Angels Of Elements by Angel92296 (summer beach reads .TXT) 📕

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- Author: Angel92296
Read book online «Angels Of Elements by Angel92296 (summer beach reads .TXT) 📕». Author - Angel92296
Chapter One
“Serena? Can you meet me in the library,” Marcos voice called for me. I stared at the sketch I was hovering over and stood from my seat. I walked down the long hallway to the library. Marcos was pacing which was never a good sign.
“Yes Marcos,” I said crossing my arms over my chest.
“We have a new problem on our hands,” he said looking at me with a sorry look.
“What have you done now, dad?” I asked. He lowered his shoulders in defeat and motioned for someone deeper in the library to come forward. It was a tall thin boy. He looked no more than a year older than me and he seemed like he didn’t care where he was and who he is with.
“Serena, this is Kyle. He been through some tough times and he’s going to be staying with us for a while,” Marcos said.
“You’ve got to be kidding. Please tell me you’re kidding,” I said in disbelief.
“Make Kyle feel at home Serena. I have a few calls to make,” he said in a now serious voice. I suppressed a sigh and looked at the boy. He raised his cold blue eyes to mine and I shivered before motioning him with my hand to follow me. I ran my hand through my hair and looked at Marcos. He caught the gesture and nodded. He received my message and nodded. I frowned and walked out the library with the stranger by my side. He said nothing as we walked through the mansion sized house and that was OK with me. I don’t think it’s a good idea to have him here. Not now any ways. I stopped in front of an open guest room door.
“Here is you room,” I said. He looked inside but it didn’t look like he was actually seeing anything. He nodded, still not saying a word. “If you need anything, I’ll be right down the hall.” I walked away, having nothing else to say to the stranger I knew nothing about. Marcos had nodded when I ran my hand through my hair. That was a signal. Running a hand through your hair meant ‘is there danger?’ and Marcos had nodded. I sat in the living room and folded myself into a ball on the couch. I shut my eyes and reopened them when I felt another presence in the room. The boy stood watching me, his hair halfway covering his still cold eyes.
“Do you need anything?” I asked. He shook his head no.
“Well do you want to talk about something?” I tried again. He shook his head no again. He tucked his hands tightly in his pants pockets and watched me. I shrugged and shut my eyes again. What else could I do? A gust of wind came from the open window and I got up to close it. The room was still cold so I began putting wood into the fireplace to heat up the room. I held up a book of matches in my hand when the boy walked up to the fire place and extended his arm toward it. Fire waved from his hand to the wood in the fireplace in one quick motion. I nodded impressed but I wasn’t surprised.
“Thanks,” I said putting the book of matches down. He nodded and walked back to where he was standing. He stared at me for a long while. His eyes were no longer cold. They almost looked like they were surprised at the fact his parlor trick didn’t faze me or have me running away. “Are you sure you don’t want anything?” I asked one last time. He nodded and I plopped back down on the couch.
“Serena? Where are you now?” Marcos asked sounding annoyed.
“We’re in here, dad,” I yelled. A few seconds later he came in the room with a book in his hand. Not just any book. It was a book called Angel Elements. A book I knew all too well.
“Nice to see you two bonding,” he said not looking up from the page he was reading. We watched as Marcos read until Marcos snapped his long fingers and pointed at Kyle. “Alexander. The Angel of Fire. Banished the year the Spanish Armanda lost to Queen Elizabeth I. How could I have forgotten?”
“He’s one of us?” I asked Marcos. Marcos nodded but then cocked his grey head to the side.
“He does posses the abilities of an Elemental Angel but whether he is with us or against us is beyond me,” Marcos said.
“What did you just call me?” Kyle asked and I couldn’t help but laugh. He stared at me while I tried to stop laughing. He hasn’t said a word since he got here and hearing him say that almost made me remember when I was adopted by Marcos.
“Pay her no mind. You’re an elemental angel. Just like Serena, well, her birth name is Reyna. Though Reyna denies who she is, it’s not easy to run from.” Marcos said looking at me while my laughter ended and a frown formed on my lips.
“Whatever. I’m not having this conversation with you again,” I said getting up from the couch. I marched past the both of them and back to the art studio where the sketch I had started waited for me. It was a picture of my mother. Being elemental angels doesn’t mean we live forever. It just means we are born again but we usually have keepers, promised humans to keep record of an angel’s activities and action so the angel can read until their memory return. My first keeper was killed and after he was killed I promised myself that I didn’t need to be a normal elemental angel so I denied the next keeper and Marcos has been arguing ever since. Every mother I had was the same. They were all sweet and gentle. Until they died. They all died when I was ten, every time I was ten. I would usually end up in a house just like this one, hanging with people of my kind. The last time I died and was reincarnated was in 1995 but I have my memory from centuries ago. It’s like my memory doesn’t die with me.
“Did you do all of this?” Kyle’s voice pulled me from the past.
“Uh, yeah. They’re pretty old though,” I said turning toward where he stood in the room. He hovered in the doorway while he looked around the room. His eyes landed on an old painting of an angel with grey wings. The angel had a girl protectively behind him.
“I love that one,” he said pointing at it. I walked to the painting and gently pulled it from the wall. I held it out for him to take. He shook his head no. I walked toward him and handed it to him gently.
“I want you to have it. Think of it as a welcoming gift,” I said. He held it in his hands very carefully and looked at the date under the signature.
“1684?” he asked.
“I was in Paris,” I said. He shook his head in disbelief.
“Is Marcos your keeper?” he asked.
“I don’t have a keeper,” I said.
“Why not?” he asked.
“Because I don’t want one. I’m not going to become anything more than I already am,” I answered.
“What do you mean by that?” he asked, leaning the painting on the wall gently beside him.
“Do you know why we are here? As in, on earth?” I asked.
“I don’t even know what we are,” he said shaking his head.
“Grab a chair. This might take a while,” I said sitting down. He pulled a chair up and sat across from me. He waited patiently, his blue eyes studying me. I sighed and began.
“There are many types of Angels. There are the Fallen Angels, the Guardian Angels, and the Nexona Angels which are warrior angels. And there is us, the Elemental Angels. Elemental Angels are special because we can live like humans if we choose to. But that’s only because we live and we die but we are born again. The other angels are stuck with immortality. Elementals can choose if they want their immortality. To gain immortality, we must earn our wings but saving lives while risking our own.
“I didn’t want to become immortal so I avoided as much hero work as possible. But here and then I would save someone from a fire or save a drowning child. Whether you choose to become immortal is your choice. Marcos adopted me six year ago but he already knew what I was. He is what we call the booker. Keeper records are sent to him or his colleagues when the keeper or angel had died. The most important angels are written in the book Angel Elements. You’re in that book. And so am I.” I stared at him while he opened his mouth to speak.
“Why am I in that book? Why are we in that book, I mean,” he said.
“I have no idea. We would have to look at your keeper’s records and see. As for me, I don’t know or care why I’m in the book. That’s not who I am anymore,” I said.
“Why are you running from who you are?” he asked me.
“How can you be so accepting of what you are?” I asked him in return.
“Because I know what I am now. I always thought that I was a freak who accidently set things on fire mysteriously. I had to move six times because I kept burning down the house. Now I know something. I killed my parents in the last accident and I don’t think I will ever be the same again. I also don’t ever want something like that happen anymore. I want to help people. Not kill them,” he said. He tried to hide the pain in his eyes by looking away but in the one second I did see his pain, I felt sympathy. The closest thing to killing anyone was the first time my mother died. My very first mother. I tried to commit suicide when I was told that she had died of sickness. I tried to drown myself so I jumped into a river and floated to the bottom. After an hour or so, I was wondering why I wasn’t dead. That’s when I learned that I could control water. Water is one thing I couldn’t die.
“I understand. The only reason why I run from who I am is because I get sick of losing people. Yes, we can save people but saving people puts us at risk and we become targets of the angels who will disagree with what we do. They will use the ones we love to show us how serious they really are. They will kill anyone you love with no hesitation. I should know,” I said, looking down at the floor.
“Someone killed someone you knew?” he asked. I nodded not looking up at him. I sighed.
“Three lives before this one, I lived England. Back then, I didn’t mind being what I was. My keeper’s name was Jonathan and he was the same age as me which was rare. We were only eighteen. We hung out more than any other keeper and angel would. We made a mistake and became too close. Then, I saved the lives of everyone I could so some people hated me. They saw him as the best way to warn me. They slit his throat and left him in my bed. That’s why I run.
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