American library books » Fiction » Renesmee by L.Perez (e manga reader TXT) 📕

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they were gone. Jacob pulled me close and said “So are you able to go to homecoming Friday?” I sighed and said “Not sure but Aunt Alice says I am, she even got dresses for us to put on, that’s why Luna and Anna were at the house today.” Jacob kissed my forehead and said “I need a tux.” I pushed Jacob onto the bed and curled up next to him as he wrapped his arms around me. “Aunt Alice could get you one,” I said. Jacob sat there for a minute and said “Hmm, I guess.” I smiled and said “She’ll be so happy.” He nodded. It was silent but not uncomfortable. We just lay with one another, wrapped in the same worlds of unconditional love and were just happy to be together. We feel asleep, so comfortable in one another’s embrace when I heard a shrill ringing. I opened my eyes and looked around. The sun was gone. “Crap,” I croaked, my voice thick with sleep, and jumped off the bed to get my phone. It was Mom. I rolled my eyes and answered. “Hello?” and yawned. “Renesmee Cullen, it is ten-fifty, where are you?” I sighed and said “Mom calm down, I’m at Jake’s.” Jacob stirred but was fast asleep. “Are you insane? It is a school night!” I sighed again and whispered into the phone “I know Mom; I didn’t know I was gonna crash.” “Put Jacob on the phone this instance and why are you whispering?” “Cant. Jake’s still asleep, he needs to sleep to you know,” I chastised. Mom sighed and said “Fine, get your butt home now missy.” “Yes Mom, I’m on my way,” I said and hung up. I walked over to Jacob and smiled at how peaceful he looked. I stroked his beautiful face and leaned down to kiss his lips gently. He sighed at the touch of my lips, as if he had been waiting for it. I smiled and ran my finger through his shaggy black hair and whispered into his ear “Night Jake. Love you.” He smiled some and started snoring. He was officially out. I giggled and kissed him once more, tucked him in and left. Once the door was closed, I tip-toed down the hall and walked past the living room and out the door. Once I was out of the house, I started running. When I got home, the lights were on. “Oh great,” I thought. I walked in and started running up the stairs when Mom said “Renesmee, you get your butt down here now.” I rolled my eyes and came back down and said “What?” Mom’s face was stern and Dad’s was furious. “Look, I didn’t deliberately stay out past freaking curfew to find some way to just argue with you guys okay? Jake and I fell asleep. Sorry,” and started to walk away. “You wait just a damn second Renesmee,” Mom said. I froze, Mom never cursed…ever. I turned to face Mom. Mom stared at me, breathed in deeply and finally said “You know better than to be out so late and on a school night.” I sighed and said “I know Mom, I was trying to come home earlier but…things happened and I just fell asleep.” “What kind of things?” Mom asked. I looked down and felt the blush come said “Nothing…” “If it’s nothing then why are you blushing?” Dad asked. I sighed and said “Because I’m not comfortable talking to my parents about my relationship with my boyfriend.” Dad sighed and said “Your Mother and I have been talking about that.” I looked up, the flush fading but coming back stronger, not from embarrassment, but anger. “Particularly about what?” I asked trying to keep the anger muted. “Ever since you’ve two got serious, you’ve been a problem,” Mom said. I sat there for five seconds and then finally said “So you’re saying…Jacob’s a bad influence on me?” Mom and Dad nodded in unison. I looked down and said “What else?” Dad answered. “We think you two…need to take a break, just for a little while.” My eyes flashed back up, my cheeks burned, my breathing deepened, and my head spun. Mom and Dad looked worried and I saw myself in their eyes; I looked like a grenade that had just been opened. “No,” I whispered. Dad sighed and said “Love, I know this is hard but-“I interrupted him and whispered “No.” Everything was dead silent. I felt the angry tears slip down my face and quickly wiped them away. “You’re my parents and I understand that you have full authority, but not when it comes to me and Jake,” I said, voice small but clear with my decision. “Renesmee, we are your parents and you will listen to us,” Mom said some anger in her voice. “Did you listen to Grandpa? No you didn’t, so don’t go there with me,” I snapped, my voice hard and fast as a whip. Mom flinched like I’d slapped her. I felt so bad and instantly regretted saying that. “Mom,” I whispered in the softest tone I could manage. “You’ve felt how I feel, why are you doing this to me?” I felt the tears slip again. Mom walked to me and stroked my face. “Renesmee, were just trying to do what’s best for you.” I looked up into her gold eyes and said “Mom, Jacob is a part of me, just like Dad is a part of you.” Mom looked into my eyes and suddenly her face was so heart breaking. “Mom,” I whispered. She looked down and I knew she was crying, as much as a vampire could. Dad was next to us in a second and lifted Mom’s face up and said “Love, what’s the matter?” Mom shook her long brown hair and sniffled but looked back up to me and said “Of course Renesmee, how could we not see that.” Dad looked at Mom and I knew he was listening to her. Dad sighed, looked at me and hugged Mom close. “I guess you’re exactly like your Mother then, once you make a decision, you stick to it,” and smiled at me. I stared completely shocked. “Love, it’s late, go to sleep,” Dad said and stepped forward to kiss me on the forehead. I nodded and hugged Mom and walked toward the stairs. I started up but knew there was something I needed to say. I turned back around and walked into the living room. Mom and Dad’s face looked so hopeless I almost started crying again but didn’t have a chance. “Mom, Dad,” they both looked up at me. “…I’m sorry…” I whispered, looking down at my feet, which still had on shoes. “I’m sorry I’m always yelling and causing you guys so much stress…I’m sorry I’ve been…a difficult half-breed,” and felt the shame, as I realized the truth in my own words. Mom and Dad were by me instantly and hugged me from both sides. “It’s alright love,” Dad kept repeating. “Were sorry for being so hard on you Renesmee,” Mom said. I sighed and said “No more shouting and fighting okay? That crap really stresses us out.” They both looked at me and I stuck out my pinkie and said “Promise?” Mom and Dad took turns wrapping their pinkies around mine but said ‘Promise’ together. After a few more apologies, kisses and hugs, I was sent to my room to sleep. I checked my cell and realized that it was midnight. “Great,” I thought and torn off my shoes and curled up in a ball and passed out. I slept like a baby, exhausted from all the stress and excitement. “Wake up Renesmee,” Aunt Alice commanded. “Ugh,” I grumbled and rolled on to my right side. Aunt Alice sighed and ripped off my blanket. I groaned and turned over to my left. “Get your butt up,” Aunt Alice said, slapping my butt. I sighed and said “Okay, okay,” and slowly got up into a sitting position. “Honey, it’s only Tuesday,” Aunt Alice reminded me. I sighed and said “Yeah I know,” and got up. I yawned, and stretched. I thought Aunt Alice had already left when I looked over to the door. Aunt Alice stood there, staring at me really hard. My mind suddenly went to my neck. I pulled the hood of the hoodie closer to my neck and said “What?” Aunt Alice stared at me with narrowed eyes and said “Those cannot possibly belong to you.” I nodded and said “Their not mine.” Aunt Alice nodded and looked away, repeatedly tapped her chin with a thin, pale, graceful finger and said “I’m absolutely positive that you left with much different clothing,” her eyes cutting back to my face. I swallowed loudly and said “Uh…yeah I did, these are my…my sleeping clothes,” I finished weakly. Aunt Alice puckered her lips and said “Really?” I nodded and tried to think positive. “Well give me your clothes, I’ll wash them,” Aunt Alice suggested lightly. I almost died, but kept the pretence. “No it’s okay, I’m gonna do laundry today.” Aunt Alice nodded, not completely convinced but said “Get ready, and oh! Today we figure out the hair styles for you all.” I nodded and said “Can I even go?” Aunt Alice smiled and said “Leave that to your Aunty.” I smiled and watched her turn around when I remembered. “Oh wait Aunt Alice!” I shouted. Aunt Alice whirled and said “What is it Renesmee?” I bit my lip and thought of the most pleasant way to say it. “Um…someone else may need your…assistance.” Aunt Alice looked at me and said “Who?” I sighed and Aunt Alice’s eyes focused elsewhere. ”Jacob,” Aunt Alice whispered. Aunt Alice’s eyes widened and then narrowed. “Please Aunt Alice, please?” I begged, clutching both hands in front of me. Aunt Alice stared at me; arms crossed, looked away and mumbled “Fine.” I jumped up and down and ran toward her, about to hug her when she stuck out her finger. I paused. Aunt Alice looked at me and said “One condition,” I nodded quickly. “He does what I say, and when I say what I say, I mean EVERYTHING I say, do you understand me?” I nodded and said “Promise, Jacob will be on his best behavior.” She sighed and opened her arms for me. I ran and hugged her tightly. “Thank you Aunt Alice,” I mumbled into her cold chest. She sighed, fanning her sweet natural perfume into my face, and said “Anything for my little niece.” I laughed and kissed Aunt Alice on her cheek. “Now go on and get rea-,” Aunt Alice stopped short. “What?” I asked. I took a step back from Aunt Alice to get a good look at her face. Aunt Alice’s eyes were wide with disbelief. “What is that on your neck?” Aunt Alice whispered, shocked. The blush filled my cheeks as I scrambled to find an escape route. I quickly covered my neck and retreated toward the bathroom. “Nothing, of course it’s nothing,” I mumbled and added a shaky laugh. Aunt Alice started saying something but I quickly interrupted her. “I gotta get ready for school Aunt Alice.” I didn’t wait to hear if she agreed or not and dashed into the bathroom and sighed when I heard her leave my room. I walked to the mirror thinking “There wasn’t anything there yesterday,” but when I looked in the mirror there was something alright. It was a discolored bruise, the shape of Jacobs’s teeth, and it was HUGE! I stared in horror; how was I going to hide this? I sighed and jumped into the shower, constantly feeling self conscious of the conspicuous hickey on my pale skin. During the shower, I thought of ways to somehow hide it. I came up with nothing. I cautiously walked out of the bathroom, towel covering my hickey just in case, and ran to the closet. Once inside,
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