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- Author: Angelina Brown
Read book online «Willow by Angelina Brown (new ebook reader TXT) 📕». Author - Angelina Brown
Dear Diary,
Today is Monday, February the 3rd.
I woke up this morning feeling happy. Like nothing bad can happen. Like I am shielded from everything that is evil in this terrible world. I just hope it stays like this.
I finish writing in my journal and put it back in my desk. I grab a tee shirt and a pair of blue jeans before heading to the shower. After my shower I get dressed, grab my backpack and head down stairs.
“Mom, I’m leaving!” I yell as I walk towards the front door.
“Ok, have a great day at school,” she replies.
I got into my old green ford pickup and pulled out of the driveway. It will take roughly twenty minutes to reach my destination, Reid Memorial High School. Yes, I said high school, the home of all Criminal County teens. Luckily this year I am a senior.
By this time next year, I will be far away from this place. I am so tired of all the bullshit. I have been planning to leave since freshman year. The only downside is that I will be leaving Ashley and my mom. I will still come and visit I just can’t live here anymore.
I pull into the school parking lot parking next to a red mustang. The first thing I do is look for Ashley. We have been friends since kindergarten. We do everything together.
I see her talking to one of the guys from our Chemistry class. I wait till he leaves to approach her. “Hey Ashley” I say as I walk towards her.
“Hey Willow,” she replies with excitement in her voice, “you will never guess what just happened. Jason, you know the hottest guy in school asked me out on a date.”
“Yesterday evening. He’s taking me to dinner then a movie. I texted but you didn’t answer.”
“Yeah, I couldn’t find my phone. I think I left it in my locker.”
Ashley and I make our way through the crowd of students to our locker. As soon as we get to our lockers the warning bell rings, we now have five minutes to get in class and be seated. I grab the books for my Spanish class, say goodbye to Ashley and rush down the hall. I am seated before the first bell rings. I have never been late for a class, and I’m not starting now.
“Alright class, settle down” says Mrs. Philips. “It is time to start class.”
Mrs. Phillips is one of the best teachers. She never yells. She always helps you if you ask. Most of the teachers at this school tell you to figure it out and do it yourself, but not her. I wish all teachers were like her.
Mrs. Phillips is about to start her lesson when Mr. Ditmore enters the room along with someone else. Mr. Ditmore is the principle. Everyone hates him. Even my mom hates him. One time she actually called him an ass, and a whole bunch of other words that I won’t get into. As for the other guy, I have no idea who he is.
“Good morning everyone. I would like to introduce Shane Gregory.” Mr. Ditmore announces. “Mr. Gregory is a new student here at Reid Memorial and I expect you all to make him feel at home. Now let’s see, Willow.”
I look to the front of the room, surprised to be hearing my name. “Yes, Mr. Ditmore”.
“Would you mind showing Shane around school after class during study hall?”
“Not at all.”
“Thank you. Shane after class meet up with Willow. If you have any questions just ask her.”
Mr. Ditmore leaves the room and everyone starts talking as Shane sits in the empty seat two rows in front of me. For some reason I can’t take my eyes off of him. He is tall, has brown hair, brown eyes, and his body, oh, the only why I can describe it is as perfect. His body is perfect. He has perfect shoulders, perfect arms, legs, feet, hands… I could go on and on. He is just so PERFECT! Did I mention he has perfect abs! I start to feel my heart racing inside my chest. What’s wrong with me? Why do I feel like this? I try to make it stop, but it won’t.
Before I know it the bell rings to end first period. Everyone rushes out into the hall except for Shane and me. “I’m Willow” I say as I stick my hand out.
He shakes my hand and replies “I’m Shane”.
“So, Shane what would you like to see first? The library, Gym, I could show you the classrooms that your classes are in.”
“It doesn’t matter. Whatever you want.” His reply is awkward. It really seems like he doesn’t want to be here.
“Is something wrong?” I ask.
“No, I’m just tired.”
“Ok then. Why don’t we start with the classrooms and end with the gym?”
“Alright, that sounds good.”
“Can I see your class schedule?”
“Sure” he reaches into his bag and pulls out a yellow piece of paper. “Here you go.”
“Looks like we have the exact same schedule.” I say looking at the piece of paper.
“Weird. Is that why you were assigned to show me around?” he asks while rubbing the back of his neck.
“I don’t know. No one knows why Mr. Ditmore does anything. Why don’t we get started? Since you already know where this class is, why don’t I show you where the majority of the students go during study hall.”
“Sounds good to me.” He replied with smile.
As we walked down the hallway I couldn’t help picturing his smile in my head. His smile has got to be the most perfect smile ever. My heart starts racing again. The feeling is back. That feeling of seeing something beautifully perfect. I don’t know… I can’t really describe it, but this feeling it’s not bad it’s good.
We walk out the doors and into the courtyard I start to speak when I hear my name being called. It’s Ashley. “Hey Ashley. This is Shane, he just moved here.”
“Hey Shane, I’m Ashley it’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too” he seems nervous.
“So… Shane where are you from?” Asks Ashley with an enthusiastic voice.
“Denver Colorado”
I interrupt “We should get going if you want to finish the tour before lunch”.
“Ok. Let’s get going.”
We say bye to Ashley and head to the Chemistry room. I for one hate Chemistry. Especially Mr. Thomas the teacher.
“Here we are, the Chemistry room. We probably shouldn’t go in since there is a class, but here it is.” I said as we approached the room.
Shane peaks into the room “it seems bigger than the other classrooms”.
“That’s because it is. They needed room for all of the equipment. You ready to go to the physics room?”
We arrive at the physics room. The room is empty. I watch Shane as he walks around looking at everything.
“What’s with all the posters of Einstein?” he asks.
“Miss Jones is obsessed with him. She worships him like he’s a God or something.”
“Wow, she likes him that much?”
“Yeah, she even named her dog after him.”
“How much time do we have to finish the tour?”
“About 25 minutes”
“Alright. Can we go to the library next?”
We start to leave when a group of guys cut in front of us. Its David and his group of jocks. David is the captain of the football team.
“Hey gorgeous, how are you today?” David asks as he wraps his arms around me.
“Take your hands off me” I say as I push him away.
“Why don’t you introduce us to your new friend.”
Shane interrupts in reply “I’m Shane”.
“Nice to meet you Shane. I’m David.”
“We should get going if you want to see the library.” I say. I really want to get out of here.
Shane looks at me “Alright, let’s go”.
We leave the room. David and his group of morons watch us walk down the hall. I hear David says something but I ignore it and keep walking.
When we get around the corner, then Shane says “What was that all about?”
“It didn’t seem like nothing to me.”
“Just forget it, ok.”
“Fine, at least tell me who that guy was.”
“That was David. He is the captain of the football team, which automatically makes him the most popular guy in school.”
“That explains a lot. Is he like your boyfriend or something?”
I look at Shane “Why the hell would you think that?”
“I don’t know. I guess because of the way he put his arms around you and how he talked to you.”
“Did you not see the part where I shoved him off.” I say with a hint of anger in my voice.
“Yeah. I’m sorry to jump to conclusions but you wouldn’t explain to me what that was so I just figure he was your ex or something.”
“Well, he’s not.” I say calming down. I don’t know what it is about Shane, but I can’t stay mad at him. Either way it’s not his fault, he didn’t know.
“Ok. I hope you’re not mad at me.”
“I’m not. Sorry for snapping at you.”
“Already forgotten.”
We walk into the library. It’s quiet and there are only a couple of students inside. The librarian was at the desk when we walked in.
“Hey Willow. How are you?” She says in a whisper.
“Good Ms. Phelps. You?”
“Just fine. Who’s this fine young man?”
“Oh yeah, Ms. Phelps this is Shane. Shane this is Ms. Phelps, our librarian.”
“Nice to meet you Ms. Phelps.” Shane replies in a very respectful way.
“Nice to meet you to Shane.”
I look at the clock behind the desk. “Is that the time? We should get going. There is only five minute left to finish the tour.”
“Alright.” Says Shane.
We say goodbye to Ms. Phelps and head to the Gym. “As seniors we don’t have a gym class, but we do use the gym for intramurals and convocation.”
“I know what intramurals are but what’s convocation?” he asks while looking confused.
“Convocation is when the entire school goes into one room and listen to something like an announcement or something. As an example, once for convocation the entire student body had to watch this video on what could happen if you meet up with someone you met on the internet, Stuff like that.”
“Ok. I get it.”
“Are you sure. You still look pretty confused.”
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
“Alright” I say as the bell rings. “Guess it’s time for lunch.”
“Great. I’m starving. Do you know what’s on the menu for today?”
“I think it’s taco salad, but I’m not sure”
We walk to the cafeteria. Unlike earlier there are students everywhere. I can barely hear myself think. The Cafeteria was even louder than the hallway.
“Ashley and I usually eat outside at the picnic tables, if you want to eat with us.”
“Alright, let me grab my lunch.”
“Ok, I’ll wait by the door right over there.” I point towards the door.
“Ok, see you in a minute” Shane says as he enters the lunch line.
I see Ashley walking towards me. “Hey Ashley!”
“Hey Willow. Where’s Shane?”
“He’s in the lunch line. He’s going to eat with us so I’m waiting for him.”
“Ok, I’ll go find a table.” She says as she walks out of the cafeteria.
I stand by the door waiting for Shane. For some reason I can’t stop thinking about him. I look up to see him in line. All I can do is stare. Stop it Willow, stop it. I force myself to look away. Why does this keep happening? What is this feeling I have?
Shane meets me
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