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I ignored the scratch easily.


Good, Carter is waiting outside for you. Rex is in place. He said if you get lost find him in the white grass – we have a stock of clothes out there just in case. (Liam)


Was it me or was he laughing?

I don’t know I don’t do human – that’s you remember (my wolf)


I will see you soon Lucero, this I promise.


He didn't reply, Leo was asleep but I meant it even more. I could almost feel his cool breath on my shoulder. I took a deep breath before howling, we ran into the forest. As soon as we were in I could smell my brethren, I could almost feel their combined reaction to our entrance. I rubbed up against the only other female wolf – the one who asked about ‘Master Solomon’. I masked myself in all of their scents, even if I did have to get way to close to human blood for my liking. The wolves surrounding me started copying my howl, we were ‘free’ but I knew that each and every one of us could most certainly die today.


The answering howl was insanely loud, threatening yet oddly welcoming. It was like a sirens call, this was too dangerous for me. I need out. Now! I took such a deep breath I was scared that I’d suck on floor dust through my nostrils or something. That or my lungs would burst. I growled a warning to the man eaters around me but they bolted towards the howls. My father was at the front of the twenty so wolves running right at us. He took one sniff of the woman who ran up to him, pushing her face against hers and went to snap her neck. He only succeeded in injuring her before she bolted behind him. The opposite direction to me, the other two split off to the left which was fine with me I sprinted off to the right I couldn’t lead them back to the house. Under two minutes later I heard her wolfs screams, I have never heard anything as horrible. It was a blood curdling, ear popping, and tear jerking scream. Even more horrific, was that it was quickly masked.


The only sound that reached my ears was that of my assailants. Their heavy breathing was right on my heals, following my every footfall.


Could we run faster?


Maybe, I’m not sure but they won’t be able to keep up long.


True we’ve out ran them before.


I put on more speed, the trees were hard to see in the darkness but I easily avoided most. Even if it was only by seconds. I saw a flash of white fur right beside me in the underbrush, I ran faster. I saw a water source a little ahead of me and jumped in to wash myself free of scent, I leaped onto the other side and ran into some long white-ish grass. My legs felt wobbly but I knew I needed to run faster. I growled at my own self-pitying – I shouldn’t be moaning about wobbly legs I could die at any second. I was dragged down from behind I was so busy talking to myself I hadn’t heard them. I humongous white lion stood above me. I growled softly and butted my head on his shoulder as if to say get off please.


He shook his head awkwardly and nodded to his white paw which blended in the long whitish grass, then nodded to my paw. It was kind of a very noticeable auburn, crossed with almost orange, red and brown. I nodded and grimaced at the cut on my side, he looked closely at it and made a disgusted sound at the back of his throat. He bent his head forward and began to painfully clean and rid it of glass. I have to say, yes it is odd to have a full grown – white lion lick your side clean but what do I know. And a white one at that. Did I mention he’s white? Like main and all, normally you hear of white tigers not lions.


I shifted back to human when he was done, my clothes were a little torn, wet, mud and blood filled but they were decent. ‘Heavy’ I panted quietly, he quickly shifted his weight off of me handing me a pair of cargo shorts from a near rock in the grass. ‘I’m changed?’ I whispered, he just shot me a glare until I turned around saying ahh. There was a ripping and popping sound and then he was led their looking a little exhausted, he led still panting for a minuet eyes clothes. ‘Hey when was the last time you ate?’ I asked in a whisper, he shrugged painfully and moved his legs (not that I was looking) I handed him his cargo shorts before tiptoeing away.


I shifted easily and went in search of some food, I quickly found an apple tree. A few minutes away from the grass. I climbed it quickly and began picking apples, I didn’t really have time to check for nastiness. I was soon stopped by voices, ‘Yes boss, no I’m heading over there now – Luke said he saw something white moving in the grass, yhea maybe it was just his imagination… Radio silence, yes. Yes good… okay goodbye good luck Jase, have a good day Jase. Ungrateful jackass.’ He muttered as my farther hung up half way through their conversation.


‘Hey Jase’ I whispered, he closer to the tree looking confused. ‘Huh?’ He whispered as he found nothing, I jumped down behind him punching out just below the skull. I dragged him into the long grass and held the apples, I had dropped, in my tee-shirt – holding them up with the bottom of my tee-shirt. ‘Hey carter?’ I whispered worried. ‘Yhea?’ He muttered back annoyed, he had the shorts on now but didn’t look like he wanted to move. ‘Come on a guys coming this way, get up. Where else can we go that’s safe?’ I asked, he stood up slowly and walked over to where I stood dragging the man over. ‘Thought you said he was coming over?’ He asked half grinning. ‘He is I just happen to be dragging him, I was afraid you’d never get up.’ I whispered a little worried. He nodded and hid the guy in some thick grass. 'Come on I know an abandoned cave not too far.' He told me smiling. 'Of course it’s abandoned.' I muttered. 'Why?' He asked with a confused look. 'Cavemen aren’t alive, no one lives in caves anymore I hear they block Wifi.' I said with a quiet giggle. He put his hand over my mouth to quiet me and listened to the forest.

Chapter 12


Scared I looked straight into his beautiful, tired eyes. He shook his head and took my wrist in his hand, not wanting but having to touch me. Gently pulling me into a direction, I couldn’t see anything anymore. We must have walked for about an hour in the pitch black. ‘You know this land stupidly well.’ He hushed me with a look and continued forward, suddenly he let go of my wrist and I was left stumbling forward I knocked into his back and he turned back to glare at me. I held the back of his cargo jeans, his lower back was cool. He must be cold. He pulled across some crawler vines. It covered a little hole in a tree. I climbed through into a rocky surface, the air was slightly stale but okay. It was freezing though.


I sat down on the freezing ground, Carter dragged something into the cave. It made a low scuffing sound as it made its way across. ‘You just gonna sit there?’ He asked sounding amused. ‘Yep, want an apple?’ I asked. He came into my eye line, he was dragging a dusty bed spread over. ‘There’s only two blankets – If were ever stuck out here the guys either light a fire or shift there warmer that way. Neither of us is all that well dressed though. But if you don’t mind we can share.’ He sounded a little uncertain like he didn’t really want to but knew it was practical. I nodded before saying ‘yhea more practical I get it.’ He started to speak again before giving up, he led one of the blankets down and then the other over it, before lying down himself. ‘What are you doing?’ He asked after I had sat still for what felt like hours. ‘Thinking about my mother.’ I said, my dad had said something today that made perfect sense it made me just want to cry and never get up again. I shivered so hard, my mind was a barren waste land – I was freezing and my arse was numb. I stood up and slowly walked over to where he was lying.


‘Want to talk about it?’ He asked as I led down next to him, I rolled on my side looking at his relaxed state. He led with his arm under his head though he still looked cold. I shook my head but nodded after, I shrugged and sighed. ‘I-I don’t know. S-she saved someone a shifter, so she wasn’t a bad person but she left me. She knew he was a drunk, why did she leave?’ I asked sounding like an 8 year old instead of 18.


‘Why don’t you start at the beginning?’ He asked looking a little confused, I moved closer but lay on my back not wanting to look in his face. Sighing I began my tale. ‘It all started during a lovely day. The sun shone so brightly, I was only a little younger then I am now. I was playing the piano, my parents were doing a gross kissy scene. I believe he loved her once, my mother I mean before all this. They danced together, shadows rapping around one another like ying and yang. My music didn’t seem to even convey half of their love. I played with all my might but I would never be able to play what they felt there and then, right in that single most perfect moment. My brother came into the room smiling but blood spilt from his nose, soiling his clean white shirt. He was so small and precious. Moments later the pack doctor was here, they did so many scans but it was clear what it was. Only one thing can affect us. Cancer. He had mere months to live. His whole lungs were saturated with cancer cells.


My mother was so distraught, my farther didn’t believe it. He turned to drinking, so heavily I was sure he was going to get kidney cancer or something. Unfortunately he didn’t, no instead my mother tried to kill herself. Over and over again she opened her veins, she swallowed tablets, so many times I made her spit them up. I felt like I was the only one who could walk her off the edge of the cliffs edge, I was called from school so much – everyone was surprised I passed. A month later I thought she was getting, she even listened to me when I spoke,

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