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that's not right. I have no say either way, because I have to marry someone I don't love and rule people." "Why don't you just say no." "I tried, but they won't let me make my own choices." "I know what you mean, my dad wants me to be the ruler of our people." "I heard him say you were a prince, what did he mean?" "I'm not an actual prince, its more of a leader thing." "Oh, so you sneak in my garden maze at night?" "Yea, helps me get a better view of things." "Helps me feel one step closer to freedom." "I can take you to a better place then this, but you gotta promise me, you'll stay inside." "Why?" "It's dangerous out here." "Why can't I come outside with you?" "Fine, only if I'm outside. I'll be right here, on the bench waiting for you and maybe once we get to know each other better, then we can go somewhere sacred." (Gizelle smiled and Savan smiled back) "You'd really do that for me?" "Yes." (Savan looked back at Gizelle's balcony) "What?" (Gizelle looked back too) "Madam Gizelle, what are you doing out there and who are you talking to?" "I..." When she looked back, he was gone. "I was just getting fresh air, I'm coming back up." Gizelle climbed back up the rosevine and looked back as if she knew he was still there. Savan stood from a bush watching her. The next morning, everyone gathered at the table for breakfast. "Goodmorning." (Gizelle sat quietly looking out the window) "Gizelle, your father is talking to you." "Morning." "I will not have this early this morning!" "I'm sorry, am I not the perfect Queen you imagined?" "Please you two, we have an engagement to attend." "I'd rather not." "No, you're coming whether you'd like it or not." "You can't make me go anywhere." "I'm your father and I'm demanding you." "I can't have a say in anything, can I! I'll excuse myself from the table." "Louis please, let her go. You're being too hard on her." "How am I, she knows what awaits her, but she continues to deny it." "Shes a good person, she just doesn't want to put anyone in harm." "She setting herself up for failure." "Don't say that, she'd be a great Queen, she just doesn't know it yet." Gizelle grabbed her diary and began writing. Entry: There is no say, no matter what I do. How will I ever get the respect I deserve? I also can't help, but wonder about this boy I met last night. What is his story? Why don't I see him during the day? Whatever it may be, it is my duty to find out. (She closed the diary) "Madam Gizelle, why aren't you ready?" "I do have to wait for you to put on my clothes for me, don't I?" "Why are you so upset?" "As much as I want you to be free, I have not my mental freedom. I have no say of what I want my life to be, to marrying a person I love. No need to complain, I have to attend this event." "I'll get your dress." The royal carriage took them to a theatre to watch "Hamlet", a famous play, written by the great William Shakespeare. Once they arrived, the play begin. Charles sat next to Gizelle. "Are you done with your ungrateful act?" (Gizelle snared at Charles) "Why yes, I am, I don't know what I was thinking." "Really?" "Yes, you are a fair and patient prince, you deserve to be treated like one." "About time you showed me some respect." "I can't continue to live a lie. (Gizelle left outside) "Charles, would you stop her." "Yes sir." (Charles grabbed her by her arm) "Why won't you love me?" "Because, it is not ment to be." "How can you say that?" "I can't stand here and lie to you." "You're gonna marry me and you're gonna love every bit of it." (He tightened his grip) "Let go of me Charles!" "You heard the lady, let her go." "Who are you?" "I'm the princesses protector." "We're just having a minor argument, no need for you." "I've asked you nicely." (Charles walked to Savan and pointed his finger in his face) "Look pal..." (Savan twisted Charles's arm) "I'm not your pal and this is a reminder to keep your hands off her." (Savan let him go) "If you ever put your filthy hands on me..." (Gizelle stood in front of Savan) "You're not gonna do a damned thing Charles or else I'll tell my father how you put your hands on me." (Charles went back inside) "What are you doing here?" "I decided to take a stroll into your kingdom. Is that a problem?" "No, but you handled the fiercest lad of the land, as if he were nothing." "The only thing fierce about him, is his manners towards ladies." "Quick, lets get out of here, before they come." "A walk into the woods won't hurt, my lady." (Gizelle & Savan took a walk) "What do you do for a livin?" "I thief people of their tokens." (Gizelle stopped) "Really?" "No, just kidding. I actually collect jewels and sell them. If there rare, I keep them in my collection." "Can I see these jewels?" "I don't have them with me right now, but maybe another time, eh." "Sure." (Gizelle spotted her parents exiting) "I'd better go. You'll be outside my window right?" "Same spot." "I'll see you later." "Bye bye princess." (Gizelle ran back to her parents) "Where did you go?" "No where mother." "Charles said, a mysterious guy attacked him and he called himself your protector. You wouldn't know anything about that?" "Of course not father. Insane people are everywhere in the world and Charles left me unprotected." "Charles, why do you curl up like a coward and run?" "Sir, I assure you, the man was not.." "No need for explaining, I'm starting to reconsider my choice of making you the future king." "But sir, I am capable of running the kingdom quite well." "Quite isn't good enough. We shall retire to the palace then." (Charles whispered to Gizelle) "This is all your fault." "Keep it up and I'll have your position filled." (Charles looked in awe) Once nightfall hit and there was no sound to be heard, Gizelle went to her balcony. (Savan was walking away) "Savan." (She whispered) She climbed down the rosevine, didn't bother to put on shoes on either. "Savan." (She ran after him) He seemed to be getting farther and farther away. She held her dress up as she struggled to keep up. The woods were pitch black, the moon was the only source of light. "Savan!" She thought to herself, why not just follow him to his home. She knew he would never take her. Gizelle let her curiousity get the best of her. Within seconds, she lost sight of him. It was almost as if he vanished into thin air. "Savan?" Suddenly, a wolf jumped out in front of Gizelle. "Ahh!" Gizelle ran as fast as she could. The wolf was right behind her. It grabbed hold of her dress with its paw and she fell. "Ughh." Once she looked up, she no longer saw the wolf. (Growling) It was coming from behind her head. She slowly turned around to find the wolf staring her down. When it jumped, she fell back. She begin to crawl backwards on the ground. "Ahhhh!" Out of nowhere, Savan tackled the wolf down. The wolf got back up and positioned his self to attack. Savan released his fangs and got into a defensive position. The wolf charged at Savan this time. Savan caught the wolf in mid air and grabbed him by the throat. He then, swiftly snapped the wolf's neck and dropped him. He turned to Gizelle. (Her face was white as if she had seen a ghost) "Let me explain." She backed up off the ground and began to run. "Gizelle!" Savan stopped her dead in her tracks. "Ahhh!" "Please let me explain." "Don't touch me!" "I was trying to protect you. I told you these woods aren't safe." "I was trying to catch up with you and I got the crazy idea to follow you to your home. Instead, I get a attacked by a wolf and see a creature come alive." "I'm no creature." "Then what are you?!" "I am..." "You are a what?" "Vampire." (O.O) "You're a vampire! Vampires tried to takeover the kingdom. Vampires killed my grandfather. Here I am thinking, you were something good." "I am and I'm sorry my people did such horrible things." "No, leave now. Don't ever come back to my kingdom, ever." "But..." "You don't belong here and I don't want to see you again." (Gizelle walked back to the vines) Savan stood there, watching her go away. He'd never felt so protective of a human being. He didn't protect her, because shes a princess. He protected her, because he was beginning to fall in love with her.
Falling Deep

When Gizelle returned to her room, Charles was sitting in the dark. "So, is it your protector?" "Didn't we have this conversation before? I'm getting tired of telling you." "You don't want your parents to know, because he's beneath you, isn't it?" "He's fair, but you can't say anything. He had more bronze than you." (Charles quickly grabbed her face) "Listen you little twit, don't ever belittle my bravery." (She snatched away) "Don't put your hands on me ever again you damn fool!" (He slapped her) "Ahh!" "I warned you!" "What the hell is going on here?!" "Charles struck me!" "Oh dear." (Nura ran to comfort her) "Guards, have Charles put in the dungeon. "Sir please, I am sorry for my ignorance!" "Its too late for that." (The guards took him away) "Damn you Gizelle!" "Shut him up, I've had enough of his mouth. Are you alright?" "No father, if you had been paying attention to what I was saying, this wouldn't have happened!" "I'm placing him in the dungeon, what more do you wish upon him?" "Death!" "Hunny, you need to lay down." "No I don't, he desrves everything thats coming to him!" (Nura placed her in her bed) "I'll go tend to his punishing." (Louis gave her a blank stare and left) "I swear, he doesn't care about me." "He does, its just, he has alot on his plate. We both do." "That's why I don't want to take on that duty. You don't have time for anything." "Sorry sweetie, but it has to happen one day. Goodnight and make sure you get all of your rest." (Nura tucked her in and left) Gizelle got up once more and walked to her balcony. "I'm going to be a queen one day and I just thought I should let you know! I don't have the skills required for it, but I still have to do it. Thanks to you, Savan, I now have something more to think about!" (She let go and fell over the edge) Savan caught her. She lay, unconcious in his arms. "What were

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