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him no, so we got into a fight, and I sprayed the soda in his face for revenge." She explained, grinning wickedly.
"Oh really, Jamie. You must learn to control your temper better. It wouldn't have wounded your pride very much to-"
"To what? Let him boss me around? Let him think he was in charge of me? Ana, it was more than just my pride. It's a way of life, no, it's my way of life." Jamie said, crossing her arms over her breasts and glaring out the window. Seeing a faceless man with a gun.
Ana sighed sadly and gave up, they had had this argument hundreds of times since Ana had adopted her. It usually ended in tears for Ana and less dignity for Jamie.
Ana walked into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. They were both already up so why not just go ahead and get a head start on the day?
"Jamie, since your up, why don't you go get ready for school, maybe today you'll actually be able to not get sent to the principal, then we'll eat and just...." She trailed off.
"Just go on about our separate business and ignore each other." Jamie finished for her, turning to walk up the stairs. Before she could escape, Ana spoke from the bottom of the stairs.
"Was it The Dream again, Jamie? The one with the faceless men with guns?" Ana spoke so quietly, that, if Jamie hadn't been waiting for her to aske, she wouldn't have heard her.
"It always is, isn't it?" Jamie said, sweeping a hand through her long hair, a rare action she did when she was anxious.
"I'm so sorry, Jamie. I wish there was something I could do to help."
"To bad no one can do anything to help isn't it? Poor Jamie, hah! I'm used to it, besides I think it's fading. It wasn't as bad this time." She lied, hoping to atleast calm Ana down a bit.
Ana only smiled sadly, seeing straight through the lie. Jamie didn't know how she did it, but she was able to walk to her room calmly on steady legs. As soon as the door closed behind her, she sagged agianst it for a moment.
Atleast now she only had to put up with school and work. She had an after school job at the Fast Forward Cafe in town. Her only friends her age were her pals at the cafe.
The Fast Forward Cafe was the only thing she looked forward to. It was the only place she could go where she didn't have to act happy, because she was happy at the cafe.
God blessed The Fast Forward Cafe; she thought as she grabbed an outfit out of her all black closet and went to take a shower.

Chapter Two

β€œJamie Foster?” Mrs. Weber asked, as she took roll call.
Jamie didn’t have to answer; she knew it didn’t really matter, Mrs. Weber was already moving onto the next kid.
High school, Jamie thought with disgust, was just a mediocre version of real life. Only difference was, in high school you don’t have to pay bills.
β€œBrenda Moldova?” She heard Mrs. Weber ask, followed by the far too cheery β€œHere!” by the little Ms. Prissy know-it-all.
Today was the first day of Jamie’s fourth year of high school, and, as usual, she sat in the back of the class, unnoticed. Hoping to stay that way for the entire year.
Before the teacher could say another name the classroom door opened and a teenage boy slipped in, he nodded to the teacher, handing her a pink note, and looked for an empty seat, not offering the teacher an explanation.
Spotting the only open seat he made his way to the back of the room. The seat happened to be right next to Jamie. Grimacing at the unwanted turn of the norm, she accessed him as he came closer.
He was tall, with dark brown hair. Even under his long sleeved black shirt she could tell he had muscle, he had the sleeves pushed up to his elbows and she could see the tattoo of Ares on his lower arm. Ares was in fighting position, as he usually was in the legends, and had a bloody sword drawn up over his head and was grinning evilly.
He had long legs, coated in black jeans, and he was wearing some kind of pendant. His eyes were a steely grey that almost looked silver.
β€œMind if I join you?” He said, his tone was lightly amused. He was piercing her with those amazing silver eyes, so she simply nodded, taking a second to regain composure.
β€œHigh school, the stupidest invention ever, wouldn’t you say?” He asked casually as roll call was finishing up.
β€œActually,” She said, grinning at him. β€œI think of it more as our ancestors’ way of punishing us. You know, for not keeping they’re oh-so-sacred ways.”
He laughed at that, smiling at her. β€œInteresting, I must admit, your theory is very intriguing.”
"Thank you." She returned, smiling back at him.
"Attention class, you will now get your lock for your lockers, I suggest that you write down your combination and memorize it. Jamie, you seem to be in a good mood today, why don't you pass them out?" Mrs. Weber said, smiling at Jamie's annoyed face.
Jamie got up slowly and walked to the front of her room, smiling when Mrs. Weber eyed her attire with distaste.
Jamie was wearing a black V-neck t-shirt, bell bottom black jeans, black and white tennis shoes, large silver hoop earrings, lots of black eyeliner, and her hair was in a ponytail, two strips of it hung down to her lower jaw like bangs that were the color of her eyes.
She picked up the box and watched Mrs. Weber shudder at her leather gloves, fingerless gloves as usual.
Slowly she made her way around the room, dropping a lock on each desk, when only her and the new boys locks were left in the box, she made her way back to Mrs. Weber, dropping the empty box on her desk, Jamie made her way back to her desk. She sat down and leaned over to politly lay the new boys lock on his desk, and lay her own front of her.
"Something funny?" She asked when the new boy started chuckling and everyone else just stared at her.
"Nothing." He said, trying to keep a straight face.
Her only responce was to raise a brow.
He only grinned at her.
"If you all keep saring at me I will turn you into toads." She threatened, staring at her classmates. They immediatly turned around in there chairs and started fiddling with they're locks.
Turning to look at the new boy she caught him still staring, this time he looked amused and confused.
"Along time ago they decided that I was a witch." She explained. She saw comprehension on his face and decided to ask her question.
"Whats your name?"
"Cool, I'm Jamie. Jamie Foster-Spencer. The Spencer is my adoptive moms."
"Nice, I like your name, it's different."
Her only respince was to raise her brow again.
An hour later the bell rang and class was over. Jamie stood and gathered her things. Slowly she made her way around desks, making her way to the door. She had almost gotten away when she noticed that Brenda had Joey trapped in a corner and was flirting like the hussy she was. Feeling sorry for him she interveined.
Walking up to Brenda's back Jamie cleared her throut. Brenda turned to look at her, annoyance slowly showing on her face. When she saw Jamie was the one who had interupted her annoyance became more pronounced.
"Don't you have floors to scrub at that stupid little excuse for a cafe you work at?" Brenda said, flipping her dirty blond hair over her shoulder.
"Oh, but I can't go to work till my boyfriend is ready to go. And he won't be ready till you let him out of that corner and take your flirting else where." Jamie said, as if it was as obvious as the silver of Joey's eyes.
"Your boyfriend?" Brenda blanched.
"That's me." Joey said, catching on quickly.
"You ready to go?" Jamie asked giving him her most flirtasious smile.
"I am if you are." He said, working hard to keep a straight face.
Careful to avoid contact with Brenda, he left the corner and stood next to her. She wrapped her free arm around his waist as he slung one arm over her shoulders, and they cooly left the room. They made it to the sidewalk, out of site from the school, before they both broke into hysterical laughter.
"You are diabolical!" Joey said, as soon as he had his breath back.
"Thank you, thank you." She said, bowing and laughing.
"Did you see the look on her face when we walked out the door?"
"Yeah!" She said.
"It was priceless!" They said in unison, which sent them into more laughter.
After they calmed down and had changed from laughing to grinning evilly at each other, they just stood there. For a rew minutes they walked in a compatable silence, then Jamie looked at her watch and cursed.
"Sorry Joey, I gotta hit
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