Shadow-Land by Heather Parsons (best books to read for teens .txt) π

Excerpt from the book:
Losing both her parents to a senseless crime, Sierra Michaels escapes to the only place she believes can save her life. Only problem is the nightmares that caused the pain have resurfaced. Shadows formed in her world of light....
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- Author: Heather Parsons
Read book online Β«Shadow-Land by Heather Parsons (best books to read for teens .txt) πΒ». Author - Heather Parsons
get it over and done with all ready. She's not moving, she won't even fight back this time. They can have her and be done with it. Finish the job they started years ago. No one here would miss her. Heck they didn't miss her when she was gone before and this time would be no different.
The room shifted faster this time making her dizzy. Her stomach flipped a couple of times. At the far corner of the room is where she saw a bright light. The feeling she was getting off this bright light was peace and calmness. Reaching out for it, she tried to feel it's warmth. Only to fail again, letting her body slump to the floor.
The front door shattered into splinters of wood and someone ran in. "Sierra, Mon Cheri." His voice was light and calming. She turned to see who said this person was but couldn't see anything at all. The room was once again empty. Turning back to the light and seeing it too was gone. But the front door, it still was a splintering mess so she knew someone had come in. But who? And where did they go? A single tear rolled down her cheek but for some reason she felt as if she could face another day. Not only that but her heart that was once silent now beat again.
A few minutes later she walked out the front door and down the driveway. Never looking back at the house she used to call home. The last time she went to the cemetery was when she buried her parents but now she felt the need to go.
Turning left on foot in the direction of the old cemetery she walked through the iron gates and smiled. Her parents plot was on it's own piece of land but it stood tall for everyone to see. Walking up to the two grave stones, she brushed her hand across them, cleaning off the leaves. Then feeling the lettering in each one before sitting down. It's something she did the day the were buried. It brought her peace to do it now.
"Mom, Dad. I'm so sorry I haven't been by in a long time to visit. I miss you both terribly but I'm sure you know that. My life has turned upside down. I finally told Travis how I feel about him and we were together for awhile but things have changed. He doesn't remember who I am anymore. Everything we've been through has been erased from his memory because of me. I should have never crossed that line with him. I should have never allowed myself to fall in love with him. And Caedman my spirit tiger and protector is an amazing man but my heart is broken and I'm afraid to let anyone in. I can see the desire in his eyes for me but I'm scared. Should I forget about the past and live in the future? Should I let go of Travis? Release my heart to another?" She laughed a little knowing she'd never get the answers to these questions from a couple of grave stones. "Anyway enough about that. The house I know the two of you would love for me to live and make a home out of but I can't. There are to many memories in that house and every time I walk in there it's like a slap in the face. I'm going to pack everything up and sale it. I love you both and that house but it's not for me. This town holds it's own memories that make it hard for me to breath, my heart aches for the past but it's gone and I need to move on. I love you with all my heart and I will come back and visit but I also need to go home. To my house and figure out what I'm going to do about things there. I'll probably move out of that one too and find something new." She sighed then stood up. Rubbing her hand over the graves again and leaving. Taking in some deep breaths while she walked out of the cemetery and took a right to go back home.
The first thing she wanted to do when she made it back to the house was call the moving company. But looking at the spot where the phone had set, she couldn't. She walked into the living room and grabbed her purse. The cell phone was in there somewhere and she's sure it needs charging but while she's waiting for that. She can pack, get a head start.
Pulling the cell out she checked to see if there was a charge at all. But when the light didn't come on, she plugged it in. Watching the bar on the phone light up.
"Sierra have you been here this whole time?" Teri asked after stepping over the front door. Looking up from where she was and saw that Teri had tears in her eyes made Sierra's movement that more quick.
"Teri what happened?" She asked reaching out and grabbing her friend. Pulling out the chair, Sierra made sure she wouldn't fall before she took a seat herself. Holding Teri's hands for support, Sierra waited while Teri looked at the floor steadying herself.
"Travis came home last night. He called Tanya to talk to her and after wards he was real upset. I don't know what was said on the phone but whatever it was, made him angry. He left sometime during the night and no one has seen him since. Everyone is out looking for him but I thought I'd come by here and see if maybe he was here. Then finding your front door smashed to bits and you nowhere in sight. I thought something happened to you to. And then I saw the blood in the living room, I was scared." She said while her tears ran down her face. Sierra could see the fear in her face as she talked about him and finding the blood. Wait a minute, blood. What blood?
"Teri calm down, I think I know where he is. Come with me." Sierra pulled her arm and drug her outside. Teri's car was sitting in the front and for some reasons Sierra didn't see it there when she walked back home. Shrugging her shoulders to that thought, she climbed in the car and gave her directions. Teri drove faster than normal and it concerned Sierra. "Please don't drive so fast. Nothing's going to happen to him." She knew this because somehow she felt connected with him.
"I'm just worried and when I get this way, I tend to drive faster. Sierra are you sure he will be here?" Teri turned to look at her and doing this scared Sierra. Not only were they speeding down the road but she also wasn't looking where she was going either.
"Please, look where your going and yes I do believe we'll find him there." Sierra said glaring at her friend who was still looking at her. Sierra needed to make sure she'd turn back and look at the road. Fear of crashing wasn't an issue at all it was what happened after wards that bothered her. All the broken bones, loss of blood and the pain, that's what bothered her.
When she turned back to look at the road so did Sierra. Seeing that they were already on the highway and heading there made her heart flip. Travis would be shocked to say the least to see them and know that she knew he likes to come here to think. He had taken her here one time to do just that. But would he remember he'd done this or be mad because she knew about it. Taking a deep breath she pushed all the thoughts to the back of her mind. It didn't matter what she felt and believe it or not she had to keep on reminding herself of this. The only thing that mattered was finding him and him being safe.
Sierra looked up just in time to see that they had turned into the parking lot. The beach sat just within feet of where the car was now parked. Forcing herself to wait until Teri climbed out first. She didn't want to seem to anxious to see him.
"Sierra I'm going to go in that direction and you go in the other." Teri said while climbing out. Nodding to tell her she understood and slowly making her way through the sand and down the pathway. She looked in the opposite direction Teri had gone and in the distance saw him. He was sitting on the rocks, staring out at the water.
She didn't know what to do after she had seen him. Does she run up to him and hold him? Does she keep her distance and watch? Conflicting emotions ran through her and she couldn't make up my mind what to do. Taking a couple of steps in his direction she stopped and sat down. Staring off into the water herself and trying to come up with a good enough explanation as to how she would know he'd be here.
"Sierra what are you doing? Why are you just sitting here? Something could have happened to him and your just sitting here. Don't you love him enough to want to look for him?" Teri ran up to her when she saw her just sitting there. But when she mentioned love, Sierra broke eye contact with her and looked at him. Did she love him enough to still go through with her plan?
"Teri calm down. He's over there. Look on those rocks, he's sitting there not doing anything but thinking probably." Sierra pointed to where he was then took her hands and covered her face. Thinking she will never going to get through this. And just as if by cue the voice in her head answered that one with a simple no.
When she did finally look back up she saw was Teri making her way over to him. Seeing the agony on his face and the way they both were looking her way made her nervous. Should she have just told Teri where to find him and stayed at home? She watched as they hugged but his arms didn't hold her back. They were limp and dropped to his sides the minute she let go. Would he have acted the same way with her? 'Sierra stop it. What's done is done. It's over, he doesn't love you anymore.' She told myself. This reminder was a kick in the butt. As much as it hurt, it was true. That part of her life was over. She really needed to stop thinking about it and just move on.
Watching closer at their faces as they made there way back over to where she was. Teri was smiling but Travis looked sad and
The room shifted faster this time making her dizzy. Her stomach flipped a couple of times. At the far corner of the room is where she saw a bright light. The feeling she was getting off this bright light was peace and calmness. Reaching out for it, she tried to feel it's warmth. Only to fail again, letting her body slump to the floor.
The front door shattered into splinters of wood and someone ran in. "Sierra, Mon Cheri." His voice was light and calming. She turned to see who said this person was but couldn't see anything at all. The room was once again empty. Turning back to the light and seeing it too was gone. But the front door, it still was a splintering mess so she knew someone had come in. But who? And where did they go? A single tear rolled down her cheek but for some reason she felt as if she could face another day. Not only that but her heart that was once silent now beat again.
A few minutes later she walked out the front door and down the driveway. Never looking back at the house she used to call home. The last time she went to the cemetery was when she buried her parents but now she felt the need to go.
Turning left on foot in the direction of the old cemetery she walked through the iron gates and smiled. Her parents plot was on it's own piece of land but it stood tall for everyone to see. Walking up to the two grave stones, she brushed her hand across them, cleaning off the leaves. Then feeling the lettering in each one before sitting down. It's something she did the day the were buried. It brought her peace to do it now.
"Mom, Dad. I'm so sorry I haven't been by in a long time to visit. I miss you both terribly but I'm sure you know that. My life has turned upside down. I finally told Travis how I feel about him and we were together for awhile but things have changed. He doesn't remember who I am anymore. Everything we've been through has been erased from his memory because of me. I should have never crossed that line with him. I should have never allowed myself to fall in love with him. And Caedman my spirit tiger and protector is an amazing man but my heart is broken and I'm afraid to let anyone in. I can see the desire in his eyes for me but I'm scared. Should I forget about the past and live in the future? Should I let go of Travis? Release my heart to another?" She laughed a little knowing she'd never get the answers to these questions from a couple of grave stones. "Anyway enough about that. The house I know the two of you would love for me to live and make a home out of but I can't. There are to many memories in that house and every time I walk in there it's like a slap in the face. I'm going to pack everything up and sale it. I love you both and that house but it's not for me. This town holds it's own memories that make it hard for me to breath, my heart aches for the past but it's gone and I need to move on. I love you with all my heart and I will come back and visit but I also need to go home. To my house and figure out what I'm going to do about things there. I'll probably move out of that one too and find something new." She sighed then stood up. Rubbing her hand over the graves again and leaving. Taking in some deep breaths while she walked out of the cemetery and took a right to go back home.
The first thing she wanted to do when she made it back to the house was call the moving company. But looking at the spot where the phone had set, she couldn't. She walked into the living room and grabbed her purse. The cell phone was in there somewhere and she's sure it needs charging but while she's waiting for that. She can pack, get a head start.
Pulling the cell out she checked to see if there was a charge at all. But when the light didn't come on, she plugged it in. Watching the bar on the phone light up.
"Sierra have you been here this whole time?" Teri asked after stepping over the front door. Looking up from where she was and saw that Teri had tears in her eyes made Sierra's movement that more quick.
"Teri what happened?" She asked reaching out and grabbing her friend. Pulling out the chair, Sierra made sure she wouldn't fall before she took a seat herself. Holding Teri's hands for support, Sierra waited while Teri looked at the floor steadying herself.
"Travis came home last night. He called Tanya to talk to her and after wards he was real upset. I don't know what was said on the phone but whatever it was, made him angry. He left sometime during the night and no one has seen him since. Everyone is out looking for him but I thought I'd come by here and see if maybe he was here. Then finding your front door smashed to bits and you nowhere in sight. I thought something happened to you to. And then I saw the blood in the living room, I was scared." She said while her tears ran down her face. Sierra could see the fear in her face as she talked about him and finding the blood. Wait a minute, blood. What blood?
"Teri calm down, I think I know where he is. Come with me." Sierra pulled her arm and drug her outside. Teri's car was sitting in the front and for some reasons Sierra didn't see it there when she walked back home. Shrugging her shoulders to that thought, she climbed in the car and gave her directions. Teri drove faster than normal and it concerned Sierra. "Please don't drive so fast. Nothing's going to happen to him." She knew this because somehow she felt connected with him.
"I'm just worried and when I get this way, I tend to drive faster. Sierra are you sure he will be here?" Teri turned to look at her and doing this scared Sierra. Not only were they speeding down the road but she also wasn't looking where she was going either.
"Please, look where your going and yes I do believe we'll find him there." Sierra said glaring at her friend who was still looking at her. Sierra needed to make sure she'd turn back and look at the road. Fear of crashing wasn't an issue at all it was what happened after wards that bothered her. All the broken bones, loss of blood and the pain, that's what bothered her.
When she turned back to look at the road so did Sierra. Seeing that they were already on the highway and heading there made her heart flip. Travis would be shocked to say the least to see them and know that she knew he likes to come here to think. He had taken her here one time to do just that. But would he remember he'd done this or be mad because she knew about it. Taking a deep breath she pushed all the thoughts to the back of her mind. It didn't matter what she felt and believe it or not she had to keep on reminding herself of this. The only thing that mattered was finding him and him being safe.
Sierra looked up just in time to see that they had turned into the parking lot. The beach sat just within feet of where the car was now parked. Forcing herself to wait until Teri climbed out first. She didn't want to seem to anxious to see him.
"Sierra I'm going to go in that direction and you go in the other." Teri said while climbing out. Nodding to tell her she understood and slowly making her way through the sand and down the pathway. She looked in the opposite direction Teri had gone and in the distance saw him. He was sitting on the rocks, staring out at the water.
She didn't know what to do after she had seen him. Does she run up to him and hold him? Does she keep her distance and watch? Conflicting emotions ran through her and she couldn't make up my mind what to do. Taking a couple of steps in his direction she stopped and sat down. Staring off into the water herself and trying to come up with a good enough explanation as to how she would know he'd be here.
"Sierra what are you doing? Why are you just sitting here? Something could have happened to him and your just sitting here. Don't you love him enough to want to look for him?" Teri ran up to her when she saw her just sitting there. But when she mentioned love, Sierra broke eye contact with her and looked at him. Did she love him enough to still go through with her plan?
"Teri calm down. He's over there. Look on those rocks, he's sitting there not doing anything but thinking probably." Sierra pointed to where he was then took her hands and covered her face. Thinking she will never going to get through this. And just as if by cue the voice in her head answered that one with a simple no.
When she did finally look back up she saw was Teri making her way over to him. Seeing the agony on his face and the way they both were looking her way made her nervous. Should she have just told Teri where to find him and stayed at home? She watched as they hugged but his arms didn't hold her back. They were limp and dropped to his sides the minute she let go. Would he have acted the same way with her? 'Sierra stop it. What's done is done. It's over, he doesn't love you anymore.' She told myself. This reminder was a kick in the butt. As much as it hurt, it was true. That part of her life was over. She really needed to stop thinking about it and just move on.
Watching closer at their faces as they made there way back over to where she was. Teri was smiling but Travis looked sad and
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