American library books » Fiction » Renesmee by L.Perez (e manga reader TXT) 📕

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nodded quickly and walked to the bench. I sat and thought “Just relax, you have a while to think of something, just relax,” boy was I wrong. Aunt Alice walked in but right behind her was Aunt Rosalie. Oh my god! I forgot how to swallow and choked on my spit. Aunt Alice and Aunt Rosalie rushed to my side and bombarded me with questions but I couldn’t concentrate; I was so dead. Aunt Alice walked away toward Luna and I was faintly aware of Aunt Rosalie walking me to the seat next to Luna. As I walked by, Luna’s eyes caught me. The look in her eyes was ‘Oh shit’ just like mine. Aunt Alice looked at me and said “Renesmee, what’s wrong?” I tried to smile but couldn’t hold it so I just looked away and mumbled “Nothing.” Aunt Alice threw Aunt Rosalie a look but started on Luna’s hair. Luna’s long straight black hair was now large, luscious and wavy, not too curly but not too straight. Aunt Rosalie and Aunt Alice mumbled back and forth about Luna’s hair when Aunt Rosalie turned to me. “Renesmee, could you move your shirt? We want to be able to see your neck.” I swallowed loudly and said “S-sure,” and slowly folded the turtle neck while Aunt Rosalie’s attention was elsewhere. I threw my hair out and covered the hickey with my hand. My head was starting to swim and my heart wouldn’t slow, Aunt Alice and Aunt Rosalie were going to notice if I didn’t get better control of myself, so I breathed deeply and thought “What’s the worst that can happen?” and immediately regretted the thought. “Rose,” Aunt Alice chimed. Aunt Rosalie looked over and said “Yes Alice?” Aunt Alice put down the curling iron and said “I’m going to get started on Renesmee, could you help finish up?” Aunt Rosalie nodded and walked over to Luna. Luna’s eyes met mine once again but this time, there was nothing we could do. I closed my eyes and thought “I’m so done,” as Aunt Alice began to move my hair. Suddenly there was a noise, it wasn’t loud but it sounded like something flying, and whatever it was, it was going fast. Then just as suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my neck. I flinched and cursed; it hurt. Just as I cursed I heard Aunt Alice yell “Luna!” I looked over to Luna who winked at me. What? This was her brilliant idea? Aunt Alice and Aunt Rosalie whirled the chair around and I saw it in the reflection; purple and blue again but this time there was blood. I smiled inside; you couldn’t even tell there had been a hickey there! “Luna, what was that?” Aunt Alice asked demanded. Luna shrugged and looked at use with innocent eyes. “I was just playing with marbles and my finger slipped,” and looked over at me and said “Are you okay Nessie?” I wanted to laugh so instead I bit my lip and tried to hide my smile and just nodded. “Look at her neck now, all purple and blue,” Aunt Rosalie mumbled. Aunt Alice sighed and said “It’s alright, it’ll heal up enough by Friday so we’ll just cover it with make-up, lets continue.” Aunt Rosalie started on Luna again as Aunt Alice started on me. Anna was now slumped on the couch, fast asleep. I smiled. “Done,” Aunt Alice said. I looked up at her and said “Can I look?” Aunt Alice nodded and I turned to the mirror. My bronze hair was now in a beautifully graceful up-do. “It’s beautiful,” I said and turned to Aunt Alice. Aunt Alice smiled and said “I’m glad you like it, now let me go talk to your father.” I stared at her and said “Dad doesn’t know?” Aunt Alice smiled and said “He knows.” I shook my head and said “He’s so not gonna let me go now.” Aunt Rosalie looked at me and said “Don’t worry about it, well take care of it,” and smiled. I smiled and said nothing because if I’ve learned something since I was born, it was that whatever Aunt Alice and Aunt Rosalie planned always worked out. Aunt Alice grabbed Aunt Rosalie by the hand and pulled her out of the room and down the stairs. Luna and I stared at each other and then started to laugh. Luna walked over and patted my back. “See, told you I had a good idea.” I laughed and said “I thought it was gonna be something much more…creative,” and laughed some more. Luna chuckled and said “Well you’re free now.” I nodded and said “Thanks, now, I think we should take Anna home.” Luna looked over and said “Okay, let’s take her home.” I nodded and said “Hey wanna sleep over?” and giggled when Luna stuck her tongue out at me. But then Luna looked at me and said “Do you think I could stay over though?” I nodded and said “Of course, we’d love to have you over.” Luna turned away and left out of the room before I could ask why. Something was bothering Luna…and I was going to find out. I woke Anna up and then we went down where everyone said good-byes to Anna and then we were in my car driving down the black road. Anna and I, with some input from Luna, chatted lightly about Friday, school, and what not until Luna just stopped altogether. Something was really wrong and now I was anxious to get Anna out so I could talk to Luna. As we pulled away from Anna’s house, I broke the silence. “What’s wrong Luna? And don’t you dare say nothing because I’m not falling for it,” I said looking at her. Luna stared out of the windshield and said nothing for a bit but as time passed, she realized that I wasn’t giving up. Luna sighed and said “Ashton’s back…” “And?” I asked. Luna sighed and looked over at me and said “He slipped up again…” I swallowed back the bile that I felt rise. “When you say…he slipped up…” I whispered. I couldn’t even finish, it was just too horrible. Luna looked at me with pained eyes and slowly nodded. I looked away and out to the wet road as my stomach churned. Ashton killed someone. “He reeks of blood…” Luna whispered. I stopped in the drive way and turned to her. Luna hadn’t slipped up in a really long time but being around her brother and the scent of human blood was bound to mess that all up. “Luna, its okay, I’m sure you can stay as long as you want, as long as it’s okay with your parents.” Luna looked at me and said “Are you sure?” I smiled and leaned over to hug Luna and said “Of course, you’re always welcomed.” Luna hugged me back and said “We should probably go ask.” Everyone was glad to have Luna over and welcomed her with open arms. I ran upstairs to wash up as I smelt the all too familiar scent of Jacob. I noticed that everyone seemed to not hate the smell so much anymore. I quickly combed out the fancy hair-do and brushed my teeth. After I was done I ran out of the room and down the stairs, anxious to get to Jacob, when I slipped on the marble floor; this was going to hurt. I braced myself for the pain once my body hit the floor. Instead, warm arms snagged me mid-air. I opened my eyes and looked into midnight eyes. Jacob smiled at me; I smiled back. “Nice catch,” I said breathlessly. Jacob grinned, pulled me close and kissed me. I grabbed onto his shoulders and pushed myself right up to him, allowing no space to come between us. I felt his lips curve up at my enthusiasm and couldn’t help but smile back. His lips brushed my jaw and made me shiver. “I love you Renesmee,” Jacob whispered against my neck. I clutched him closer and brought his lips back to mine and kissed him so long, my head spun. He wrapped his long arms around my waist as I placed mine around his neck. I looked into Jacob’s eyes as our foreheads touched and wanted to be with him forever. Looking at Jacob made my knees weak and all I wanted to do was show him how much I loved him. Thinking this through, I wrapped my arms tighter and rested my head against his and whispered “I love you so much Jacob.” Jacob pulled back a bit and leaned in and very lightly kissed me on the lips. It was brief and very sweet and it showed how much he loved me. I smiled and thought of how I wanted to stay like this forever. But of course Luna was here. “Ahem,” Luna said loudly. Jacob and I laughed and turned toward her. Luna leaned against the wall, smiling. “Hey wolf boy,” Luna greeted. Jacob grinned and suddenly ducked down and kissed my cheek. I smiled and looked at Luna and said “So what are you gonna do all night?” As I spoke Jacob and I adjusted so that we were now holding hands. Luna sighed, walked over to the single sofa and plopped down. With a finger to her chin Luna said “Not really sure…I guess I could start on Mrs. Annoying’s homework.” I rolled my eyes and said “You should, you have nothing else to do.” Luna laughed and said “Especially since I punched the shit out of Phil,” and grinned at the memory. Jacob chuckled and said “Yeah, about that, how did it feel to punch him? I mean I would’ve loved too but I would’ve gotten arrested.” I slapped his shoulder and could see Grandpa Charlie arriving to arrest Jacob. Luna smiled, instantly animated and said “It felt wonderful. His perfect nose made the most delicious sound when it broke.” I stared at Luna and after a minute said “You’re fucking crazy Luna.” Luna and Jacob laughed and I of course had to join in. Aunt Rosalie walked in then and scrunched her nose. “I knew something smelt awful,” Aunt Rosalie said and very meaningfully looked at Jacob. Jacob chuckled and said “It’s nice to see you too Psycho.” Aunt Rosalie narrowed her eyes but looked at me and broke out into the most beautiful smile and said “Your Dad wants to see you.” I grimaced but said “Thanks Aunt Rosalie.” Aunt Rosalie flashed me a quick grin and disappeared into the kitchen. I took a deep breath and tugged on Jacob’s hand and said “Let’s go.” We met Dad out back. It turns out all Dad wanted to talk about to me about was College. After the College conversation, it was a school night so Jacob and I had to say good-bye. I watched Jacob walk away from the front door, my lips still tingling from kissing him. I sighed happily and skipped to my room where I went to the bathroom and stripped off my clothes. I took a fast shower feeling sleepy and quickly pulled on my pajamas. Then I dashed to the hallway and called out a quick goodnight to everyone and finally lay in my bed. I lay there and focused on relaxing my body and slowly slipped into unconsciousness. I woke up well rested and blissful. I took a quick shower and pulled on a white tank and blue cardigan and denim skinny jeans. “Good god Renesmee, I thought you were never going to shut the hell up,” Luna said as I came down to the kitchen table. I blushed but looked up at her. “What?” I asked, confused. Luna laughed; she found my face very funny. “Renesmee spoke while she was asleep?” Dad asked. Mom put down the book she had, curious. “What was she saying?” Mom asked Luna. Luna shrugged and ran a
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