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Maya asks.
“Sunset Beach.” Megan answers looking up at Maya. We sit in silence again. Finally I push away my plate and watch as Maya and Megan follow.
“Ready to go?” I ask.
“Sure.” Maya mumbles.
A few minutes later Maya and I walk into my apartment, I head strait for my closet, dropping my bags on the way. Maya sits down on the couch letting out a huff of air.
“What’s wrong with you?” I ask.
“Whatever.” I don’t want her to get all grouchy so I change the subject. “What do you want to wear to the party?” I call from the closet.
“I don’t want to go.” She calls back.
“What? Why not?” I ask surprised.
“I just don’t want to, okay?”
“No. This morning you where all excited to meet new guys at this party.”
“So what? Are you going to make me go to the party? How you gunna do that?” She asks snottily.
“I’m going to tie you up with…” I say looking around for something I could us, “this scarf!” I wave a purple scarf at her, “Then I’ll have Keith help me carry you to the party.”
“I’ll scream.” She retorts a smile playing at her mouth.
“I’ll put a sock in you mouth, a dirty sock.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
“I bet you would.” I say throwing a flip-flop at her. “Now, I’m going to change. Please don’t break any thing.” I give her a pleading, then pick up my clothes and shut my bedroom door. I change into my new bikini, white shorts, and a red tee shirt. When I open my door Maya is sitting on the couch watching television. “Any thing good on?”
“So are you coming on your on will or do I have to force you?” I ask sitting down next to her.
“I’ll come on my on will.” She says turning away from the TV. “I want to meet new guys.” I smile stretches across her face and she busts out laughing. Just then some one knocks on the door and her smile disappears.
“Must be Keith.” I mumble, then pull open the door.
“Hey.” A grins spreads across Keith’s face when I open the door.
“Hi.” I step to the side letting him in.
“Are you guy ready to go?” He asks glancing at Maya still sitting on the couch.
“I have to the change.” Maya says jumping off the couch.
“Okay we’ll be waiting.” I say turning to Keith. He stands looking at me, then pulls me into his arms.
“I missed you today.” Keith mumbles into my hair.
“Hmmm” I push my face into his chest, taking in a breath I inhale his smell.
“Did you have a good time with Meg?”
“Yes.” I say my face still pushed against his chest. We stand in silence for a few more minutes, just holding each other. I feel some one poke my arm and I reluctantly turn away from Keith.
“Hi.” Maya says waving. She’s wearing a green mini skirt and a black sequined tank.
“Hi.” I mumble turning my back to Keith.
“Are we going to the party or what?” Maya’s voice is full of irritation.
“Okay, lets go.” Keith answers.

Fifteen minutes later we walk onto the beach. Maya disappears into the crowd as soon as our toes hit the sand. And I personally don’t miss her. Keith and I walk around the party for a few minutes holding hands. Until Keith pulls us to a stop and sits down in front of a huge fire, then he pulls me into his lap and starts to play with my hair. Megan comes over towing some guy with her, they sit down next to us.
“Hey, Meg. Hey, Jared” Keith greets them.
“Bailey this is Jared. Jared this is Bailey.” Megan introduces us.
“Hi.” I smile at Jared. He has short brown hair and green eyes.
“Nice to meet you.” Jared smiles back.
We talk for an hour till finally the fire burns out and people start to drift away. Keith and I say ‘bye to Meg and Jared but Keith and I stay sitting by the glowing ashes. I look around the few people that are left trying to find Maya.
“What?” Keith asks.
“ I can’t find Maya.”
“Oh well.” Keith says making me giggle. “Um… could I ask you a favor?”
“Yea, sure.”
“Get off my lap my legs went numb twenty minutes ago.”
“Oh, sure.” I climb of his lap, standing up and stretching.
“I didn’t say stand up.” Keith says pulling me on to the sand next to him. Before I know what’s happening Keith is kissing me. His lips are soft on mine and I can’t stop my self from twisting my fingers through his hair. Keith pulls back (too fast if you ask me) and I gasp for air. “I think it’s time to go home.” He says chuckling like I’ve just said some thing funny.
“Way to ruin a moment.” I mumble. Keith stands and then helps me up. As we start walking to my house I remember Maya. “Shit. Maya.” I hiss pulling out my cell.

“What?” She answers on the first ring.
“Where are you?”
“Non ya’ business.” She snaps.
“Well if it’s non my business then its non my business where you sleep tonight.” I snap back.
“What?” She’s so stupid I’m surprised she knows how to tie her shoes. I can’t help but think.
“Don’t come home tonight!” I clarify.
“Maybe I don’t want to come “home” at all?” She screams back.
“Then don’t.” I slap my phone shut, put it pack in my purse and wrap my arms around Keith’s waist. “Let’s go.”

We walk up the stairs to my apartment and I don’t hesitate when we get to the top.
“Do you want to come in and watch a movie or some thing?” I ask opening the door.
“Sure.” Throwing my purse on the floor by the door, I walk through the apartment turning on lights.
“I’m gunna put on my pajamas.” I head to my bedroom and throw on a pink T-shirt and yellow shorts. When I come back into the living room I hear popcorn popping in the kitchen. Keith must have heard my door open because his head pops through doorway. “What time do you have to leave?” I ask.
“I don’t know. My parents aren’t home” His head disappears back into the kitchen, I follow.
“You made popcorn?” I say reaching my hand into the bag.
“No, I’m making popcorn.” He says smacking away my hand. “It’s not done yet.”
“Okay?” I say questionably “Well I’ll be in the living room.” I grab two bottles of root beer and head into the living room.

A few minutes later Keith comes into the living room with a big bowl of popcorn.
“So what do you want to watch?” I ask as Keith sits down on the couch.
“I don’t know, something funny.”
“How about … The Invention of Lying?”
Half way through the movie I fall asleep, when I wake up sunlight is pouring through the window and I’m still on the couch. Sitting up I realize Keith’s still on the couch too. I get off the couch to stretch and Keith’s eyes fly open.
“Wow, what time is it?”
“Um…” I pause to look at my cell. “8:30” You wanna get some breakfast?”
“Sure, but could I take a shower first?”
“Oh, sure go ahead. It’s right in there.” I say pointing to the bathroom. “I’m gunna get dressed.” I go into my room and change into some blue jean shorts and a mint green blouse.

Twenty minutes later we’re walking toward The Coffee Pot.
“What do you want to do today?” Keith asks.
“I don’t know, what do you want to do?”
“Go to the beach?”
“What’s with you and the beach?” I ask.
“I like the beach.” He looks at me smiling “I won’t make you go into the water, I promise.” He says his face taking on a puppy-dog face.
“Fine.” I give in as we walk into The Coffee Pot.

Keith and I walk up to the counter, Jenny’s standing behind it. Today she chooses to ignore me all together.
“Your usual?” Jenny asks Keith before ether of us can say any thing.
“Yep.” He smiles and nods.
“Six twenty five.”
“Um excuse me.” I say waving my hand in front of her face. “I haven’t ordered yet.” She just smiles and ignores me. “I’ll have a plain bagel and a de-calf, mocha latte, with whip cream.” I say flatly. Still she ignores me, finally Keith gets aggravated.
“Jenny. I’m paying for her too.” His voice hard and cold.
“Fine. That will be twenty two ninety nine.” She over charges us, Keith pulls out two fives.
“Keep the change.” He says slapping the money down on the counter. I pick up our tray, carrying it over to the table we sat at last time.
“See? She doesn’t like me.” I say placing the tray on the table.
“Okay I see it now.” Keith says as we sit down.
“So what do you want to do today?” I ask, hoping he forgot about the beach.
“We’re going to the beach, remember?”
“I was hoping you forgot about that.”
“Forget the beach? Not likely!” He laughs.
“Well I need to get my bathing suit before we go.” I say frustrated.
“I have to get mine from my house so why don’t you just barrow one of Lisa’s?”
“Because I’m not the same size as Lisa and I have a totally different style.” I say imagining my self in a hideous frilly, orange and purple striped one piece.
“Come on! If we go to your house we walk eight extra blocks.”
“You need the exercise.”
“Hey!” He lifts up the bottom of his shirt revealing a sculpted six pack. “I surf every day I don’t need any more exercise.”
“Fine, but I’m not going to the beach without a bathing suit. Water or no water.” I imagine my self in the bathing suit again.
“Well there’s a shop on the way to my house…”
“Perfect!” I say not letting him finish.
“Good let’s go.” Keith gets up and grabs my hand.

A few minutes later Keith and I walk into a small shop called Sparkle. I pull Keith around the store occasionally picking up a bikini.
“Can you just pick one?” Keith whines.
“Okay how about this one?” I say picking up a frilly, green and red striped one. His grimace answers for him. In the end I choose a dark blue bikini that Keith and I both approve of.
“So how long are your parents going to be away?”
“Just till the end of the week.” Keith says pulling me against his side as we walk out of the store and towards his house.

Ten minutes later we walk up the stone path to Keith’s house. When we reach the door Keith pulls out is keys and pushes the door open.
“So I’m going to go put on my trunks and you can change in the bathroom right in there.” He says pointing to a door to the right of us.
“Okay.” I say.
Once in the bathroom I change into my bathing suit and brush my hair. After I change I sit on a red, velvet coach outside the bathroom door. When Keith comes down he’s wearing a pair of green swim trunks and a gray T-shirt.
“Are you ready
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