents.

The girl is crying but his mom is helping her to calm down and giving her clothes to wear. She looked hurt, but not bad enough to be too damaged. His brother was no gentlemen when it came to the job he was being paid for. Almost all of those girls ended up upset for weeks or sometimes even months after the deed was done. His own girls usually were fine.

“Come on Shane.”

He sighs; he knew it had to be done. He walks towards the girl and she backs away until she is in the corner. Her family had revealed that she was a nurse and had graduated from high school at only the age of 15. She had quickly gone to college and become a nurse. Now she was only 19 and had a very nice job working out of the medical building next to Yale as a neurosurgeon.

He leans down and grabs her by the ropes holding her hands and pulls her to her feet. He half drags her to the back of the room. She fights against him but he easily subdues her with his pure size advantage over her. She was only 5ft tall and he was near 7ft.  He pushes her down on the bed and tugs on her clothes. He begins to kiss her softly before sliding his hands across her body. She bites his lip violently and pushes at him.

He finally gives up and looks over at his mom. She gives him ‘the look’ and he sighs. He leans up and pulls her pants back up and her shirt back down. She looks at him confused and hugs him realizing that he won’t do it even though his parents are trying to make him.

They leave the room locking the door behind them leaving her alone. I tug at my ropes with my sharp canine teeth and get the rope to break. Looking around the room I spot a window and walks over to it. It is unlocked but on the second floor. The ground below it is tall bushes that don’t look like they would be comfortable to land in but hey it was better than what was going to happen to her in there.

I slip out the window teetering on the edge before lowering my body down as much as I can and letting go. I lands on the bushes and rolls to the ground. I get up and dust myself off before setting off at a brisk walk through the night towards the road. Once on the road I realize that I recognize the area. They are only about 5 miles from where I work. Funny, this place looked like it was in the middle of no-where. I start jogging and hope they haven’t bothered to check on me.

Inside the house, about two hours later, William has come back into the room to do what his brother couldn’t only to find she is gone. He storms down the hallway.

“She’s gone.”

“Gone? What do you mean gone?” His mom shouts.

“As in she’s not there.”

“Where did she go?”

“Out the window and more than likely ran away.”

“Let’s go get her. She would have gone to her job. She recognizes the area.”

Mary, the mother, hops into the driver’s seat of their truck, Annabelle, their little sister hops into the front seat, and the two guys hop into the back. Their dad rushes out before them in the car. The plan was for him to get there first and find her. It was already 9 am and there would be tons of people at the college.

Trapped, but willingly?



At the college Krissy walks through trying to find a bathroom that looks safe enough for her to use and then find a place to call the police. She passes a few people in the darker parts of the buildings before making her way towards the cafeteria. Outside the cafeteria there was a nice bathroom that had a phone right outside in the middle of the courtyard. She starts walking but once she gets to the cafeteria she realizes a man is following her. One of the men from the house.

She keeps walking quickly but he catches up to her and grabs her arm.

“It would be best if you just came peacefully.”  He whispers into her ear.

She nods and licks her lips to respond.

“I have to go to the bathroom. There is one in the courtyard that I am walking towards.

“My family is parked there.”

She nods and he releases her arm. She relaxes a little and keeps walking toward the bathroom. He looks behind him to see Shane catching up. He signals at Shane to wait but the boy ignores him and grabs her hand.

“Come on.” He growls into her ear.

“But I have to pee.”

“You can go later.”



He walks with her to the bathroom and stands outside the door until she comes out. She looks at him and walks with him to the truck. He opens the left side rear door and she sees that his brother is on the other side. She steps into the truck and sits in the middle. She immediately puts on her seatbelt and sits stiffly between them.

His mom starts driving and by the time it is dark they are almost to their destination at William’s house. His brother reaches over and undoes her seatbelt. She looks at him and scoots closer to Shane. William smirks at her and grabs her flipping her and pinning her under him. She clutches at Shane’s leg trying to raise herself up but cant. Shane does not fight his brother but holds her hand softly. She clutches his hand tightly trying to pull herself away from William but William is too strong. He pulls her pants down and forces himself inside her roughly.

She cries out in pain and tightly grabs Shane’s leg. He holds her and strokes her back softly trying to help her to relax. His brother is quick about it and slides himself out of her and finishes on her back. She whimpers softly as he throws a towel at her. Shane wipes her back and smiles as she tugs her pants up and scoots into him more. He already knew he couldn’t have hurt her, but he hoped that him not doing anything wouldn’t make her hate him more.

He reaches down and slides her arm under her legs and pulls her into his lap.  She clutches at him tightly and cries into his chest. She was probably more confused than scared. He looks at her and holds her protectively glaring at his sister who is giving him dirty looks from the front seat.

“She’s a job Shane.”

“She did not deserve this.”

“So. That’s what her family paid us to do. William did it. Now we get to take her home.”

His brother nods. His mom is still driving. With it being so late they would have to take her home in the morning. This meant William with a female who wasn’t related to him in the house.  Shane growls lightly and holds her tightly. He liked the small woman in his lap and wanted her for himself. His brother gives him a questioning look and his sister shakes her head.

“You want her?” His brother asks confused.

“I am intrigued by her. I would like to see if she can get passed what her family paid you to do.”

“You get a share of the money too.”

“But I haven’t hurt her.”

“She still won’t forgive you.”

“Would you two shut up and stop talking about me like I am not right here.”

I sit up roughly in Shane’s lap and glare at William and the younger girl glaring at me. I feel Shane wrap his arm protectively around me but I don’t bother to move it.

“Would you like to talk then?”

“To you? The guy who just raped me? No.”

“Well sorry.”


“You weren’t a virgin like your family said.”

“There are many things my family does not know about.”

“Like what?”

“The fact that they are dead.”

“You threaten them but they are safe?”

“Your name is Shane right?” I ask the man im sitting on just to make sure.


“Can I see my phone.”


He reaches into his pocket and hands her the phone they took from her. She taps the skype button and taps the name Rosalyn Rosetti. The call goes through and soon a beautiful Italian woman’s face appears.

“Hello dear how are you?”

“I’m just peachy aunt Rosa. Is Uncle Lucas home?”

“Well yes. He’s in his office.”

“Can you have him come in the living room?”


A loud noise comes from somewhere in the house and footsteps echo down the hall. A man in a nice tailored black suit and a blood red tie steps into view. His hair is deep black and his eyes are an exquisit shade of white. He stands at an imposing height and a very strong build for a business man.

“Ah Krissy what a surprise how are you?”

“Uncle Lucas, it is never a surprise to hear from me and you know it.”

“How are things? Daemon taking care of you well?”

“Well see I think my family tricked them so they could ‘knock me off my pedestal’ as they called it.”

“What is

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