A Moonlit Path by Chocolatemeerkat (good story books to read .txt) π

Dawnsong has fulfilled her brother's promise to look after Galekit and Flashkit, and now it is time for her to think of her own newborn kits, who are unaware of their CourageClan father. Her secret is still safe, but for how long?
Echopath is troubled by the apprentice's mysterious disappearence, and also by Lionclaw's odd change in behaviour. Her friendships are slowly falling apart as she continues her twisted path, but she must rebuild them before terrible things happen.
Swiftpaw is still missing along with the other apprentices, but they are safe with the Outcasts. After Lightleaf's confusing message to him, the young apprentice doesn't know if he and the other cats will return home safely.
Finally, Eagletalon is grieve-stricken by the apprentice's disappearnce, as his kits are among them. Yet starvation rages his clan, and in this time of hardship, a new threat faces him, a threat that will give him long-awaited answers.
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- Author: Chocolatemeerkat
Read book online Β«A Moonlit Path by Chocolatemeerkat (good story books to read .txt) πΒ». Author - Chocolatemeerkat
Leader: Bramblestar- A dark brown tabby tom with a white chest and hazel eyes.
Deputy: Sandtail- A yellow and white she-cat with blue eyes.
Apprentice: Swiftpaw
Medicine cat: Oakpelt- A dark brown tom with white paws and amber eyes.
Medicine apprentice: Flowerpaw- A long-haired grey she-cat with green eyes.
Tigerpelt- A long-haired dark brown tabby tom with black stripes and amber eyes.
Apprentice- Clawedpaw
Brokenheart- A small black she-cat with a white muzzle, white tipped ears and blue eyes.
Rabbitleap- A light brown tabby tom with a darker brown chest and hazel eyes.
Apprentice- Chickenpaw
Otterswim- A handsome dark brown tom with yellow eyes.
Apprentice- Leopardpaw
Pebblestep- A silver she-cat with white paws and blue eyes.
Lionclaw- A golden tabby tom with long claws and amber eyes.
Apprentice- Featherpaw
Eagletalon- A gold and white long-haired tom with green eyes.
Apprentice: Gorgepaw
Pigeonwing- A pretty grey tabby with pale white patches and yellow eyes.
Echopath- A pretty silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes.
Spottedlark- A tortiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes.
Pinewhisker- A handsome long-haired brown tom with white tipped ears and green eyes.
Apprentice- Moonpaw
Barleyfoot- A black and white tom with yellow eyes.
Apprentice- Rainpaw
Snakebite- A dark brown tabby tom with some of his fur missing on his ears and amber eyes.
Spiderleg- A tall black tom with long legs and blue eyes.
Apprentice: Heatherpaw
Twistpelt- A golden tabby she-cat with white paws and yellow eyes.
Floatingcloud- A small white she-cat with amber eyes.
Runningbreeze- A tall, handsome ginger tabby tom with a white chest, white paws and yellow eyes.
Leapthroat- A small brown tom with two white paws and hazel eyes.
Ghostfire- A white she-cat with black paws and black eyes, former loner.
Foxtooth- A firey ginger tom with amber eyes, former loner.
Frostear- A small white tabby with a silver muzzle and green eyes.
Swiftpaw- A black and white tom with yellow eyes.
Chickenpaw- A long-haired yellow and white tom with yellow eyes.
Featherpaw- A small white and brown she-cat with pale blue eyes.
Rainpaw- A pretty blue tabby she-cat with green eyes.
Leopardpaw- A golden tom with darker spots and amber eyes.
Moonpaw- A white she-cat with yellow eyes.
Clawedpaw- A dark ginger tabby tom with lighter ginger stripes and yellow eyes.
Gorgepaw - A small ginger tom with amber eyes.
Heatherpaw - A brown she-cat with a white tipped tail, one white paw and blue eyes.
Poppyfoot- A redish brown she-cat with hazel eyes, mother to Morningkit, Fernkit and Toadkit. (Rabbitleap's kits)
Specklenose- A dapple grey she-cat with a white chest and blue eyes, mother to Secretkit, Cloudkit and Mysterykit. (Tigerpelt's kits)
Silverleaf- A pretty silver tabby with white paws, a white muzzle and blue eyes, mother to Dewkit and Willowkit (Bramblestar's kits).
Dawnsong- A light grey tabby she-cat with darker grey flecks, a white chest and blue eyes, mother to Honeykit, Maplekit, Stormkit and Brightkit. (Noblespirit's kits).
Longstripe- A small grey tabby tom with faint black stripes and amber eyes.
Cloudeye- A pretty white she-cat with green eyes.
Leader: Bravestar- A pretty black she-cat with white paws, white tipped ears and blue eyes.
Apprentice: Littlepaw
Deputy: Noblespirit- A handsome golden tabby tom with a white muzzle, a white chest, a slit ear and green eyes.
Apprentice: Thunderpaw
Medicine cat: Hazelfoot- A brown tom with black paws and hazel eyes.
Treasureheart- A golden tabby she-cat with amber eyes.
Apprentice: Sandpaw
Hawkfrost- A golden tabby tom with faint white paws and amber eyes.
Lifesong- A pretty light brown tabby with darker brown flecks and green eyes.
Apprentice: Boulderpaw
Lightingstripe- A small ginger tabby she-cat with white stripes and yellow eyes.
Rockfall- A tall silvery grey tom with one black paw, one white paw and blue eyes.
Wildleap- A handsome golden tabby tom with black spots, white paws and amber eyes.
Ivypool- A pretty brown she-cat with white paws and blue eyes.
Adderfang- A dark brown tabby tom with a black chest, white paws and green eyes.
Sappphiresky- A blue she-cat with white paws and blue eyes.
Apprentice: Blackpaw
Diamondfur- A small white she-cat with green eyes.
Peacerain- A black and white she-cat with half of her whiskers missing and blue eyes.
Apprentice: Hollypaw
Crowpelt- A long-haired black tom with blue eyes.
Ashheart- A light grey tabby with white paws, mother to Rosekit, Swoopkit and Thistlekit (Clawedear's kits, deceased)
Brightpatch- A pretty white she-cat with ginger patches and yellow eyes, expecting Rockfall's kits.
Scatterdust- A dusty grey tom with a twisted jaw and blue eyes.
Marigold- A small, old yellow she-cat with white tipped ears and blue eyes, former loner.
Leader: Fishstar- A handsome white and silver tom with green eyes.
Deputy: Applewhisker- A small long-haired dark brown tom with amber eyes.
Medicine cat: Grassnose- A light brown tabby she-cat with a white muzzle and green eyes.
Medicine apprentice: Sootpaw- A black tom with blue eyes.
Puffinfeather- A pretty black she-cat with a white chest and yellow eyes.
Apprentice: Barkpaw
Minnowtail- A grey tabby she-cat with silver stripes and blue eyes.
Apprentice: Branchpaw
Seaview- A handsome blue tabby tom with green eyes.
Hurricanefire- A tall grey tom with yellow eyes.
Bearclaw- A long-haired dark brown tabby tom with long claws and yellow eyes.
Lizardtail- A long-haired grey tom with yellow eyes.
Apprentice: Sleetpaw
Swanfeather- A pretty long-haired white she-cat with yellow eyes.
Apprentice: Yellowpaw
Duckfur- A handsome yellow tom with blue eyes.
Mossheart- A pretty long-haired grey tabby she-cat with a white muzzle and green eyes.
Antpelt- A small redish-brown tom with black paws and yellow eyes.
Apprentice: Sharkpaw
Ripplingwater- A tall grey tabby tom with darker grey flecks and blue eyes.
Cinderfoot- A dapple grey tabby she-cat with green eyes.
Oceanwind- A pretty blue tabby with green eyes, mother to Bubblekit, Snowkit and Shadowkit (Seaview's kits)
Lovewater- A redish brown tabby with a white chest and blue eyes, mother to Skykit. (Applewhisker's kit)
Bigfur- A long-haired black tom with blue eyes.
Cats outside the Clans:
Russet - A red tabby she-cat with white paws and amber eyes, rogue.
Dusk - A skinny dark brown tom with blue eyes, rogue.
Claws - A small light brown tabby tom with one black paw, long claws and yellow eyes, rogue.
Shade - A tortoiseshell she-cat with hazel eyes, rogue.
Coal - A smokey black tom with long claws and red eyes, rogue.
Glass - A pure white tom with yellow eyes, rogue.
Willow - A tall light brown she-cat with a white muzzle and green eyes, rogue.
Fear - A black and brown tom with long claws and blue eyes, rogue.
Silk - A silver tabby tom with blue eyes, rogue.
Ember - A fiery ginger she-cat with yellow eyes, rogue.
Flood - A small blue tabby tom with green eyes, rogue.
Kestrel - A golden tabby tom with long claws and amber eyes, rogue.
The Outcasts:
Joy - A large white she-cat with a black tipped tail, black spots going up her legs and yellow eyes.
Alpha - A large dark grey tom with black stripes, white paws and green eyes.
Arrow - A tall, slender white tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes.
Vulture - A huge black tom with a white bushy tail and amber eyes.
Whisper - A large white and silver she-cat with a torn ear and green eyes.
Captain - A tall dark brown tom with a white chest, a white muzzle, unusual long claws and amber eyes.
Bear - A massive long-haired dark brown tom with long claws and yellow eyes.
Faith - A tall, pretty light grey she-cat with darker grey flecks, a white tipped tail and hazel eyes.
Legend - A huge dark grey tabby tom with green eyes.
Future - A large white she-cat with black paws, black stripes and amber eyes.
Copper - A massive dusky brown tom with amber eyes.
The sun's final rays sparkled through the branches in the trees, bringing a much-needed light among the thich undergrowth. Darkness had surrounded them for some time now, especially as it was close to moonhigh. At this moment, a small squirrel scampered around the giant trees, tail flapping wildly.
A rustle startled the young squirrel, and followed by a angry voice "Mouse-dung!"
"None of us scented it, Hollypaw." A brown she-cat replied gently. "It was just bad luck."
"But it was prey!" The apprentice retorted, her blue eyes blazing with anger. "Haven't you noticed that prey is hard to find now, Ivypool? That is why the clans are all thin and starving to death!"
"Silence!" A taller black tom snapped. "You have been given an honour to patrol with your new deputy, and I don't think he's impressed with all the bickering!"
Beside him, a magnificent golden tabby tom stood, his green eyes clouded with suprise. He had only become deputy a quarter-moon ago, yet it felt like it had been a couple of seasons. He didn't feel that he deserved to be deputy as he had broken rules in the past, but luckily no cat of his own clan knew apart from his closest friend.
"Noblespirit, come back to us!" The black tom mewed in amusement, smiling. "You're in your own little world."
"I think I'm still here, Crowpelt." The golden tabby chuckled.
"I can smell a bird!" Hollypaw cried, disappearing into the bushes. Ivypool swiftly followed after her, leaving Noblespirit and Crowpelt alone.
"Do you think my sister's happy in ForestClan?" Crowpelt soon blurted out.
Noblespirit let a small sigh. Crowpelt had been born into CourageClan to Treasureheart and Longstripe, a ForestClan cat. Him and his sister were sent to ForestClan so Treasureheart didn't put up with so much grief from her clanmates, but Crowpelt returned to CourageClan while his sister Dawnsong stayed in ForestClan. Noblespirit had met her at a gathering when she was an apprentice, and the two developed a great friendship which soon led to them becoming mates when Dawnsong earned her warrior name. She was now expecting his kits, but everyone pressumed that the father was another ForestClan warrior.
"I'm sure she's fine." Noblespirit told the black tom. "She is popular within her clan, they will look after her."
"Fancy that though, you're going to be a father to my sister's kits!" Crowpelt explained, his eyes shining in delight.
"She is one impressive she-cat." Noblespirit agreed. "Although I wish she was in CourageClan with us, then our relationship wouldn't be so secret. I did once think about joining ForestClan to be with her, but now with my new role I can't do that, can I? I just want to be loyal to my clan and to serve them as a good deputy."
"You will be a great deputy, Noblespirit." Crowpelt assured him. "Bravestar chose you because she believes that you can take Clawedear's place."
"But do I deserve it?" Noblespirit argued. "I've
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