American library books » Fiction » Renesmee by L.Perez (e manga reader TXT) 📕

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Oh no, don’t tell me she was crushing on Jacob! Luna looked from Anna to me, seeing me taking in her Anna’s expression, and said “Um, ready?” Anna shook her head and stumbled forward and mumbled “Uh yeah sure.” My eyes narrowed as she walked closer and I wrapped my arms around Jacob defensively, making it clear that he was off limits and he was MINE. Her eyes kept returning to Jacob but I could see reason return to her face. “Uh, bye Renesmee…and J-jacob ” Ana mumbled. I knew my face was probably looking really unfriendly and I probably looked like I was gonna serve an ass-beating on a platter but I didn’t care, he was mine and mine only. She left with Luna hot on her heels, probably making sure I had no room for an attack. Once they left, Jacob laughed his loud throaty laugh. “What?” I asked. He laughed and looked at the possessive stance I kept in front of him. “Oh,” I said. He laughed and said “She’s probably throwing up right now.” I laughed and hugged myself closer to him and said “So? I hope she understands that you are mine and only mine and ill kick her ass if she tries to steal you away.” Jacob rubbed my back and said “Trust me, no one could take you and I apart, even if the world was ending.” I looked up and smiled and said “If the world was ending and I had your hand, I wouldn’t care.” Jacob smiled and said “Nothing,“ and tilted my chin up and leaned forward and just as our lips met, Dad came in and stood right next to us. I growled and said “Go away!” “Certainly, after you two are not touching.” I turned on Dad and said “Why can’t you just leave us alone?” He looked at me coolly and said “Because I am you father.” I rolled my eyes and sighed loudly and said “You just know when to ruin the perfect moments don’t cha?” He said nothing but stood there. I rolled my eyes again and took Jacob’s hand and started walking up the stairs; Dad was in my way. “Have you forgotten the house rules?” Dad asked in that annoying parent voice. To stop myself from saying something stupid I mashed my lips together, turned around and walked toward the door, Jacob’s hand still in mine. “Where do you think you’re going young lady?” Dad asked. I opened the door, shoved Jacob out and turned to face Dad. “Since you want to act like an ass, I’ll just go to his house!” I yelled and slammed the door. Then I grabbed Jacob’s hand and we were off. We didn’t care if Dad came running after us anymore, we were together. We ran through the forest as light rain started to fall on us. When we arrived at La Push, dark purple and grey clouds were rolling in. I wanted to go to our driftwood but Jacob didn’t want me getting sick so we went to his house. We walked in and saw Billy watching football with Grandpa Charlie. I squealed, jumped up and down and ran to him and hugged him tight. He laughed and kissed my hair. “Hi Grandpa!” I said. He laughed and said “I was just about to come down and see you hon, how are you?” I sighed and said “Ugh, don’t even ask.” He looked at me and said “You all get into a big blowout?” I nodded, he sighed. He looked over my shoulder and said “Hey Jake, how’s it going?” Jake walked closer, still holding my hand, and said “Can’t complain. How about you? You doing alright living by yourself?” Grandpa Charlie laughed and said “I’ve lived alone almost all my life until Bella came, I’m fine.” Then he sighed, probably for the old days. Billy looked at me and smiled warmly and held his arms out for a hung. We exchanged a few more words and finally they turned their attention to the TV. Jacob and I walked into the kitchen and tried to come up with a plan on how we both were going to be able to get to his room, without getting in trouble. Finally we decided, I would go first, and Jacob would climb though his bedroom window. I walked casually down the hall and went into Jacobs’s small room, closed the door and sat on his small bed and waited for him. Not much later, Jacob came through the window, with raindrops falling from his hair and his shirt soaked; It was raining harder now. He closed the window and sat next to me, shaking his shaggy hair and spraying me with rain. I giggled and smacked at him. I got up as his hands reached up and grabbed my waist. Jacob lay down on his back, with me on top, and kissed me. Our lips were glued to one another, not even parting as I moved my hair to my right side and his warm hands gripped my hips closer. I moved my arms so that I was kinda sitting on him but my upper body was up at an angle. Jacob kissed me feverishly and I felt a shiver go through my whole body as something clicked in me. I wanted Jacob, more than he knew. I not only wanted Jacob mentally, I wanted him…will…physically too. I blushed just thinking the words, not even saying them. His lips moved from my lips to my neck. He placed a little row of kisses down my neck, to the tops of my breast, which at the moment were in clear view. My breathing was too loud, but what could I do?? This was a-m-a-z-i-n-g! I brought his lips back to mine and placed my hands on his warm, chest and let my hands run down his beautiful body. Jacob shivered and very lightly groaned, which made my already fast breathing, quicken. I sat up and unthinkable, pulled my top off! Before I could even tell myself “STOP!” or “ARE YOU CRAZYY??” it was off and Jacob was still with surprise. I watched his eyes pop wide open as he took in my black lacy bra. (Thank you Aunt Alice!) Jacob had never seen me like this and was completely shocked. I leaned forward and kissed Jacob with a burning passion I’d never felt before. He was hesitant but eventually, his warm hands found the small of my back and my hips. Jacobs’s warm hands ran across my back, which felt icy cold and shaky. I lifted my shaky hands from Jacob’s chest and aimed for my bra clasp. As I almost unhooked it, warm hands caught them. I looked at Jacob, shocked. “What?” I whispered. His eyes were wild with something I’ve never seen and he sat up, still holding my arms, and hugged me tightly. Jacob laughed a shaky laugh and said “Renesmee, I can’t….” I felt rejected and wanted to cry but I told myself not too, instead I told myself to just stay still and breathe in and out. It worked, I didn’t cry. We were quiet for some time, until I decided that I could speak without crying. “Why?” I whispered, hoping the hurt wouldn’t leak through. He sighed and kissed my hair and said “Because.” It was quiet so I asked again. “Why?” He sighed and kissed my neck, sending tingles up my neck and making me shiver. He released my arms, moved me from him and got off the bed and walked toward his closet. I looked down at the comforter and felt absolutely ridiculous, he didn’t want me, but I just threw myself at him, shirtless and all. I felt like shit, just downright shit, and I felt like dying. I just threw myself at him and now I was rejected, still shirtless. I didn’t know what to say or do, even though I knew I should grab my shirt, and yank it back on as fast as I could but my body wouldn’t move. Jacob came out of his closet with a new shirt. “Renesmee?” he called. Hearing his voice made me want to cry again instead I closed my eyes and counted to ten. When I knew I wasn’t going to cry, I bent down, picked up my shirt and put it back on, not meeting his eyes, then said barely above a whisper “Jacob, I think I’m gonna head home.” Jacob stepped forward and said “Why? You just got here?” I turned my head toward the window and said “It’s late. I should go.” He walked forward and almost touched me when I jerked back and nearly flew to the end of the bed. “Don’t touch me,” I said in a razor sharp voice. Jacob plopped down on the bed next to me and reached out to take hold of my hand. I didn’t pull it back because I knew he’d win regardless. I sighed at the touch of his skin and turned away so he wouldn’t see the tears. I bit my lip, hard, and watched the sun set and let the hot tears roll down with all the pain and rejection I felt. I was so focused on not sobbing that I didn’t notice that Jacob had put himself down next to me. I saw him take in my face; teeth clamped down on my lip, tears running down my face, and the hurt expression, and knew something was seriously wrong. He took my face in his hands and said “Renesmee, I’m so sorry!” I pushed his hands away and wiped my face and said “Not your fault.” He turned me around to face him and said “If it’s not then why are you crying?” I sighed and pushed him off. “I’m going home,” I announced and got up and started walking toward the door. Jacob was there, blocking my way and said “I’m not letting you go anywhere until you tell me the truth.” I rolled my eyes and turned toward the window, but Jacob wasn’t having any of that, he was their too. “Jacob, just let me go home okay? I’m not in the mood.” I could feel my bitchy attitude faltering. He said nothing and waited. I sighed and whirled for the door just to smack right into his chest. Jacob hugged me close and I hugged back for a second then shoved him back. He stared at me and said “Renesmee, what’s wrong? You can tell me.” I breathed in and out and felt the anger fill me completely. “You want to know what’s wrong. Well I feel like a total dumb ass! That’s what’s wrong! I threw myself at you and you rejected me! And then to top that off, you can’t even give me a reasonable reason why, you ASS-HOLE! Ugh! I HATE YOU! No matter what I freaking do, no matter how happy we are, something ALWAYS has to fuck up and I end up being the fucking cry baby! SO if that answers your question, I would like to leave!” I screamed. Jacob didn’t budge and I breathed in and out and as the rage left my body, shame flooded in. Did I really just say that I hated Jacob? I was utterly shocked at myself. Of course I didn’t hate Jacob; I loved him more than anything and anyone in the world. I stared at the carpet and whispered “I’m so sorry…I didn’t mean…you know…anything…” I rolled my eyes and felt the tears come down. I wiped at them and said “I’m sorry…I have to go,” and walked past Jacob, where he still stood, frozen. I walked out of his bedroom door and right by Billy and Grandpa Charlie and out into the thunderstorm. It poured on me but I didn’t care, and apparently neither did Jacob. I walked slowly and finally just couldn’t hold anything back. I started
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