American library books Β» Fiction Β» Try and Trust; Or, Abner Holden's Bound Boy by Jr. Horatio Alger (best e books to read .TXT) πŸ“•

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connection with the mining company by which I lost my fortune.”

David Marston obeyed, and in a few words as possible unfolded the story. It is not necessary to repeat it here. Enough that it fully substantiated the charge which Ralph had brought against his early guardian.

When he had finished, Ralph said, β€œYou can judge what weight Marston's testimony would have before a court of justice, and whether it would help your commercial standing to have his story made public.”

β€œWhat is it you want of me?” said Mr. Stanton, sullenly.

β€œI want restitution, dollar for dollar, of my lost money. I will waive interest, though I might justly claim it. But, were it all paid, interest and principal, the wrong would not be redressed. You cannot restore the bride who would have been mine but for your villainy.”

β€œHow much time will you give me to pay this money?” asked the merchant, moodily.

β€œTen days.”

β€œIt is a short time.”

β€œIt must suffice. Do you agree?”

β€œI must.”

β€œBind yourself to that, and for ten days I leave you free.”

Satisfactory security was given that the engagement would be met, and Ralph Pendleton left the counting-room. But his countenance was scarcely more cheerful than that of the man he had conquered.

β€œI am rich,” he said to himself; β€œbut of what avail is it? Whom can I benefit with my wealth?”

This thought had scarcely crossed his mind when he came face to face with Herbert, walking with a sad and downcast face in the opposite direction.


Herbert left Mr. Godfrey's counting-room very much depressed in spirits. But an hour before he had rejoiced in his excellent prospects, and, depending on the favor of his employer and his own fidelity, had looked forward to a bright future. Now all was changed. He was dismissed from his situation in disgrace, suspected of a mean theft. He had, to be sure, the consciousness of innocence, and that was a great deal. He was not weighed down by the feeling of guilt, at least. Still his prospects were dark. Suppose the matter should not be cleared up, and he should still remain under suspicion? How could he hope to obtain another place without a recommendation from his late employer? No; he must resign all hope of a position and adopt some street occupation, such as selling papers or vending small articles in a basket, as he had seen boys of his own age doing. He did not doubt but that in some way he could get a living, but still he would be under suspicion, and that was hard to bear.

While these things were passing through his mind he walked down Broadway, with his eyes fixed upon the sidewalk. All at once he started to hear his name called, and, looking up, to his unbounded astonishment he saw before him Ralph the Ranger, whom he had supposed a thousand miles away in his cabin in the Ohio woods.

The sight of a friendly face was most welcome to him at such a time, and Ralph's face was friendly.

β€œRalph!” he exclaimed, seizing the Ranger's hand. β€œHow did you come here? When did you arrive? You are the last person I expected to see.”

β€œAnd you are the one I most wanted to see,” said Ralph, his tone unconsciously softened by his friendly interest in the boy before him.

β€œI can say the same, Ralph,” said Herbert, soberly, β€œfor I am in trouble.”

β€œIn trouble, boy? I am sorry for that. Is it money? I can get you out of that trouble.”

β€œIt is not that exactly, Ralph. If you will come into the City Hall Park and sit down on a bench with me I will tell you all about it.”

β€œInstead of that, let us go into the Astor House,” said Ralph. β€œIt is where I am stopping.”

β€œYou are stopping at the Astor House?” said Herbert, in momentary surprise. β€œPerhaps you do not know that there are cheaper hotels. Shall I direct you to one?”

β€œNo, Herbert, I am not poor, as you perhaps think. I suppose I should be called rich; but that I can explain afterwards. For the present your affairs require attention. Come in.”

They went up the steps of the Astor House, and Ralph led the way to his room, an apartment of good size and handsomely furnished.

β€œNow, Herbert, take a chair and tell me all,” he said.

To repeat Herbert's story here is unnecessary. Ralph listened with attention, and when it was concluded he said: β€œThe main thing is to account for the money in your possession. Do you think you should remember the policeman who aided you in recovering your money?”

β€œI am sure I should.”

β€œDid he know how much money you recovered?”

β€œYes, for he saw me count the bills.”

β€œThen we must seek him out and induce him to go with us to Mr. Godfrey's counting-room and give his testimony.”

β€œI never thought of that,” said Herbert, his face brightening. β€œWhen shall we go?”

β€œNow. I have nothing else to occupy me, and the sooner you are righted the better.”

They went out together, and made their way at once to the spot where Herbert had encountered Greenleaf. They had to wait but a brief time when the policeman came up.

β€œDo you remember me?” asked Herbert, going up to him.

β€œYes,” he replied; β€œyou are the boy that overhauled a thief the other day, and got back his money.”

β€œYou see, he remembers,” said Herbert, with satisfaction.

β€œMy friend,” said Ralph, β€œwhen will you be off duty?”

β€œIn half an hour,” said the policeman, in surprise.

β€œIn half an hour, then, I want you to go with me to this boys employer and repeat your story. The possession of the money has caused him to be suspected, and your evidence, confirming his own, will clear him of having obtained it improperly.”

β€œI will go,” said the officer, β€œand shall be glad to get him out of a scrape. It was all fair and above-board, and I'll say so cheerfully.”

At the end of the half hour the three made their way to Mr. Godfrey's place of business and entered together.

Mr. Godfrey marked their entrance with surprise, and looked inquiringly at Herbert.

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