Shooting star by Jewel Lindemann (nonfiction book recommendations TXT) π

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- Author: Jewel Lindemann
Read book online Β«Shooting star by Jewel Lindemann (nonfiction book recommendations TXT) πΒ». Author - Jewel Lindemann
Chapter One
I have had a thing for vampires for as long as I can remember.If I had one wish,I would wish to be a vampire.But I have never got to make that wish.So here I am.An average teenage girl stuck in seventh period.
Blah,blah,blah.That's all that seems to come out of Miss.Turner's mouth.I keep staring at the clock,hoping for the class to end.
"Alex"She was no longer speaking with blahs."what is 300 times 4?"
"uh?"I hadn't realized that I was daydreaming.I had not really heard the question,but if I said I didn't know,I would get detention.But that probably would have been better than my answer.
"Vampire!"The whole class starts laughing like maniacs.Grrrr!
Cause i'm not un-popular as it is.
Dring!Finaly!I rush out of the classroom door as fast as possible.But not fast enough.Pria(the meanest girl in school who lives to make my life hell) and her groupies catch up to me.
"Vampire!"They say on cue in a mocking voice
"Leave me alone,Pria!"I really don't want to deal with her right now.
"Whatever loser."
That was too easy.I run out the school doors before she can embarass me.I speed walk all the way home.
"Vampire!"Great my sister's home.
"Leave me alone."
"Yo,I get it,sis.You like vampires a little too much.And since vampires aren't popular,you aren't because you like them.See if you were more like me..."
"Stop!"I run up the stairs to my bedroom with tears flying out of my eyes.My stupid sister!Why couldn't she say stuff like:It's okay.You're cool in your own way.But I would need a miracle for that.Why does it seem like everyone hates me?
I don't know how long I cried for,but my mom eventually came up with food and tried comforting me.But I can't eat,so i'm sitting at my bedroom window.Wishing.
Chapter Two
Wishing.Wishing that my sister would be kind and supportive. Wishing that I was a vampire.Wishing that I was accepted.I'm staring out my window.Sunddenly a shooting star flies by.I close my eyes and make a wish.I wish I was a vampire.I open my eyes.Nothing happened.Great.I look at my clock.11:45.I decide to hit the sack.
It feels like I have only slept for five minutes.Someone is shaking me.I figure it is my mom.I scream when i open my eyes.There's a women standing in front of me.
"Shush"Her voice is strangely calming.
"What are you doing in my bedroom?"
"I'm here to make your wish come true."
"Your a vampire?"My voice comes out shaky.I don't know why i'm scared.After all,I wished for this.
"Yes.Now are you ready to be a vampire?"
"Are you kidding?I was borned ready!"
"Okay.But your positive your ready?"
"Fine.Here you go.Your life is about to change."
She bit me.Hard.I thought I was going to die.
I must have fallen unconciaus.I woke up.There she was.The vampire.
"You are now a vampire."
"Wait!Aren't you going to help me?"
"No.My job was to turn you,not help you.Sorry,but it will be as if I was never here."
"But won't that mean I won't be a vampire?"
"No.It will mean no time will have passed."
And then she was gone.I looked at the clock.11:45!How was that posible?Maybe what the vampire had said was true.I figured that this was just a dream.I crawled back into bed and fell asleep almost instantly.
"Ahhh!!!Ow!!!!"The sun was shining on me but it felt like fire.I ran to the window and shut the blinds tight.I realized my teeth were hurting.I touch one of the aching teeths.It was pointy.Pointy like a fang.No!
This couldn't be happening!I am a vampire!But why was I so scared?I mean,I did ask for it.But if i'm a vampire,I can't go out in the day.
"Alex!!ALEX!!!Your going to be late for school!"
Oh no.I can't go to school.I would burn if I stepped outside.I needed to come up with a lie.And fast!
"Mom...I feel sick..."I was impressed by how sick my voice sounded.I was never a good actress.
The door flung open.
"Oh...My baby!Are you okay?I can stay home from work if you need me."
"Mom...I think i'll be fine.Go to work.I don't want you to lose a day of work for poor old me."
"Oh Alex.Always thinking of others.I love you."
"Love you too,mom."
I waited until I heard the door close.As soon as I did,I ran to the basement.
Chapter Three
I'm throwing stuff everywhere trying to find my box.
There it is!I look thru it.I grab a green leather book.This is my vampire book.I wrote in it everything I know about vampires.I flip thru it.I don't know what i'm looking for,but I keep looking.I come to a section titled IF VAMPIRE AVOID.Underneath it,there's a list of stuff that could expose or kill a vampire.
Holy water
So I can't go out in the sunlight.I can't it garlic or drink holy water.And I can't have vervain on or in my system.Simple...NOT!!But how can I keep a secret this big from my mom.If I don't go to school,she will think i'm really sick and will probably send me to the hospital.But what do I do?
I must have sat here,curled up in a ball,for around three hours.
"I got it!"I jump up.I bet you could have seen my exclamation point.
"Tonight,when it's dark and nobody is up,I will run away.I will live alone."The thought brings a tear to my eye.Alone.
"What are you doing home?"Oh joy!My sister is home.
"I'm sick."
"Baby."She turns away from me."You have to learn how to deal with it.You have to learn how to pretend to be ok.You're pethetic!"
The next thing happened too fast.I snapped,ran up behind my sister and bit her.I didn't let go of her neck,no matter how much she screamed.Then she stopped.
But I didn't.I kept feeding until there was no blood left in her.
I sit at the window.I see a shooting star.I wish everything is back to normal.Sunddenly i'm in my bedroom,the day before.I am not a vampire.Everything is back to normal.My sister is making fun of me,but I can't help to smile.
Publication Date: 08-01-2011
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