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him up, kicking and screaming. "Be quiet! We need to get you out of here, for our safety," He hissed into Sammy's ear. I could tell he put the Beta into his voice because Sammy immediately quit moving and went completely quiet.

He carried the now limp boy out the door, a very angery-looking Charlie tailing behind, most likely to chew Liam's ass. "Sorry, I gotta go make sure she doesn't kill him, or worse," I sighed as I walked out the door. I followed the very pissed scent of Charlie back to the explorer where she was currently indulged at screaming at Liam, his arms still full of the silent Sammy.

"What did you do to him!?! Why was it so important that he wasn't in that room!?! It looks like you murdered him and are dragging him off to bury him in the woods where he'll never be seen again!" She was screaming. I had parked by the curb on the side of the hospital that had the woods by it, that plus the completely spiritless-looking Sammy in Liam's arms made that an accurate discription of the scene before me.

"Yo! Charlie, lay off I told him to take Sammy out of there or he would've done something that would affect us all. Something we'd regret letting him do." I said as I strode up, confident she'd listen.

Nope. She whirled on me, "What was so important that he didn't do!?! You guys keep a lot of secrets and I'd be willing to bet this is one of them!" She really sounded pissed.

"Can't tell you, sorry." I held out my hands toward Liam, "Gimme." He handed over Sammy, "You can quit playing dead now." I told him.

"But Liam said I had to be quiet!" He sobbed, now crying.

"I overrule Liam, you listen to me before you listen to him, 'kay?" I asked him. He nodded into my shoulder while Charlie glared at Liam.

"What makes him so afraid of you? What have you done to him?" She snarled at him.

He held his hands in a defensive position, " I didn't do anything! That's just how we roll, you listen to who's older." I walked over and sat down on the side of the road that had the woods on it. I sat down with the woods covering my back so that Sammy could be soothed by their sight. We liked being in the woods, it helped calm our nerves. Charlie came to sit by my side, still glaring at Liam.

"So why did he need to be taken out of there?" She asked as glared at Liam's easy-going expression, probably wishing that looks could kill.

"That was the first time he'd seen a baby, he's emotional right now," I told her.

"That was the first time he'd seen a baby?" She asked.

"Yeah, he's the youngest, no one else was there to be born for him to see. Kind of like the lowest on the knowledge when it comes to babies," Liam said as he sat down on my other side, for his part, he took his mate's abusive goodheartedly. "All forgiven?" He asked her as he rubbed Charlie's back, calming him more.

"No," She answered.

The Twins chose that moment to tromp across the hospital's lawn screaming, "Her name has been decided upon. It is Elizabeth!" When they reached us, they sat crossed legged and declared, "But she shall be called Lizzy." They turned to Charlie and said in unison, "Why do you insist upon maiming our brother with your heartless rays of monstrous moonlight?"

Charlie turned to me and murmered, "Good Vocab," though the Twins could hear her, she turned back to them and quoted, "'heartless rays of monstrous moonlight'?"

"Yes would you like a synonym for heartless, or is it those of monstrous that you seek?" They retorted.

"Monstrous," She said to see what they came up with.

"Astrocious, cruel, dreadful, egregious, freakish, frightful, grotesque, gruesome, heinious, hideous, horrendous, horrible, horrifying, infamous, inhuman, intolerable, obscene, odious, outragious, proposterous, terrible, vicious, aberrant, abnormal, desperate, devilish, dibolical, disgraceful, evil, fiendish, flagitious, foul, hellish, loathsome, macabre, miscreated, morbid, ominous, rank, satanic, scandalous, teratoid, uncanny, unusual, villainous," They recited like a thesaurus.

She looked confused as she said, "Heartless?"

"Brutal, callous, cold-blooded, cruel, harsh, inhuman, insensitive, merciless, ruthless, uncaring, unkind, cold fish, cold-hearted, hard, hard as nails, hard-boiled, hard-hearted, obdurate, pitiless, savage, thick-skinned, uncompassionate,unemotional, unfeeling, unsympathetic," They said together.

"Wow, I don't know what half of those words means, but I get the meaning. I'm a cruel, selfish bitch. Thanks guys," She told them, seeming to mean it.

"We can give you definitions of the words you-"

"-don't know, if you like." They said splitting the sentence.

"NO!" Charlie, Liam, Sammy, and I said together. We laughed at the Twins' furrowed brows, unable to understand our reaction.

"We know our brother's a player-"

"-but, we know he doesn't like you for that reason he's-"

"- been slaving after you since-"

"-he first saw you." We can never tell who's who because they talk like that and there's not a difference between the two.

"You've been slaving after me? Really?" She asked as she turned to my brother.

"Yup, I had a good laugh about that one because I figured out of everyone in the school, you'd be the one to turn him down." I said as I let out a little laugh.

"Yeah, she laughed at me when I told her, actually, you might of seen her laughing, we were walking away when I told her," Liam put in, trying to stop the blush that was creeping up his face.

Charlie turned to me as she asked, "That's what you were laughing about?"

"Yup," I said as I smiled.

Jenna, Conner, and Haven came striding acrossed the lawn, to us Jenna said, "I'm gonna stay here a while, you guys don't have to wait for me."

"'Kay," I answered her, to everyone else I said, "Okay, same seat sharing as last time only now the Twins sit in seperate seats in the far back, Charlie's shotgun, and Liam drives while I hold Sammy."

"Wouldn't it make more sense if, Sammy and one of the Twins share a seat?" Conner asked doubtfully.

"Nope, Sammy's going through a difficult time right now and he needs me because growing up I've been his confidante on things like this because the five of us go through things our parents don't and I 'm oldest so the problems get brought to me, 'kay?" I replied, and sighed when they all stared at Sammy with his little arms around my neck and head against my chest, Liam, and me. "Get in." They got in.

Chapter 5

 When I got to the school and met with my friends the next morning, Brandon was waiting for us, well for me.

"Can I speak to you alone for a moment?" He asked smoothly, making Jenna's, Haven's, and Charlie's eyes widen.

"Why, asshole? Why can't it be said infront of them?" I asked back, not wanting to be alone with him. I narrowed my eyes to show just how pissed I was at him.

"It has to do with what happened with William yesterday," he sighed.

"William? Like your brother?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah, like my brother," I turned back to Brandon, "No, I will not speak to you about my brother. I thought he was good, but I've realized that he's never been as great as I thought he was."

I turned to walk away but Brandon's hand stopped me, he had grabbed onto my arm, "Hey I'm sorry, if I had known he was your brother I would have respected you more. He's our best fighter." I narrowed my eyes at his hand and he brought it back, most likely realizing that that was the smart thing to do if he wanted to keep it.

"He made his choice, he could have told us that he moved here. Instead he decided that we didn't need to know, we grew up thinking he was the best. How am I going to tell the littles that the boy who used to protect us is here and didn't tell us?" I asked.

"He came a couple of weeks ago, he said that he had been protecting you for two years, you just didn't know it. He warned us that you were coming and he asked if you could stay," he told me, trying to make amends.

I swore, then to Brandon said, "He's been following us for two years? He never thought to tell us? Brandon, if I were you and I wanted to keep William alive, then I would tell him not to come near any of us or I will kill him. He's hurt us too much." I walked away, toward math, then thought better of it and decided that the safest course of action would be to go running, that way I didn't kill anyone that annoyed me.

Liam saw me walking towards the forest and ran over to me, "Hey, what's up?" He asked as he stopped me.

I glared at him, cooled a little and told him, "Go ask Brandon, he knows more than me." And walked into the trees, not even waiting to undress before I shifted, completely shredding my clothes.




She was pissed, that much I could tell when she shifted without taking off her clothes. I walked over to where Brandon, my mate, and everyone else was standing, staring at where my sister disappeared into the forest. I put on a smile warm enough to win over any girl, except the one girl I really want to win over.

"Hey, Brandon. Just out of curiosity, what'd you say to my sister? She's too mad to be at school, it takes alot of effort and guts to get under her skin, so what's up?" I asked. I couldn't help but peek at Charlie from the corner of my eye. She was ignoring me. Well at least you have an effect on her, My wolf told me.

Yeah, I told him.

"I brought up what happened yesterday, with your brother. Apparently I said something wrong, you know she hasn't met my eyes since I met her. She looks at me like I'm nothing." He said, slightly distressed, I wonder what that's about.

"Yup, that'd piss her off alright. And I completely get your feelin'. Though I'll bet mine's more strong," I replied, hinting that my mate ignored me all the time, unless she was yelling at me.

"Sucks to be you, I haven't met her yet. Who?" He asked and I looked at Charlie, distraught clear on my face.

Brandon whistled, "Yep, sucks to be you alright. I think she's the hardest person to crack in the world, let alone settle down. She'll use boys like a tissue, use 'em and throw 'em away."

"Um, who are you guys talking about?" My sister's friend, Conner I think his name was, asked.

"Charlie girl, Charlie girl, who're we talking about?" I sang, probably making her hate me more.

"I hate you, and I do go through a lot of boys, so?" She retorted.

"S'kay, hate's a passionate emotion, it's the first step to love," I told her, deftly dodging a smack by grabbing her hand. "See? Passionate."

She glared at me, she would make a marvolous werewolf! Her friends were looking between her murderous expression and my normal, easy-going smile.

"Okay. Before she ends up castrating you, I think it best if everyone back up," One of the girls said, Jenna I think, I

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