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win." (Yay! OOOO!) Everyone ran to the dancefloor and danced. Louis and Nura slow danced. "I knew the man I fell in love with was still in there somewhere." "He was here the whole time dear." Nura smiled and put her head on his shoulder. Gizelle walked over to Talabun. "I wanted to give thanks to you and your men for helping us." "No problem." "I hope that leg heals up fine." "It will soon." Gizelle hugged Talabun and he wrapped his arms around her. "Well I should be going. Savans waiting for me." "Be good to the lad." "I will." Gizelle walked away smiling. She took Savan's hand and they snuck out. They ran up to her room. Savan shut the door. "I can't believe we actually lived through that!" "I never stopped believing. Ya know, because someone told me not to." Gizelle walked up to Savan and wrapped her arms around him. "Yea. Who was that." Savan put his finger on her mouth. "I have something for you." "Whats that?" Savan showed her the necklace. "You found it!" Gizelle turned around and held her hair while he put it back on. He then turned her back around and kissed her tenderly. "Take my hand." Gizelle grabbed his hand and they flew out the window. They began running through the maze. Gizelle held her dress up and smiled as she ran. Savan followed. They ran through the woods with the night sky full of stars. Gizelle let down her hair. They ran all the way to the waterfall. They held hands and jumped down the waterfall. They swum and left to the fields. Running, dancing, skipping and twirling like crazy people. They both fell in the flowers. "Ya know when I first met you. I didn't see something normal." "What do you mean?" "I saw an extremely attractive man with a extraordinary glow. I wanted to know more about you and ya know what, I don't regret following you." "But you became terrified with me." "I would've never gotten the chance to fall in love with you then. I was starting to think you didn't feel the same. You fighting for me, gave me hope." "When I first saw you. I saw an lost angel sitting on a bench, wondering how to get back to heaven. I wish I could help you get back there." "I'm already there. I'm marrying the man I love and traveling the world with him. What more can a girl ask for." Savan smiled and Gizelle did too. "Look at the sky. Its so beautiful at night." "I've seen the night sky a long time. I guess your father kept you inside for so long that you missed out on how great the sky looks at night." "I guess I did, but now I get to enjoy it with you." Gizelle grabbed Savan's hand. Savan pulled Gizelle on top of him and they kissed of course. When they made it back. The party was over. Everyone had left and gone home. They both fell in the bed. "You have a busy day tomorrow. You know, looking for that special dress." "It feels like we just met yesterday and now we're engaged. Wow." "Are you having second thoughts?" "Of course not. Theres no one I'd rather spend the rest of my life with." Gizelle turned towards Savan and stared in his eyes. "I love you Savan." "And I love you Gizelle." By the time morning came, Nura was up and running. Nura knocked on the door. "Honey, you need to get up. We have a long day ahead of us. And we don't need invitations. Everyone's invited." Gizelle laid on top of the covers while Savan was hid under them. He still had her hand. She got up and shut the curtains, stretched and got ready. She sat down at the mirror and began brushing her hair. "Morning darling." Savan said while revealing himself from the covers. "Morning dear." He came behind Gizelle hugging her while she brushed her hair. "I guess I shall look for a proper tux today." "Better find something you like. It won't take me long." Savan turned away from the mirror. "Whats the matter?" "Its hard not having a reflection when you look in a mirror. But why would I want to see my beastly self anyway." "You're not a beast." Gizelle hugged his back. "You don't understand. When I say my beastly self, I mean I can really see whats underneath this skin. Its grotesque." Gizelle turned him around. "When I look into your eyes. I see something beautiful." Savan hugged her. He closed his eyes so he wouldn't look in the mirror. Gizelle came down stairs. "Are you ready to find your wedding dress." "Mother, you act as tho we're leaving the palace. I know exactly what color I want and I know how I want it to look." "Well lets get to it." The tailor measured her. "Mother, how did you know father was the one for you?" "Its a feeling you get when you're with them. You almost feel inseparable when you're together. Have you had this feeling yet?" "I get that feeling all the time, but ironically something always tears us apart." "Well nothing should get in your way now." "I guess it shouldn't, huh." "No." "He's immortal and I'm human. Do you think he will stay with me til the end?" "If he really loves you, then he will." "Of course." "If you're having second thoughts..." "No." Savan stood on the stairs, listening. He sighed and walked back up. Later on, Nura threw a bridal party. "Okay girls, here she comes." (Shhh) (Surprise!) "Oh wow. I wasn't expecting you to throw a party." "You're my daughter and you're getting married. Sit down." Savan sat in Gizelle's room on her bed. Louis was walking by and spotted him. He knocked on the door. "You okay?" "I'm fine sir." "You don't look okay lad." Louis sat beside him. "Its just, I think your daughter may be having second thoughts." "Shes been through alot with you, why would she be. I know she loves you." "I know, but is love enough? She loved Author too and now he's dead, because of me." "No. Its not your fault. Author was a great warrior, but she wanted something more. I'm guessing that was you." "You didn't see what I saw." "Whatevers gotten you upset is leading you in the wrong direction son. I knew she didn't love that Charles boy and cared about Author, but you. She loves you." "I understand sir. I know its a little late for this sir, but can I have your permission to marry your daughter?" "Of course. You have my blessing." Louis patted him on the back and left out. "I got you this lingerie for your honeymoon." "Wow, thanks Mrs.Rutharaggin." "Alright girls, thats enough champagne for tonight. We have a big day tomorrow and I need the bride to be wide eyed." Everyone gathered thier things and left. Gizelle went to her room to find it empty. "Savan? Savan?" Gizelle began to panic. She looked everywhere except one place. She ran to the balcony. Savan sat on the bench, gazing at the moon. "There you are." Savan turned around and signaled her to join him. Gizelle climbed down the vine and sat by him. "So, what are ya doing out here?" "Just thinking." "About what?" "Where will we be in a couple of years." "Where will we be in a couple of years?" "I don't know. All I know is, we'll be married." Gizelle smiled and put her head on his shoulder. "You should get your strength up." "What, go hunting for animals tonight?" "Yeah. I need you to be able to come out tomorrow. We're getting married, gosh." "Oh, your friend Talabun brought me by a midnight snack." "Oh really. That Talabun." The next morning, Ramona sat by Gizelle. "Madam Gizelle. Its time to wake up. Its your wedding day." Gizelle sat up smiling. "It is isn't it. Ya know Ramona, I would like you to be my maid of honor." "What?" Ramona was in shock. "You've been taking care of me my whole life and been a great friend. I thank you for that and I would be grateful if you did." "Anything for you Madam Gizelle." "Just call me Gizelle." They hugged. Nura came in. "Whats going on in here?" "Ramona is going to be my maid of honor." "We need to find her a dress and do something with her hair quick. Both of you, lets go." "Where's Savan?" "Oh, I don't know. Probably getting some fresh air now come on." Nura pulled Gizelle. Gizelle became frightened not knowing where Savan was. Savan was out by the water fall in his tux. He never stopped thinking. "Hey, aren't you getting married today." Talabun came over and stood by him, in his tux. "Yes." "Then why aren't you back at the palace?" "I just feel like somethings going to go wrong." "And now you choose to think about this, after all you two have been through." "I know its foolish, but I just don't want to put her in danger again." "In danger of what? Loving her? She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and I'd love to be in your place. Only she loves you and you love her, so have at it. I'll be waiting at the palace. Oh and if you don't show up, I'll stand in for ya." Talabun took off running. Savan thought and thought, but he couldn't let his thoughts defeat him. He flew back. "Here is the vail I wore when your father and I got married." "Oh it's beautiful mother." Gizelle began to cry. "No crying, you're going to make me cry." Gizelle hugged her. "I love you mother and I mean it." "I love you too honey. I should've listen to you when you cried out for help." "Mother no. Don't beat yourself up over the past. You did what any other mother would've done." (The bells rung and the horns sounded) "Its time." Nura went to her seat. Louis wrapped his arm around Gizelle's and they began walking down stairs. "I am glad you're walking me down the aisle." "I'm proud to have the chance to do so." Savan stood waiting at the altar and lit up when he saw Gizelle. "She looks beautiful." Talabun said gracefully. "Don't ever hurt her, or I'll find you and do the same as my pack did to your father." "You don't have to worry about that." Louis sat beside Nura and Gizelle took Savan's hands. The preacher gave the prayer. As he did they stared into each others eyes. He then gave the signal to say the vows. Gizelle went first. "Savan, I've been through so much with you. The night we met, I was a hopeless little princess who didn't know how to defend myself or know exactly what love is. You came along to guide me through it all as if you were my guardian angel. I will always love you forever." (Awww) Talabun clenched his teethed together. "Gizelle, I have no choice, but to love you forever. When I first saw you, I thought you were an angel and my eyes weren't wrong. You weren't a weak princess to me. You never were. It just took a disaster to bring the warrior out of you and bring us together. I fell in love with you twice and today makes it the third. Third times a charm." (Awww) Talabun clenched his teeth harder. Something in Talabun's gut didn't think Savan loved her the way he said he did. The preacher gave one last prayer and finally. "Do you take Savan Van Cresent to be your husband?" "I do." "And do you take Gizelle Madison Wickark to be your wife?" "I do." "I annouce you husband and wife. You may
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