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she backed up.

I smiled at her, "We all have way above average IQs but we all get bad grades because we want to." I told her. I backed up using the small space between the door and whatever was up against it to keep the door open, I ran and shoulder rammed the door. It budged a little but not enough. "Liam!! Get you stinkin' tail down here!" I yelled up to the third floor.

He came down still without a shirt muttering, "It is so not in my closet." He came into veiw and stopped when he saw Charlie. A smile lit up his face and he practically skipped over to us, "I'm Liam. I'm pretty sure you pretty thang is in the grade above me," He said smoothly. Both me and Charlie rolled our eyes at him, for different reasons.

"They've locked themselves in with a heavy thing, help?" It was as much a question as an order, his face lit up again, I was giving him a chance to show off his strength to his mate. He knew what I was doing, too.

Thanks, he said through the pack's thought chatroom AKA the chat.

Any time, any where, bro. I thought back. He put his feet shoulder width apart, his hands on the door and shoved, moving it a considerable amount more than me, but still not enough.

"Guess I'm going through the window," I sighed, I was the only one who worked on my climbing skills as well as my strength and stamina.

I turned to go downstairs, when Liam went to talk Charlie said, "Nu-uh, go get a shirt on."

"You know you like it," He teased. Charlie looked like she would have slapped him, but the fact that he was shirtless stopped her.

"Come on," I grabbed a very angry Charlie by the hand and dragged her a couple feet away from my smirking brother. I got downstairs and the adults all looked at me, "Hey, please don't look at me like that, Liam's the one that gave them the idea of putting stuff in front of the door."

"What!" My mom screeched, the banshee back, "Get them out!"

"They're on strike. They don't want to have to wear pants," mom opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off with, " I know, I'm going through their window." I walked out the front door with a line of five adults following me, my parents, Charlie's parents, and Charlie's older sister. I counted the windows until I got to the right one, cracked my fingers and grabbed onto the window seal directly below theirs.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! You're going to climb up there?" My dad asked.

"Yup." I said shrugging as I hoisted myself onto the rim, grabbing the top part. Quickly, I intricately climbed my way to their window. They got smart and locked it, but no lock can keep a skillful theif out. I deftly and quietly unlocked the window and slid it up with silent hands. I dropped into the room and was greeted with the sqeals of surprised children. "Really?" I asked them as I took in their three dressers stacked infront of the door. "Gotta say, I'm impressed."

"No fair, Pluto!" The twins angrily said together. I walked over and shifted the dressers enough for Liam and Charlie to squeeze in.

"I'm impressed, no wonder it was so heavy. Look at us, the whole pack together, perfect time for explaining." Liam hinted, telling us he wanted to tell Charlie. I shook my head, no. Charlie looked between the five of us, knowing something was up but not sure what.

Chapter 2

I met up with Charlie the next day infront of the school and as Conner and I went to split off to go to maths she asked, "What's up with all you kids? You're all really tall, look completely different, will act different and get in fights, but if one of you is dissed, then everyone else is on the scene, you guys probably don't notice it but if one of you moves the rest respond. What's up with your brother?"

"I'll tell you at lunch, right now I gotta get to class." I told her.

I got glares from every werewolf on campas besides my brother. It was starting to annoy me. Conner noticed, "Why are they all looking at you like that?" He wrote on a piece of paper and handed it to me halfway through first hour.

"Maybe them is jealous of the fact that my dick's bigger?" I wrote back. He let out a laugh quickly turning it to a cough, receiving a glare from the teacher and the kids actually trying to learn.

"You have a dirty mind and I dare you to ask them if that's why they're glaring." He wrote jokingly.

"I do have a dirty mind, the truth hurts, and what do I get if I do?" I responded quickly.

He had to turn another laugh into a cough, to this the teacher glared at him and told him, "Maybe you would like to go to the nurse?"

"No thankyou, Mrs.Timothy."He answered.

When she turned back to the board he wrote, "If you do I'll be your slave for a week, if you don't you have to cut your hair."

I read it and glared at him but wrote "K." I flipped the paper over and wrote," If Pluto Johanson should ask if the reason the populars were glaring at her was because her dick's bigger than Conner Swindle shall be her slave for a week, doing whatever she wanted him to. If Pluto Johanson does not ask the populars if the reason they're glaring at her was because her dick's bigger than Pluto Johanson shall cut her hair to an inch in length. Signatures X____________________              X_________________________"

I signed it on a line and handed it back to Conner who read it and signed it on the other line. He stuck in his back pocket. I shook my head told him that I was going to give it to Charlie. He gave it back.

In reading I sat by Charlie and handed her the folded piece of paper. "What is it?" She asked.

"It's a contract saying if I do something than Conner will do something and if I don't I have to do something else." I answered.

"What do you have to do?" She whispered as the class started.

"See how the populars are glaring at me?" She nodded, "Well they were doing that in last class, too. I told Conner why they were glaring, I'm not going to tell you what, so now I have to say it to them." I whispered back.



At lunch, Charlie cornered me and sat by me at the lunch table.  "What's up with all you kids? You're all really tall, look completely different, will act different and get in fights, but if one of you is dissed, then everyone else is on the scene, you guys probably don't notice it but if one of you moves the rest respond. What's up with your brother?" She asked as soon as we sat down.

"We have weird assed genes so we get really tall. We grew up really close it was us five and our older brother William alone against the world. That was until Dad pissed him off and he took off. My brother has a major crush on you. It's natural for siblings to get into fights." I told her as a boy, our grade, walked up. By the way he moved we could tell he was a popular. Conner looked at me pointedly.

"My father wants to see you after school," He told me. Werewolve.

I went with my usual response, "Whatever."

He narrowed his eyes, "The two of you have things to discuss about your moving here."


Now I had him full on glaring, "You will be there." He was pissed, this was fun.

"Whatever." Charlie, Conner, Jenna, and Haven were looking between us as I calmly ate my food.

"Bring your brothers." He said, trying to get me to fight.

"Says who?" I said it in an airy voice to annoy him.

"My dad." he snarled, apparently annoy him it did.

"Ooooh, Daddy's Little Girl are we?"

"Be there," He went to walk away but I had a bet to fulfill.

"So quick question," He turned, I could see Conner trying to hold in a smile, I waited.

"What?" Perfection on a plate.

I put my chin on my hand, adopting a puppydog look, "Were you guys glaring at me because my dick's bigger than yours?" I asked him innocently. He stiffened, turned and strode out, I could tell he was trying hard not to hit someone.

Conner was howling with laughter, as were Charlie, Haven, and Jenna, "That was perfect! How come you don't insult  people more?" He asked when he got his laughing to a chuckling.

"Simply because if I insult people more, they will see it coming and it won't hurt as much. I just embarrassed him, insulted him, practically made him ask me to insult him, and all while he was trying to control the conversation. Wouldn't that hurt anyone's ego? Badly?" I replied.

They thought about it, figured it made sense and they all nodded.

What was that about? Liam assked through the chat.

It was a dare, Conner has to be my slave for a week. I answered, Hey, you ever find that shirt?

No, he answered glumly.

"Hey you guys wanna come over to my house tonight?" Jenna was saying. She got enthused 'yeses' from everyone but me.

"Sorry, I gotta go see that prick's father. I wish I could but I can't." I said sourly.

"Why do you have to? He's not your boss as you so plainly showed."

"It's for safety reasons. My family's safety. And I plan on showing up hours late, by myself. And just to show that I'm my own person, I'm not even gonna wear what I do in public." I said planning on showing these asses that they don't own me.

"And what would that be? The clothes I mean." Conner asked.

"Simple, I wear this stuff because people stare at my tattoos," I looked at the group for emphasis, "In my family, all the kids have tattoos. Much to our parents' distaste. So I waltz around wearing the clothes I do in the forest. They're almost like gypsie clothes." I toold them trying to explain.



When we got home I immediately changed into one of my flimsy tops that only covered what was neccessary, it looked like a swimsuit top, only it was deep violet and sparkled. It looked almost see-through. I changed from modest high-riding pants to colorful, flowy, low-rising satin pants. Preferring to go barefoot, I left my tattooed feet alone. My outfit showed all of my stomache, back, and arms, showing a dragon hugging me with her wings covering my stomache and back, tattoos peeking out from my top, these covering my breasts,and swirls covering it all as my pack tattoos. Those ones covered me head-to-toe and they appaered and disappeared as you change rank in your pack.

The doorbell rang, "I got it!" I screamed to my brother who had already opened the door as I grabbed a skateboard from the hall and slid down the stair banister. I came into sight and saw my friends standing there, open-mouthed at my brother, who had only a pair of baggy shorts on. "You're an ass! I said I got it!"


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