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white and the floors are all wood or white carpet. “That’s it I think… oh and here.” He hands me a credit card “What do you think?”
“Wait, wait, wait. I can buy anything I want with this?” I say holding up the card.
“Yes, anything.” He responds
“There are some catalogues so you can get furniture.” He says pointing to a stack of catalogues on the counter. “The fridge is full and so is the pantry, all your stuff is in the TV room.” He turns to leave and stops mid-step. “Oh also you have your own line, like before the number is 555- 0137 and if you need us just push “one” on the phone and it will call down-stairs.”
“Ok, thanks.” I say back not sure what he said because I busy looking around the room. Once he is gone I skip over to the phone and dial Maya’s number.
“Hello” Maya’s happy voice comes through the phone
“Hey, its me! Guess what.”
“What? Did you get a bunny?” Yes!, Maya doesn’t seem mad at me.
“No! I didn’t get a bunny! They gave me a car and a apartment and a credit card!”
“Oh-my-gosh! That is so cool! So you can do what ever you want? You have total freedom?” Her questions seem dump to me but I answer them any way.
“Yes, it’s so cool!” I squeal into the phone. “You should come over!”
“Uh… Hello I’m in Connecticut and you’re in California.” She says back
“Uh… Hello! I can pay for a plane ticket for you and you can help me decorate and buy a new wardrobe! My dad said I can get what ever I want with this card!” I say waving the card around like she were here with me.
“That would be awesome, but I think you should ask your parents.”
“Fine, hold on.” I put her on hold a push “one” on the phone.
“Yes.” My father answers Yes! Dad answered not mom!
“Can I buy a plane ticket to fly Maya out here?”
“No, I’ll do it. When do you want her out here?” My dad’s answer surprises me
“Hold on.” I switch back to Maya “When do you want to come?”
“What? Oh let me ask my mother.” There is a moment of silence. “How ‘bout next week?”
“Sounds great! I’ll have the ticket mailed to you or something. Bye.” I hang up then switch back to my father. “Would next week be okay daddy? I ask
“Sure pumpkin. Oh do you need help unpacking?’
“Um, yes.” I answer biting my lower lip.
“Okay I’ll send up Keith and Lisa to help.” He says
“Who are they?” I ask but he has already hung up.

A few minutes later I hear some one knock on the door. That must be Keith and Lisa. I get up from the pile of clothes I’m sorting through. I throw the door open to reveal the hottest guy I have ever seen! Keith has dirty blond hair, gray eyes and strong looking arms. Oh my gosh! Look at those arms! Lisa is a short, shapeless girl with limp blond hair and flat brown eyes.
“Hi, I’m Bailey.” I say
“Hi” Lisa says looking past me into the apartment.
“Hey” Keith gives me a smile dazzling. “Your dad told us to help you unpack.”
“Um… yea. Come on in.” I say stepping aside “Lisa and Keith right?”
“Yup, that’s us.” Keith is sixteen I think and Lisa too, twins maybe.
“Um… why don’t you unpack my books and Lisa you can help me unpack my clothes. If that’s okay?”
“Yes, that’s fine” Lisa’s voice is soft.
“Cool! Follow me.” I lead them into the living room “Books are in those boxes.” I say pointing to two boxes on the floor. “I already took the clothes out of the boxes I just need to put them away.”

Two hours later we have completely unpacked my things and are enjoying ice cream on the deck.
“How old are you guys?” I ask.
“Um… we both turned sixteen last month.” Lisa answers me.
“Yup.” Keith answers this time.
“Cool I turned sixteen two weeks ago.” Then it becomes awkwardly silent and I struggle to think of something to say.
“Um… would you guys like to hang out tomorrow? I mean if you don’t have any one else to hang out with.” I say afraid they will say no.
“Well, I can hang out with you in the afternoon but you’re on your own tomorrow night because we’re going to a party.” Lisa answers
“Hey! Why don’t you come to the party with us?” Keith’s eyes light up when he says this.
“Cool, sounds fun.” I smile at him. Suddenly I imagine the two of use cuddling on the couch, watching a horror movie and eating popcorn.
“Well we should go, see you later” Lisa’s voice punches me out of my fantasy.
“Oh, okay, see you tomorrow.” We get up and head to the door, putting our bowls into the sink as we pass. “Oh and let me just give you my numbers. So here’s my cell and here is the apartment number.” I say handing Lisa a piece of paper.

It’s eight thirty and I’m already in bed! I’ve arranged all my things in my apartment and picked a few things out of the catalogs my dad left for me. I’m so bored! I look out the window above my bed and see Lisa walking down the beach with some ugly, orange haired guy. Even Lisa has a date! That’s totally unfair! I miss- just then my cell phone beeps, interrupting my thoughts. I pick it up and read the text.
Hey want to hang out? – Keith
I can’t help but giggle as I text him back
Me: Sure
Keith: K i’ll b at ur door in 5
Me: Cool
I jump out of bed and race to the dresser. Quickly I throw on a pair of jeans, a green tank top, and a white button up shirt, which I leave unbuttoned. Then I run a brush through my hair and swipe on some lip-gloss. I’m missing some thing! What am I missing? Keith knocks on the door startling me and I let out a scream.
“Calm down, it’s just me.” Keith says walking through the door.
“You startled me!” I throw a pillow at him. “What am I missing?” I ask standing with my arms at my sides, I do a quick spin.
“Shoes?” He responds giving me the “once-over”.
“Shoes! That’s it!” I grab my flip-flops. “So what are we doing?”
“Well… I was thinking we could take a walk down the beach, get to know each other, I could maybe show you around the neighborhood?”
“Sounds good to me.” I say.
“Good, let’s go.”
“Okay.” I can’t stop smiling.
“Shouldn’t you tell you parents?” He asks
“Oh, I guess, one second”
I walk to the phone and push “one” tapping my foot while I wait for them to answer.
“Yes?” my mother answers
“I’m going out. Ok?”
“Yes, why are you telling me this?” My mother seems pissed.
“Because you’re my mother and I thought you should know that I’m not home.” I answer her question.
“Well you don’t need to tell me.” She snaps.
“Ok, next time I won’t!” I snap back. Then slam the phone down, turning to Keith. “Ok, let’s go.”

We walk down Main Street talking and laughing. Mostly we’re just asking each other random questions.
“Do you drink coffee?” I ask laughing.
“Yes,” He laughs “yes I do.” He answers laughing.
“How? Black?” I ask.
“No, not black. I like it with milk.” He suddenly stops laughing “My turn.”
“Okay, shoot” I stop laughing too.
“Hold on I’m thinking” He stops walking. “Are you single?” His question surprises me.
“Well… as of two days ago… yes.” The memory makes my want to cry.
“What does that mean?” He is laughing again.
“It means that two days ago my three year boyfriend and I broke up.” I say wiping all the humor from his face. The tears come then and I hurry to wipe them away.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.” He is desperate to comfort me.
“No, it’s ok you didn’t know.” I pull a tissue out of my purse and wipe my eyes. “What about you? You single?” I try to get him to change the subject.
“I am.” Those are the most beautiful words I have ever heard!
“Really? I don’t believe you.”
“Oh? Why is that?”
“Well you are really nice, you’ve go a great ass and you seem really smart. So how could the girls resist you?” I say blushing.
“Yes, but I’m not fighting girls off with a stick.” He retorts
“You can fight me off with a stick.” I say looking down at the pavement, blushing.
“What if I don’t want to fight you off?” His question makes me blush deeper.
“Well I suppose you could ask me out.” I steal a quick look at him but he is looking at his hands.
“That does seem like a good idea.” He pauses “What are you doing tomorrow?”
I start laughing and can’t stop, but I some how manage to answer him. “Well I was going to hang out with your sister, Lisa and then I’m going to a party with you and Lisa.” I laugh again “You should have known that.”
“Oh yea,” He pauses looking up at me “we should hang out tomorrow before the party. Okay, this is what will happen tomorrow. First you will have breakfast with me, then you’ll hang out with Lisa, and then we’ll hang out at the party. Ok?”
“Sounds good to me.” I giggle. “It’s a date.”
He looks down at his watch, then I see sadness sweep over his face. “It’s almost eleven thirty I should get you home.”
“Oh… I guess.”

Ten minutes later we’re standing out side my door. Is this moving to quickly?
“I’ll see you tomorrow at eight for breakfast?” His question brings me back to reality.
“What? Oh, ya sure”
“Cool, I’ll see in the morning.” I say goodnight and watch him run down the stairs and out of sight.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock 7:40 What! Keith will be here in twenty minutes! I jump out of bed and race to the shower. When I get out I throw on a gray skirt, green T-shirt and some white flip-flops. I quickly comb my hair and brush my teeth (at the same time), then apply some lip gloss, eye shadow and blush. I look at my self in the hall mirror. Hmm… not bad. Grab my purse just as he knocks on the door.

“Hey, where are we going?” I say walking out the door.
“Hi, we going to a little place I know.”
“You know a place?” I ask.
“Hey, I grew up here. I know my way around.” He says smiling.
“Well at least I know we won’t get lost.” I smile up at him. “Let’s go.” I say pulling him down the stairs. We walk down the street laughing and telling funny stories about out lives. After ten minutes of walking Keith pulls me into a small coffee shop called “The Coffee Pot”. We head inside.
“This is so cute!” I say looking around the room. The walls are the color of melted toffee, pictures of the country side are scattered around between big wide windows. The floor is covered in deep, brown tiles. There are two green-brown couches and five tables. The west side
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